Latin Americans Unite




A Portrait of Latin American Heroes

Sandino: An Anti-imperialist Heroe EL CHE:Anti-imperialist El Libertador Simon Bolivar


"When I feed the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist." - Dom Helder Camara, Archbishop of Recife

Us, Latin Americans, have the right to choose our destiny. We can and should not allow other nations to lead us into the 20th century, like dogs. The Union is tired of the imperialism that affects our countries. One day Latin America will have to decide its path. We can let ourselves be the puppets of world powers, or unite and defeat imperialism. The Union has decided to break the chains of imperialism and establish a confederacy of nations. Only united do we stand a chance against the industrialized nations of Europe and North America. We will not tolerate being third and second world nations anymore. We will not tolerate being cheap labor for industrialized nations, and the purchase of our national resources to be taken abroad. The time is now to unite. United we shall rule this planet. LATIN AMERICA ONE COUNTRY UNDER ONE PEOPLE.
This page is available in Spanish too, so all Latin America can feel our power.

Hasta la Victoria Siempre

Links to Those Who Dedicated Their Lives For Union and Liberation

  • Ejercito Zapatista Liberación Nacional

  • Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru

  • Sendero Luminoso

  • Ernesto "Che" Guevara (Español)

  • Ernesto "Che" Guevara (English)

  • Augusto Cesar Sandino(English and Spanish)

  • Simón Bolívar

  • Another Zapatista Page

  • Mayan Struggle for Human Rights

    Political enemies! Out of our lands!

  • Militant Gringos go home! IT IS YOU WHO MURDER OUR PEOPLE!


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    The Latin American Union would like to express its anger against the acts committed by President Fujimori, and his violation of human rights established by the United Nations. His decision, an act to gain political popularity, has cost the lives of innocent people and lead to the undemocratic killing of 12 extremists. Our regards go out to those who died by Fujimori's Fascist hand.

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    This Page Was Created on October 12, 1996