1. There are no rules
2. I am God
3. Grades don't tell how smart
you are
4. Low contrast colors should not
be used
5. Thou shall act crazy
6. All rule breakers will be sentanced
to death by snu-snu
7. Snu-snu is wild sex (refer to
rule #2)
8. Those who sit on cars comit
a crime
9. Crimes are punishable by death
by fu-fu
10. Fu-fu is gay anal raping by
a Canadian Monkey (refer to #5)
11. Use of computers is a crime
(refer to #9)
12. Refer to rule #2
13. All good-figured shall wear
revealing clothing
14. All others shall not! (refer
to #9)
15. Spelling doesn't matter (refer
16. Sports are for people who wish
they could be pilots (refer to #2)
17. Assholes shall suffer death
by fu-fu (refer to #4)
18. You must sign my guest book!
(refer to #9)
246. You need not count in order.
353.56. Don't forget rule #1 and
#2 apply!!!