It was the year of fire...the year of destruction...
the year we took back what was ours...
It was the year of rebirth...
the year of great sadness...
The year of pain...
and the year of joy.
It was a new age.
It was the end of history.
It was the year everything changed.
The year is 2261.
The place: Babylon 5.-Lennier, Zack, G'kar, Lyta, Vir, Marcus, Delenn, Londo, Franklin, Ivanova, Garibaldi, Sheridan
Babylon 5 News and Stuff
JMS says:
quote from a newsgroup sig. "The universe considers me its personal
cat toy. Do you have ANY idea what it's like to go through life covered
in cosmic cat spit?" JMS IRC 1/22/97
JMS confirmed 2 TNT movies. The first movie, "Last of the Fallen", is
the prequel to the Babylon Project set during the Earth/Minbari War. He
said he is going to frame the story with Londo telling the story to some
kids on Centauri Prime when he is old and the Emperor (in 2275). If you
remember, Londo does the intro on the Pilot and having him tell the prequel
makes a nice lead in to the series. The 2nd movie, "Guardians", is a lead-in
to the spin-off series, The Babylon Project: Crusade. Both will be filmed
beginning in June of 1997.
Classic Babylon 5 Lines
"This is how the world ends. Swallowed in fire, but not in darkness. You will live on. The voice of all our ancestors, the voice of our fathers and our mothers to the last generation. We created the world we think you would have wished for us, and now we leave the cradle for the last time."
Lochley (refering to Garibaldi): "I just never thought I'd never meet a second man as strong willed, stubborn, and annoying as I am. My cup runneth over."
Lennier: "Your partner, he's well?"
Delenn:" My husband. Yes, he's...uh, he's very well. Right now he's
hosting a cocktail party for ah...Rebo and Zooty. Later tonight we are
having dinner with them."
Lennier:" Rebo and Zooty are here? Zoot, zoot? This is truly a day
of wonders. "
Byron: "It was the Vorlons."
Lyta: "Yes"
Byron: "They created telepaths on a hundred worlds. Interfered with
their genetic development. Took people from their homeworlds and adjusted
them over the course of the centuries."
Lyta: "Yes."
Byron: "Because they needed telepaths in their war against the Shadows.
Needed us as cannon fodder."
Lyta:" Yes."
Byron: "We would be normal. We would have lives! We would be able to
walk and live and work with normals without fear of persecution if the
Vorlons had not interfered with our normal development. We were made for
their benefit, to save them. We were told that our abilities were our gift
and our curse, and that we were somehow responsible for it. But we're not.
We're not!"
Londo: "Do you know what this is, hmm? No, I can see you do not. You have that vacant look in your eyes that says 'hold my head to your ear, you'll hear the sea'. This is Brivari. Very old Brivari. Very expensive Brivari. Do you understand Brivari, hmm? It is a delicate drink and the flavor is extremely fragile. It must be kept at a constant temperature at all times. If you were to impound it and stick it in a hot little room, in a matter of hours the flavor would bleed away and vanish like the synapses in your brain!"
Vir: "I don't believe this. What is it with this place? I mean last week someone tries to assassinate Sheridan, now someone tries to poison Londo. What is wrong with you people!? Don't you have anything better to do!? Get a hobbies, read a book...or something!"
Londo: "That's not true."
G'Kar: "Then prove it. Just a word, Mollari...that's all it takes."
Londo: "I've never apologized for anything in my life."
G'Kar: "Yes, so I see. It's your life, Mollari. Make of it what you
Londo: "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry... I'm sorry!"
Sheridan: "You come all the way out here just to depress me?"
Garibaldi: "No. I can do that any time. I had a couple ideas I wanted
to run by you, but you got enough to think about. It can wait."
Sheridan: "Will it depress me?"
Garibaldi: "Probably."
Sheridan: "I can just hear Londo now." (with Londo's accent) "I imagine
you are finding your Principles most inconvenient now, yes?"
Delenn: "He went on for a bit longer, but that was the sense of it."
Ivanova: "This is the White Star fleet. Negative on the surrender. We
will not stand down."
EA Commander: "Who is this? Identify yourself."
Ivanova: "Who am I? I am Susan Ivanova, commander, daughter of Andrei
and Sophie Ivanov. I am the right hand of vengeance, and the boot that
is going to kick your sorry ass all the way back to Earth, sweetheart!
I am death incarnate, and the last living thing that you will ever see!
God sent me!!!"
Ivanova (speaking of Marcus after his death): "Maybe, but, maybe I should
have tried just one more time. I could have done that for him. Now I can't.
At least I should have boffed him just once."
Franklin: "Boffed? Did you just say boffed?"
Ivanova: "It's the type of thing he would have said. I mean, hell,
it's not like I was doing anything else."
Franklin: "Well, I guess that's one way to deal with unrequited love."
Ivanova: "All love is unrequited, Stephen. All of it."
Sheridan: "Death! Been there, done that!"
Londo: "Perhaps it was something I said."
G'Kar: "Perhaps it is everything you say."
Ivanova: "We carved the way for you, John, all the way to Mars. No ambushes...."
Delenn: "We should go. Marcus will stay with her."
Ivanova: "They won't tell me the truth. You're my friend, John, Tell
me the truth. I'm not going to make it, am I?"
John: "No....They say the damage is....I'm sorry, Susan."
Ivanova: "It's OK. You've carried so much guilt around in your life.
Don't carry any more for me, or I'm gonna come back and kick your ass.
(John smiles) How long..."
Delenn: "The doctors say they can promise only a few days, perhaps
a week."
Ivanova: "See, it's not so bad. (Tears stream down Marcus' face) John,
do something for me?"
John: "Anything. What is it?"
Ivanova: "It's not what, it's where...."
(Later on the Agamemnon)
John: "A friend asked me to command the last battle from here."
Londo: "Politically, it is very wise."
G'Kar: "Morally, it is even wiser."
Vir: "Politics and morality. On the same side? That doesn't happen
every day, Delenn."
Delenn: "If someone doesn't begin making sense here, I'm going to be
most annoyed."
Vir:"Londo, are you deliberately trying to drive me insane?"
Londo:"The universe is already mad, anything else would be redundant."
Delenn:"So you support a system that would leave everyone blind and
Garibaldi;"Not everyone. Just the bad guys."
Delenn - "Abso-fragging-lutely, dammit."
Londo - "This is like being nibbled to death, pah! What are
those Earth creatures called...feathers, long bill, webbed feet, go 'quack'?"
Vir - "Cats."
Londo - "Yes, cats. I am being nibbled to death by cats."
Sinclair: "Ready?"
Delenn: "Why do humans always ask you if you are ready, just before
doing something foolhardy?"
Sinclair responds: "Tradition."
Delenn: "This is ambassdor Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is now under
our protection. Withdraw or be destroyed."
Earth Alliance Captian: " We have juristiction here don't force us
to engage your ships."
Delenn: "Why not? Only one human captian has ever defeated the Minbari
fleet. He is behind me. You are in front. If you value your lives, be some
were else."
Ivonnova: "I have been nothing but compassionate and understanding. I mean, all you had to do was to admit you were wrong and I was right and everything would've been fine."
Zathras: "Time?? There is infinite time. You are finite. Zathras is finite. This is wrong tool. No. No. Not right. Never use this"
Ivonova (about Bester):" Can't we just wound him a little?"
Delenn - "What we've got to do now is make sure we do it then."
Ivanova: "Is there anything you need, Captian?"
Sheridan: "Yes! A stiff drink, a gun, and two bullets!"
Garabaldi: "What kind of security officer would I be if I let myself know things I am not supposed to know?"
Ivanova: "When the day comes that something happens on this station that I don't know about---- THEN WORRY!"
Morden - "What do you want?"
Vir - "I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut
off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to future generations
that some favors come with too high a price. I want to look up into your
lifeless eyes and wave, like this." (Vir does a little wave) "Can you and
your associates arrange that for me Mr. Morden?"
Franklin: "If this is how he's going to be after Delenn has been gone for three days, I don't even want to know what he's going to be like after another week."
Sheridan (to Zack): "If you're going to wait for the Universe to start making sense, you'll have a long wait ahead of you."
Morden - "Anything I can do to help?"
Vir - "Umm, short of dying? No, can't think of a thing."
Garibaldi - "Will somebody please fix this thing before I go out of my mind."
Lyta: "Captain?"
Sheridan: "Hmmm?"
Lyta: "They're pissed!!"
Londo: "You will have more respect, earn more money, women may even come to find you time."
Sinclair - "We'll be like Butch and Sundance, Lewis and Clark. Lucy
and Ethel."
Sheridan (says something inbetween) - "Lucy and Ethel?"
Ivanova - "Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And, if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out!"
Londo: "Only an idiot would fight a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts."
Jack: "Lyta had a little Vorlon. Her skin was pale as snow. Everywhere that Lyta went, the Vorlon was sure to go."
Ivanova: "....the truth is back in business."
Smuggler: "You even willing to forget about that thing with Garibaldi?"
Ivanova: "You didn't know that stuff was going to make his hair fall
out. You had no idea what was in that bottle. That's my story and I'm sticking
to it."
Smuggler 2: "You seein' anyone?"
Vorlon: "Kosh."
Sheridan: "Ah, yes, I understand that's how we're to refer to you publicly,
but uh, privately?"
Vorlon: "Kosh."
Ivanova: "Ambassador... Kosh is dead."
Vorlon: "We are all Kosh."
Sheridan: "He's a Vorlon alright."
Ivanova: "Yep."
Marcus: "Broken hearts? Sorry. Fresh out. We've just had a run on those..."
Londo: "If you see something brown, about this big, with eight legs...let me know. I must kill it before it develops language skills."
Londo, to Vir: "What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy?"
Marcus - "You see? It's like I've always can get more with a kind word and a two by four than you can with just a kind word."
Ivanova: "(something in Minbari) ::subtitles:: 'Brickbat lingerie.'"
Ivanova: "Good luck captain, I think you're about to go where everyone has gone before."
Garibaldi: "Zack, show these folks the missionary, uh...'position.'"
Londo: "Yes, and you can kiss my plump Centauri..."
G'kar: "As the humans say, 'Up yours, die!'"
Londo: "Go be the ambassador to Babylon 5 they say, it will be an easy
assignment. {sigh} I hate my life."
G'kar: "So do I."
Londo: "Shut UP!!!"
G'kar: "In another place I would have you skinned alive for saying that."
Sinclair: "You want me, you know where to find me."
Londo: "Oh no, she had a voice that could curdle fresh milk! 'Lond-ooo?!' Yes dear? 'Londo?!' (clap clap) Coming my darling! (laughs) I'll be right there my little love bug!"
Sheridan: "Mr. Bester?"
Bester: "Captain Sheridan?"
Sheridan: (looking very annoyed) "Get the hell outta my chair!"
Lennier:"I'm here Delenn. I won't leave you."
Delenn: "No matter what?"
Lennier: "No matter what."
(Londo is complaining to Sheridan that his quarters are too cold)
Londo: "I don't mean, 'Oh, it's a bit chilly, perhaps I should throw
a blanket on the bed.' No, I said it was COLD, as in, 'Oh, look, my left
arm has snapped off like an icicle and shattered on the floor!' This is
highly inappropriate Captain."
Sheridan:(nonplussed) "You're right. There are other parts of your
body I'd much rather see snapped off...."
Sheridan: "Hey. Thank you for coming along. You know, spending five
minutes with Bester would try the patience of a saint. But being stuck
with him on a ship is above and beyond the call of duty."
Delenn: (smiles) "It's not a burden. It will give us some time together.
That can never be a bad thing."
Sheridan: "I know, I know. It's just that we never seem to get a break.
I figured, the war is over, we won. We should get a few days off before
the next big crisis. But it never seems to work out that way.
Delenn: "No. You wouldn't have it any other way."
Sheridan: "I beg your pardon?"
Delenn: "You're a problem solver. You are one of those people that
would pick up a rope that has gotten all tangled up and spend am entire
day untangling it. Because it's a challenge, because it defies your sense
of order in the universe and because you can. Sometimes I try to picture
you on a beach with absolutely nothing to do."
Sheridan: "And?"
Delenn:"And the picture always ends with your head imploding."
Sheridan: "You haven't known me this long to know me so well."
Bester: "The Corps is mother, the Corps is father."
Lyta: "In that case Mr. Bester, I'm an orphan."
Ivanova: "Commander?"
Sinclair: "Yes Lt. Commander?"
Ivanova: "I think I have to go to the bathroom."
Sinclair: "Tell me about it."
Londo: "But if you did find something of value down there, would you
tell me?"
Sinclair: "No."
Londo: "Just making sure we know where we stand!"
Ivanova: "Lennier, get us the hell outta here!!"
Lennier: "Initiating 'getting the hell out of here' maneuver!"
(Marcus goes to the bar to try and get some information that will help
them find Delenn, but noone seems willing to help. He then proceedes to
"pursuade" the guys on the bar. Within five minutes everyone is on lying
on the floor.)
MARCUS:"Oh bugger. Now I'll have to wait for someone to wake up." (later
Lennier shows up admires Marcus'"handiwork")
Lennier:"I see they trained you well back home."
Marcus:" Yes, always said I was carrying around a lot of repressed
Lennier:"And now?"
Marcus:"I don't think I'm repressed anymore"
Lennier (to members of the Religious Caste): "If I would have told her
the whole truth it would have destroyed her belief in the strength and
the wisdom of our caste. Delenn does not walk in the same world that you
and I walk in. She does not see the same world that you and I see. In her
world, we are better than we are. We care more than we care. We act towards
each other with compassion. I much prefer her world to that of my own and
I will not allow anything to threaten that."
Minbari: "I understand. Thank you, Lennier."
Lennier: "Do not thank me. I did it for her, I did not do it for you.
In the future I would suggest that you try and see the world through her
eyes sometime. It might lead you to make fewer fatal mistakes."
G'Kar:"There is a greater darkness than the one we fight: it is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope - the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition to be born, and moments of revelation. No-one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us; we know only that it is always born in pain."
Garibaldi: "Okay. It's morning. You're getting ready to go to work.
You pull on your pants. Do you fasten and then zip or zip and then fasten?"
Sinclair: "What kind of question is that? Why do you want to know?"
Garibaldi: "Why do I want to know? Because I think of these things
sometimes. I was getting dressed this morning, for a second, I couldn't
remember which I did first. I started thinking about it: does everybody
do it the same way? Is it a left-handed, right-handed thing?"
Sinclair: "You think about this stuff a lot?"
Garibaldi: "Yeah. Look, okay, I'm sorry I asked. You're always so serious
all the time. Not every conversation has to be the end of the world as
we know it."
Sinclair: "I didn't mean..."
Garibaldi: "No, forget it."
Sinclair: "Fasten, then zip. You?"
Garibaldi: "Fasten-zip. Want to talk socks?"
Sinclair: "No."
Garibaldi: "Just a question."
Sinclair: "I'm not having this conversation."
Sinclair to Ivanova: "Good morning Lt. Commander"
Ivanova: "Morning"
Garibaldi to Ivanaova: "Nothing personal, but you look like hell."
Ivanova: "I know, I know. CNC woke me up an hour early. They're picking
up some unusual tachion emmisions in sector 14. It looks pretty routine
but I authorized Delta 7 to go check it out just in case"
Garibaldi: "Sector 14, that's a pretty long haul in normal space."
Ivanova: "3 hours. They should be there fairly soon."
Ivanova puts her hand over her mouth and yawns
Ivanova:" God! I hate mornings!"
Sinclair: "We noticed. Personally, I find it the best part of the day."
Garibaldi: "Ah, me too!"
Ivanova: "We all have our cross to bear."
Ivanova drops her head on her hand
Sinclair: "The time I learned to really appreciate mornings was during
the 3 years I spent being taught by Jesuits. We used to get up at 5 o'clock
every morning for sunrise mass. Then an hour of meditation before class.
We would sit....."
Sinclair's voice goes soft
Sinclair:" peace....."
Sinclair:".....Breathing in.......Breathing out......"
Sinclair:..Breathing in.......Breathing out......"
Ivanova falls asleep
Sinclair:".....Breathing in.......Breathing out......"
Sinclair winks at Garibaldi. Garibaldi promptly exchanges the breakfast
dishes with empty ones. Then slams one dish down on the table
Garibaldi: "Well!"
Ivanova wakes up "What!"
Garibaldi: "Oh that was great! Boy, just hit the spot! Garibaldi looks
at Sinclair's plate. I see you've cleaned up your plate too. Guess I'd
better be going."
Sinclair: "Me too. It's nearly 7:30."
Ivanova: "7?...7:30?...I....I didn't even....I slept through breakfast....this
isn't fair....its..".
Sinclair: "Something Lt.Commander?"
Ivanova: "No! Nothing! I'm fine! I'm fine. You'll have to excuse me."
Ivanova activates her link"CNC, this is Ivanova, I realize that I'm late,
but I'm on my way."
Ivanova runs out of the dining area.
Garibaldi puts the food back
Sinclair to Garibaldi: "I'll notify your next of kin."
Garibaldi:" 4.......3.......2.......1"
Ivanova:"AH!! GARIBALDI!!! You're a dead man!!!!!" Garibaldi smiles
and proceeds to stuff his face
Ivanova: "Zathras! What the hell are you doing here?"
Zathras: "Zathras work here. Zathras was born here. You work up there,
Zathras work down here. You dress like that, Zathras dress like this."
Ivanova: "That's not-"
Zathras: "Just covering all possibilities. Zathras does not want you
being confused. (taps Ivanova on the head) Bye."
Ivanova: "Wait a minute. You're not supposed to be here. We left you
a thousand years in the past."
Zathras: "No, we have never met before. But Zathras very pleased to
be meeting you."
Ivanova: "We *have* met."
Zathras: "No. (Zathras begins to laugh with realization) No, no, no!
You did not meet Zathras. You met *Zathras*."
Ivanova: "Let's try this again."
Zathras: "As you wish."
Ivanova: "Zathras came with us to Babylon Four."
Zathras: "Yes."
Ivanova: "Zathras stayed in the past with Valen."
Zathras: "Yes."
Ivanova: "You're Zathras."
Zathras: "Yes."
Ivanova: "Therefore you went into the past."
Zathras: "No. That was not Zathras, that was Zathras. There are ten
of us, all of family Zathras. Each one named Zathras. Slight differences
in how you pronounce. Zathras. Zathras. Zathras. You are seeing now?"
Ivanova: "There are ten of you?"
Zathras: "Yes! Ah well, nine now."
Ivanova:" And Zathras?"
Zathras: "Gone. Zathras warn Zathras but Zathras never listen to Zathras.
Zathras was quiet one in family. SO! What can Zathras be doing for you?"
Ivanova: "I'm trying to put together a facility to broadcast messages
back home and to the other colonies. We've got all of the pieces we need
Zathras: "But not having enough power to reach far places! Yes, Zathras
understand. Everyone always coming to Zathras with problems. Big responsibility
but Zathras does not mind. Zathras trained in crisis management."
Ivanova: "That's great, but-"
Zathras: "But only Zathras have no one to talk to. No one manages poor
Zathras. You see, so Zathras talks to dirt. Or to walls or talks to ceilings.
But dirt is closer. Dirt is used to everyone walking on it. Just like Zathras.
But we have come to like it. It is our role. It is our destiny in the Universe.
So, you see, sometimes dirt has insects in it. And Zathras likes insects.
Not so good for conversation, but much protein for diet. Very good. Zathras
fix now, come this way."
Ivanova (loudly): "Oy!"
Garibaldi: "Ya know, it just occurred to me that since you were on the
other side during the civil war back home you might feel some...I don't
know...obligation to help replace some of the fighters we lost during the
Lochley: "Who said I was on the other side?"
Garibaldi:" Well, I certainly didn't hear your name mentioned by anyone
on our side."
Zack: "Does anybody else think this food tastes funny?"
Lochley: "So you think there are only two sides to any argument?"
Zack: "I think it's saffron. I hate saffron".
Garibaldi: "In this case -- yeah. Now there have been a lot of rumors
about you since you got on board this station, Captain. Maybe everyone
is afraid to ask. I don't have that problem. You see, I don't work for
you. I answer only to Sheridan. So I want to know, just for me, which side
were you on?"
Lochley: "Ok, you're right. I wasn't on your side. I was on the side
that says it's not the role of the military to set policy or depose presidents
or fire on our own ships. We follow orders until one comes along that violates
our conscience. Then we have to decide whether or not to follow it and
take the consequences. Maybe you'll be proven right. Maybe they'll stick
you in front of a firing squad, but your decision affects only you. You
can take a stand without destroying the chain of command."
Garibaldi: "And did you? Did you take a stand?"
Lochley: "Well, now, that's none of your concern, Mr. Garibaldi. You
asked me if I took up arms against my own government. The answer is no.
My job is to protect the men and woman that serve under my command and
I will perform that job with every last breath I've got, 'cause I owe them
nothing less."
Garibaldi: "And the hell with the rest of the world."
Lochley: "Well, there you've got me at a disadvantage, Mr. Garibaldi.
You see, I don't know what's best for the whole world. I don't understand
the ethical structure of the universe, and I sure as hell don't think it's
my place to tear up the constitution I swore an oath to protect. I am a
soldier, Mr. Garibaldi, and as such, my vocabulary is rather limited. I
really only understand three words: loyalty, duty, honor. If I did it your
way, one of those would have to go. Then the other two would become meaningless,
just like this conversation."
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