ACU The coolest place to go to school! :) Lots of pictures and other cool stuff like that!

Coming soon! Reality shows: what I think about them now from a behind-the-scenes perspective and tips on how to be noticed on your application tape (trust me, I've learned a few things here!)

College Life Links and things I've recently discovered about college that I didn't know before I came.

Summer 1998 Probably the best summer of my life! I went to Brazil on a missions trip with Teen Missions Int'l. Pictures and the story.

Newsies This is probably my all-time favorite movie. It's been called a "clandestine cult favorite". Come read all about the movie and the true story.

O-Town OK, I really liked the first season of Making The Band back in Spring/Summer 2000. O-Town is the name of the band formed on the show. This page is mostly about the show Making The Band, rather than the group itself!

BCS Bracken Christian School This is where I went in middle/high school, and I haven't updated this page since I went there! But it has pics and info on stuff back then!

Movies This page needs a little work. Soon to have movie reports that I did in Film Appreciation class.

E-mail me: Raneydae@hotmail.com Sign/Read Guestbook

Who am I? And why did I decide to make a website anyways?
2/27/03 - Ok, I first discovered that you can create a personal web page, oh, 5 years ago. That was a long time ago, 1 year of high school and four years of college - that's how long ago!
I've played with this little site thing throughout those 5 years, occasionally adding pages and stuff. But honestly, I'd forgotten about this site for the past year and a half...and, just today, on a whim, I decided to come visit and see what I had posted up about myself. and you know what I realized? I am the HUGEST dork!!! mind you, I have grown up (a lot) since I first stated this site, but who posts a site about themselves, anyways??? I have a mind to delete this whole thing, but part of me says to keep it, for nostalgia sake and all. So, I'm leaving it, but I still real retarded! i'm not this same person anymore!!! (not that anyone is even reading this of course - cause who visits random sites about random people! :))

I'd really appreciate hearing from any visitors and I'll listen to any suggestions or anything. If you get a chance, please sign my guestbook.

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last updated: 3/3/02

This site is owned and maintained by:
Ronni Gregoire