~ Welcome To My Aquarius Page ~

Disclaimer - All of the astrology information contained in this site came from Astrology by Eugenia Last and several other astrological web sites that I found at Easyscopes.

I am not an astrologer and have put this page together purely for enjoyment. I wanted others born on January 29th to learn a little about what type of person they are supposed to be and to see if the descriptions really match their personalities.

~ What Aquarian's Are Really Like ~

Aquarius, the progressive, innovative and inventive. You have an eccentric temperament and show great determination and stubborness. You like to operate as an equal among equals. You often have friends of both sexes and your pursuits are usually more intellectual than physical.

You take your work very seriously and although you appear to be calm, you are nervous and apprehensive. You do your best work with others, however you are not dependent on your environment for security. You do like material possessions but you are seldom greedy. Your emotions are refined by intelligence and discrimination. You tend to have an odd domestic life and often break away from family ties.

Aquarians are the born eccentrics of the zodiac. Born under the influence of the planet of change, Uranus, Aquarians live in the future. They are intellectually independent and tend to have little patience with those who either wish to make them conform, or simply don't understand their radical ideas. Aquarians frequently argue for the sake of intellectual exercise, though if they have an opinion, they will defend it staunchly to the point where they will simply ignore the opposing arguments.

This is not to say Aquarians are anti-social. Quite the opposite. Aquarians hold brotherhood and fraternity nearly as important as intellectual ideas, and constantly crave the stimulation of people. They are humanitarians and their thoughts constantly delve into the welfare of mankind. They are dreamers and idealists and often come up with schemes to save the world. All of this dreaming takes its toll, though, and many an Aquarian has known the sting of disillusionment with the real world.

Aquarians tend to spend so much time in the clouds that often they are perceived as aloof and detached. They would rather dream up grand solutions to the problems of mankind that to involve themselves in the boring details. Their great weakness is their tendency to find faults in others, while taking for granted their own shortcomings. Their calmness is also deceptive, concealing great bouts of mental anxiety.

When down to earth, however, Aquarians are amongst the kindest people in the zodiac. They are easygoing, reasonable, and never boring. So long as they are given the freedom to be themselves, they can be the most entertaining and loyal companions.

~ The Game of Love ~

The Aquarius Male...

You need to be mentally intrigued before you will make your move on a prospective mate. Mind contact is a necessity for sexual fulfillment. You are generous, open and sincere to those you care about. You like to get involved in your mates' interests. You will search for answers and the truth in any relationship. You are somewhat shy and will often wait for someone else to make the first move.

You can't live within a relationship that is domineering or restrictive in any way. Although you appear cool outwardly, you are really quite emotional and tender. When it comes to sexual encounters you are very imaginative, however, you also are a dreamer of erotic fantasies. You will look for a partner who is willing to satisfy your relentless pursuit of sexual experiences. You fall in love quickly but are also hesitant to commit completely to anyone.

The Aquarius Female...

You have high standards and you insist on being treated with respect. There is no way you will compromise. You are sensitive, intellectual and you like parties and people. You are honest, direct and will bare your soul to those you care about.

You are a very giving person, always willing to offer advice to those in trouble. You are quite capable of doing a man's job and seldom pick your mate based on what he can do for you. You love to travel and must feel independent in your existence. You do require a great deal of love and companionship, however it must be on your terms. You are not that eager to marry and you seek intellectual stimulation foremost.

~ Who's the Lucky Love Slave? ~

* AQUARIUS & ARIES: Excellent match. You both enjoy a variety of entertainment.
* AQUARIUS & TAURUS: Concessions necessary for both of you to be successful.
* AQUARIUS & GEMINI: Not always smooth but certainly an exciting connection.
* AQUARIUS & CANCER: You are far too aloof for the insecure Crab.
* AQUARIUS & LEO: Plenty of chemistry, but the Lion is physical, you're intellectual.
* AQUARIUS & VIRGO: Virgo's are not social enough to hold your interest.
* AQUARIUS & LIBRA: Exciting, fun loving and carefree connection.
* AQUARIUS & SCORPIO: Not the best coalition. You're both fixed in your beliefs.
* AQUARIUS & SAGITTARIUS: A wonderful affair, two ships that pass in the night.
* AQUARIUS & CAPRICORN: Not good. You both have totally different goals in life.
* AQUARIUS & AQUARIUS: An inventive coalition, but lacking in the sexual arena.
* AQUARIUS & PISCES: Emotional blackmail verses imaginative mind games.

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