| United States Legal and Political Issues
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"Dangerous citizens..."
"............one of the best ways to get
yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to
go about repeating the very phrases which our founding
fathers used in the struggle for independence."
Charles A. Beard (1874-1948), U.S. historian
Do you worry that new anti-terror legislation will violate your civil liberties?
Yes 71.83 % 561 votes
No 28.16 % 220 votes
Total: 781 votes
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[ As of 10/27/2001 - MLM ]
United States Senator Kennedy Says Case for Iraq War Was Fraud
BOSTON (AP) - The case for going to war against Iraq was a
fraud "made up in Texas" to give Republicans a political boost,
Sen. Edward Kennedy said Thursday [ Sept. 18, 2003 ].
Kennedy said he believes the White House is using Iraq military
funding to bribe political leaders around the world to send
troops to Iraq.
He called the Bush administration's current Iraq policy "adrift."
The Massachusetts Democrat expressed doubts about how serious a threat
Saddam Hussein posed to the United States in its battle against
terrorism. He said administration officials relied on "distortion,
misrepresentation, a selection of intelligence" to justify their
case for war.
"There was no imminent threat. This was made up in Texas, announced
in January to the Republican leadership that war was going to take
place and was going to be good politically. This whole thing was a
fraud," Kennedy said.
Dan Rather of CBS NEWS critizes Americans and the Administration
for excesses in ignoring "civil liberties" in the UNITED STATES:
The Associated Press Friday, May 17, 2002; 5:11 AM
Rather said that "patriotism run amok" is making it difficult
for journalists to provide Americans with all the information
they need about the war in Afghanistan and to hold the Bush
administration accountable.
He also accused the Bush administration of failing to give
journalists full access to the fighting and the information
it has about the war.
For a detailed and authoritative analysis on JAILING OF AMERICANS,
see also: CATO INSTITUTE's
"All Locked Up,"
Director of the Project on Criminal Justice Tim Lynch comments that
the number of incarcerated people surpassed 2 million for the first
time last year. Lynch writes that it took more than 200 years for
America to hold its first 1 million prisoners, but managed to
incarcerate the second million in only the past 10 years and warns
of a "prison industrial complex."
Read about America's Un-Constitutional Jailing of the People
"The Ominous Powers of Federal Law Enforcement"
by Timothy Lynch, The Cato Handbook for Congress:
106th Congress, 1999.
In part it states;"The sheer volume of modern law makes it impossible for
an ordinary
American household to stay informed—and yet the U.S. Department of
Justice vigorously defends the old legal maxim that ‘‘ignorance of the
law is no excuse.’’ That maxim may have been appropriate for a society
that simply criminalized inherently evil conduct, such as murder, rape,
and theft, but it is wholly inappropriate in a labyrinthine regulatory regime
that criminalizes activities that are morally neutral. It has been estimated
that the number of new enactments by legislative bodies ranging from
city councils to Congress is 150,000 per year. At that rate, a conscientious
citizen would have to study 410 laws each and every day all year round—
a full-time task, to say the least.
It is simply outrageous for the U.S. government to impose a legal duty
on every American citizen to ‘‘know’’ all of the mind-boggling rules and
regulations that have emanated from Washington over the years. The
106th Congress can remedy that unjust situation by passing a law that
would require U.S. attorneys to prove that regulatory violations are ‘‘willful’’
or, in the alternative, permit a good-faith belief in the legality of
one’s conduct to be pleaded and proved as a defense. The former rule is
already in place for our complicated tax laws—but it should also shield
unwary Americans from all of the other regulations.
See CATO INSTITUTE's Report On "How" the US Government and State Governments abuse US Civil Rights with "real-offense" sentencing in US National, State, and
Local & Municipal courts, in
"The Ominous Powers of Federal Law Enforcement"
by Timothy Lynch, The Cato Handbook for Congress: 106th Congress, 1999.
See also CATO INSTITUTE's:Warrior Cops: The Ominous Growth of Paramilitarism in American Police Departments,"
by Diane Cecelia Weber. Briefing Paper No. 50. August 26, 1999. This tells the "whole" story and "meaning" of the Presidential Election of 1876, and how the United States was saved for 100 years from Military and Para-Military Police Forces.
- America Stands for Liberty - 4-25-2002
Henry Kissinger on Israel and the PLO
Congressman Tom Delay, US House of Representative, on Israel & the PLO
Big Brother is Already Here: NRA Spokesman Says; Liberator Online, Vol.
7, No. 6, March 26, 2002:
No one can accuse National Rifle Association (NRA) executive vice president Wayne LaPierre of being a knee-jerk anti-Bush liberal. But in a fiery February speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, LaPierre courageously blasted the staggering increase in regulation, government spending, speech restrictions and privacy invasions that have followed September 11. Here are some excerpts from his speech,
which was entitled "Frightened, or Free?": "Since
[September 11], we've watched social and political marketers jockey
for position, seeking advantage on the back of tragedy for more
government regulation, intrusion and expansion. We've witnessed a
fire sale of American liberties at bargain basement prices, in
return for the false promise of more security. "Freedom is the first bargaining chip of a scared people. But it's always a losing bet.
Too often when we dictate who will lead
another country, we only replace one group of thugs with another- as we just
did in Afghanistan- with the only difference being that the thugs we support
are expected to be puppet-like and remain loyal to the US, or else.
Although bits and pieces of the
administration's plans to wage war against Iraq and possibly Iran and North
Korea are discussed, we never hear any mention of the authority to do so. It
seems that Tony Blair's approval is more important than the approval of the
American people!
Congress never complains about
its lost prerogative to be the sole declarer of war. Astoundingly, Congress
is only too eager to give war power to our presidents through the back door,
by the use of some fuzzy resolution that the president can use as his
justification. And once the hostilities begin, the money always follows,
because Congress fears criticism for not "supporting the troops." But
putting soldiers in harm's way without proper authority, and unnecessarily,
can hardly be the way to "support the troops."
Let it be clearly understood-
there is no authority to wage war against Iraq without Congress passing a
Declaration of War. HJ RES 65, passed in the aftermath of 9/11, does not
even suggest that this authority exists. A UN Resolution authorizing an
invasion of Iraq, even if it were to come, cannot replace the legal process
for the United States going to war as precisely defined in the Constitution.
We must remember that a covert war is no more justifiable, and is even more
Only tyrants can take a nation to
war without the consent of the people. The planned war against Iraq without
a Declaration of War is illegal. It is unwise because of many unforeseen
consequences that are likely to result. It is immoral and unjust, because it
has nothing to do with US security and because Iraq has not initiated
aggression against us.
We must understand that the
American people become less secure when we risk a major conflict driven by
commercial interests and not constitutionally authorized by Congress.
Victory under these circumstances is always elusive, and unintended
consequences are inevitable.
NOTES: These
'excerpts' are from " Liberator Online, Vol. 7, No. 6"
Ron Paul, US House of Representatives
For True & Objective Sources to the Religion
of ISLAM, please Click Here at
The Holy Koran/Qu Ran
Many Christian Denominations
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
The Roman Catholic Church
Judiac Web Sites
Islamic Web Sites
Wicca & Pagan Web Sites
Cato Daily Dispatch
October 17, 2001
CATO 10/17/2001
United States Court of Appeals for the FIFTH CIRCUIT
A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that the Constitution guarantees
individuals the right to have a gun, the first time in recent history
such a high-level legal authority has explicitly endorsed such a view,
according to The Washington Post.
The decision's immediate impact will be felt in Texas, Louisiana, and
Mississippi, which are within the jurisdiction of the court that issued
the opinion. But the ruling is likely to embolden opponents of gun
to press their cause in federal courts around the country.
Sandra Day O'Conner's "Dissenting Opinion"
in "ATWATER et al. v. CITY OF LAGO VISTA etal.
certiorari to the united states court of appeals for the fifth circuit
No. 991408. Argued December 4, 2000 Decided April 24, 2001".
"Because the 'COURT's POSITION' is 'INCONSISTENT' with with the 'EXPLICIT' guarantee of the 'FOURTH AMENDMENT', I dissent [Emphasis added]
US Court in Lubbock, TX strikes "down" illegal Texas
law which essentially declares [that]ALL "students" [Are]SUSPECIOUS of ILLEGAL CONDUCT [EVEN WITHOUT "cause" to believe so] and so they VIOLATED the [US] FOURTH AMENDMENT.
The Judge then states that:"Such an intrusion also comes at a great price to
citizens' constitutionally guaranteed rights to be
secure in their 'persons, houses, papers and effects,'"
[Federal Judge Sam R. Cummings] said in a ruling issued
late yesterday.
Click Here For America's Jailing of Women & Children
For a detailed and authoritative analysis on JAILING OF AMERICANS,
see also: CATO INSTITUTE's
"All Locked Up,"
Director of the Project on Criminal Justice Tim Lynch comments that
the number of incarcerated people surpassed 2 million for the first
time last year. Lynch writes that it took more than 200 years for
America to hold its first 1 million prisoners, but managed to
incarcerate the second million in only the past 10 years and warns
of a "prison industrial complex."
Political Issues
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