What's New at Denise's Place!

Internet Magazines & Hot Spots

I subscribe to a number of Internet Magazines and every once in awhile I think my mail person gets lost and I receive my current issue later than what's posted on the net. I use the internet for a sneak preview of the "coming attractions" of which I will be receiving by snail mail........


PC Novice

Net Guide

Yahoo Internet Life

The Net


Internet EZ


My personal internet travels change from day to day. Some days I'm an information seeker other days I'm just out looking for something to entertain myself. I'm always amazed at some of the places I come across by accident. So I've decided to dedicate this section of my page to all the "what's cool" and "what's new" spots I've found in my travels.

Here's where you get to let your fingers do the clicking! Picture this......Sunday afternoon and nothing to do. You turn on your computer and fire up your Internet software. You don't really have a mission in mind but your just in the mood to find something new, interesting, or perhaps even bizarre on the internet. So now all you have to do is to click on one of the links below that might be of some entertainment value to you!! It's a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!!

web.gifBest of The Web Awards
Headquarters for the Top Sites on the Web. Search for the Top Sites by Category!

doggieCool Pet of the Day
For the Animal Lover! Updated every day!

hotWindows HotSpots
New web hotspots every day! Also contains links to Windows 95 Tip of the Day and random URL links!

worldSilicon Graphics, Inc.
Cool Sites by category such as; Bizarre & Crazy, Sports, Entertainment, etc. also has a Weekly Pick!

dilbertThe Ridiculous to the Sublime
As the author of this site says, "A site a week, and a weak site". Updated weekly!

clownCraziest Sites of the Week
This is definitely a great site! As the creators of this site says, "Make this a regular habit"!! They feature the truly best created sites here!



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