Now for some of my friends' pages:
The NNC Web Page
-Bubba and Kevin, Need I say more?
Mr Wuttke
(the band director at my school)
Shawn Liu
-another excellent saxophone player and a member of my carpool
Jon Feldheim
-the guy that used to live down the street. He's the one who gave me carpool duty! Thanks Jon.
Alina Matusow
-one of the 2 drum majors for Miami Killian senior high. I have watched her throughout her entire high school career. A great musician, a great friend.
Genn from AOL
-this really really nice young lady (who is really hot) who I first met when she inquired about my band. If it weren't for the fact that she lives on the other coast from me, I would be really really good friends with her. As it is now, the distance only allows me to be really good friends with her.
Amanda Lane
-one of my really good friends who I haven't seen in at two years almost to date. I'll tell you this though, I miss her. You should give her page a check.
Miami Wise
-a Latin Jazz combo for which I am the piano player.
Lisa from Kendall
-Yet another friend who I made online. I actually finally met her at a gig my band did for free, unfortunately, she had to leave, so I can't really descrbe her or anything.
Mike Sakowicz
-a new bass player in Jazz Band. Taking BAC's spot since he is movin up in the world.
Dese'Rae's Home Page
-a flute player at Killian who is learning HTML, bear with her, it'll take a while. It's taken me at least a year to get this far!
Now for some of my friends' pages:
The NNC Web Page
-Bubba and Kevin, Need I say more?
Mr Wuttke
(the band director at my school)
Shawn Liu
-another excellent saxophone player and a member of my carpool
Jon Feldheim
-the guy that used to live down the street. He's the one who gave me carpool duty! Thanks Jon.
Genn from AOL
-this really really nice young lady (who is really hot) who I first met when she inquired about my band. If it weren't for the fact that she lives on the other coast from me, I would be really really good friends with her. As it is now, the distance only allows me to be really good friends with her.
Amanda Lane
-one of my really good friends who I haven't seen in at two years almost to date. I'll tell you this though, I miss her. You should give her page a check.
Miami Wise
-a Latin Jazz combo for which I am the piano player.
Lisa from Kendall
-Yet another friend who I made online. I actually finally met her at a gig my band did for free, unfortunately, she had to leave, so I can't really descrbe her or anything.
Mike Sakowicz
-a new bass player in Jazz Band. Taking BAC's spot since he is movin up in the world.
Now, a few links to some things that I either love (MUSIC STUFF!!!) or some places that I thought were kinda cool--
Virtual Presents
-a place where you can go to send online cards - for Free!!!
-another place to send free online cards!
Marching Cougar Band
-a wonderful group of musicians who mean a whole lot to me!
Drum Corps International
-these guys are the best out there for marching drummers and horns. I will be going to their World Championships this year since it is in Orlando Florida. One day (if one ever forms in Miami) I hope to be in one of these before I "age out".
Zildjian Drumsticks and Cymbals
-the drumstick company that I support, I had to get them in somewhere. Maybe they'll give me a discount on those new cymbals that I want - nah...
Sabian Cymbals
-These are some of the best cymbals out there! A bit too expensive for my blood though...
Suzuki Motors
-These are the great people who made my motorcycle.