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The Web’s most bizarre
- Zone Interactive: http://internet~plaza.net/zone/
- Electro Magnetic Poetry: http://www.prominence.com/java/poetry/
- Abuse-a-Tron: http://www.xe.net/upstart/abuse/
- An A-Z of the 90’s culture: http://www.altculture.com/home.shtml
- Charlie’s Angels Home Page: http://www.clever.net/wiley/charliea.htm
- The Human Ant Farm: http://www2.absolutvodka.com/cgi-bin/hafarchive
- Next To Nothing: http://www.winternet.com/~julie/ntn1.html
- Pop Speak: http://www.blender.com/blender1.1/digest/popspeak/popspeak1.html
- Stem: http://www.stim.com/STIM-X/Main/index.html
- What’s Inside Jeremy’s Wallet?: http://www.inforamp.net/~xeno/wallet/
- Candid Phone: http://www.rick.com/Comedy/Candid-Phone.html
- Crop Circle Connector: http://www.hub.co.uk/intercafe/cropcircle/connector.html
- Demon Possesion Handbook: http://www.opendoor.com/Higher.Grounds/hs.html
- Faces: http://www.web-usa.com/faces/
- Hillary’s Hair: http://hillaryshair.com/index.shtml
- Nothing But Net’s House of Links: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~krisp/weird/
- Piercing Mildred: http://www.streams.com/pierce/
- RECTAL FOREIGN BODIES: http://www.well.com/user/cynsa/newbutt.html
- The Surrealist Compliment Generator: http://pharmdec.wustl.edu/cgi-bin/jardin_scripts/SCG
- The Virgin Lip Page: http://www.itsnet.com/~shon/vlpage.html
- Way of the Exploding Head: http://xantham.king.net/gilmore/head/heads.html
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de XGuille en South Beach 8516
Esta hoja fue creada por XGuille.
Diciembre 16, 1996...
Ultima modificacion: Diciembre 16, 1996... jeje
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