New main home page as of March 2001
This (Geocities) site mainly contains some older material having to do with our stay in
Florida. For this reason, the pages will not need frequent updating. Many pages will exist in
duplicate on both this server and the new one, but the newest versions will always be found on the
Update server.
My "official" front page, until recently residing at a Swipnet/Tele2 server, has moved to Set your bookmarks
to this URL right now!
The reason for the change is that Tele2 turned greedy and would not allow anyone to log in unless he was on a Tele2 phoneline to the Tele2 modem pool. The annual fee for Internet services (modem pool, web space, mail server, news server) was not enough for them any longer, to actually use the services that you had paid for, you would have to sign a compulsory "agreement" that gives Tele2 a monopoly on your phone connection to the modem pool.
So forget all my old e-mail addresses and URLs containing "swipnet"! Erase them from your address books.
All our American E-mail and snailmail addresses are also permanently
Friends are welcome to visit us in Uppsala, but should note that Pille and I have moved to a new apartment as of May 2000. If you don't know the address, mail me first (and don't forget to tell me who you are!).
Mikael and Pille