Welcome to the home of...

The Cool Chatters of Infinity! ~ webring

If you chat at Infinity and have a homepage, this web-ring is what you're looking for... It has all the magic of exposing your site, as well as the treasure of finding more buds! Jeez, what more could you want?! Visit cool web-pages, and arrange to meet the owners at the best chat-room in cyber space... Infinity!

o Holy cowy! -- what the hell is a web-ring?!
o Hmm.. let's see... a web-ring is a kind of... network. Each member of a web-ring is connected to a different member on two sides, thus forming a "ring" of connected homepages... nifty huh? Each member puts a kind of navigation-bar on their homepages with buttons to "next site", "previous site", etc... and casual surfers (that might not be members) can click on a button to go to another site in the web-ring! (e-mail me any questions).
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o Holy moly! -- who should sign up?!
o Well first of all you gotta have a cool homepage (with a point to it), and of course you have to be a proud Infinity-chatter. I, the one and only ring-master decides whether or not to accept your site into the ring (I most probably will in the end).  Your page must have at least a link to Infinity and your page must have the HTML-mumbo-jumbo which is needed to work this webring (this will be given to you when you sign up, don't worry!).
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o Speak no more! -- I wanna sign up!
o The whole sign up process takes about 45 minutes if all goes well.  If you have enough time prepared, click on the "sign up!" button towards the bottom of this page and you will magically be teleported to a page of instructions. After sumbitting some info, you will be asked to put the HTML-fragment (the mumbo-jumbo) on your homepage. Please do this immediately! Then after that you do absolutely nothing but wait... your submission will be sent to me and you will be added to a queue. I will then visit your homepage and decide whether or not to include you in the ring. If I do decide to include you -- you'll get an email. If I do not decide to include you -- you'll get an email.
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o Holy guacamole! -- what does it all mean?!
o Believe me, this is not as hard as it seems.. and most probably you will have been a member of another web-ring before. Please go through the sign up process... if you get stuck in the end, feel free to send me an e-mail with your cries of help.

what are you waiting for? click on something!

Feel like signing my guestbook or
visiting my personal homepage?

Thanks to Geocities for the homepage.
Thanks to Webring for the original concept.

Thanks to GuestWorld for the guestbook.
The Infinity logo is copyright © chat.ultracure.com

Everything else is copyright © me!