Facts About Me!!
Beware: These are really interesting!! *lol*
- Full Name: Jessica Dawn
- Age: 21
- Favorite Color: Red...Hmmm...could you have guessed that one!?! *smilez*
- Nicknames/Personalities *smilez*: Selika *laughz to Chica*, Jess, Jed, Jessie, Itche', Chatterbox, Glow Girl, Fruitloop, Husker, and my chat name Alexa
- Occupation: Full time student (elementary education) and Dietary Aide in my town's hospital
- My babes: (my cats that is) Muffin, Baby, Pyscho, & Beauty. And my fishie "Sissy"
- Favorite Songs: "Be the One" Al Denson, "Good Riddance" GreenDay, "Unpretty" TLC, "Red Letters" DC Talk
- Other Favorite Songs/Groups: Bush (gotta love Gavin!!), Creed (I saw them in concert!! :), "Pray For Me" MWSmith, Point of Grace, Celine Dion, Jewel, Alanis, Beatles *grinz to Andy*, Nixons (intro?! *lol to D*), Amanda Marshall, Our Lady Peace (*lafz to Boy*), Spacehog!! (Greg..I had to put that one!)...oh you know, about anything!
- Wutz jammin' in my car now: Whenever you get the chance, you gotta listen to Delilah!! She can solve all your love problems!
- My car: '89 red Chevy Beretta Gt
- Activities during HS: Band (clarinet), FHA, SAD, National Honor Society, yearbook, & newspaper...here's one article I wrote for the Warrior Wire my senior year
- Favorite Verse: Psalm 113:3 "From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same, the Lord's name is to be praised."
- Favorite Meal: Anything with mash potatoes!!!! *rubs tummy*
- Favorite Movie: Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade...No! I'm not kidding! :) It is! Oh...and Forrest Gump is a REALLY close 2nd!! Momma always said...life is like a box of chocolates...
- Favorite College Team: Nebraska
- Mi nombre en la clase de espanol: Alejandra (cuatro anos...ay caramba!) *big lol* Donde esta mi esposo Alejo?
- My fear: Heights (That's why I only climbed half way up the Pyramids in Mexico)
- Favorite Cartoon Characters: Garfield, Scooby Doo, Tigger, & Pooh Bear
- What most people will remember about me: My long fingernails (don't worry...I'm not in the run for being in the Guiness Book of World Records), I'm REALLY ticklish, and I laugh A LOT!!