Our Favorite People:
- Jesus!
- 'Cause He's perfect
- Gwenith Paltrow
- 'Cause she had a really big zit in Emma
- Span
- 'Cause he looks really good in a bikini top...
- The blonde chick on Double Dragon
- 'Cause she's awesomely ditzy..."who's the boss now..I'll be outside...the water's really deep"
- Steve Helgerson
- 'Cause he has a name that a dream guy should have...
- Christian
- 'Cause you serve up a great meal and you put up with us.
- The guys that introduced us to rice parties
- 'Cause they're the guys that introduced us to rice parties
- Heather...with the Feather
- 'Cause she can show leg out the side of a car
- James
- The guy that told sheena that humans were mamimals in the first grade....sheena argued about it..and won
- Lisa
- 'Cause she rocks! And makes great sundays
- Lisa
- Despite the fact she left out in the wilderness to be eaten by wild rats. She looks like a stud in her big orange truck
- Maurica, Melissa, Seth, Travis, Craig, Doug, Lonnie, Lenny,
Courtney, Our families, Andy, Jeremy, Sarah, Alicia, Felicia, IPG, Nick, Clint, Bill, and all the other friends that will make us famous and make our lives more interesting giving us more to talk about on 20/20 interviews,
- 'Cause we luv ya'll!
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