Fun things to do when you're not alone!
Stare at people foreheads as you talk to them
See how many people in one room you can get to yawn, it's contagious you know
Yell loudly at the voices in your head
Occasionally meow
Make other animal noises
Introduce yourself to everyone....three times
Pronounce you are Luke Skywalker and that you are on a mission to find your father.
Claim your batman or superman and start flapping your arms and jumping around the room.
Scratch yourself
Don't get caught
Tell everyone your name is bubbles.
Grab someones leg that you don't know and start crying, "Love me! Love me!"
Pronounce that you are followers of the great Megan and Sheena
Face a wall and sing You are my Sunshine
Dance without music
Waltz with a total stranger
Tell people to call you colonel and salute you and tell them about the good ole days in world war IIII and an i.(aka: half)
Ask someone for a ride to the neighboring store...ten feet from where you are.
Walk through the drive through.
Scream, "You are NOT my mother" to some guy.
Walk backwards and wave at people behind you.
Ask someone what time it is..then ask them again one minute later.
Do a spontaneous cartwheel.
Have a fancy candle lit picnic in a public hallway.
Pretend to trip on something that isn't there then go back inspecting it for two hours.
Get a picture of your cousin or someone you don't like and ask everyone if they know this person.
Tell them that person is missing and that as soon as you see them to call the authorities.
Don't get put in an assulum..and if you do, forget this address.
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