Fun things to do when you're not alone!

  • Stare at people foreheads as you talk to them
  • See how many people in one room you can get to yawn, it's contagious you know
  • Mumble...constantly
  • Yell loudly at the voices in your head
  • Occasionally meow
  • Make other animal noises
  • Introduce yourself to everyone....three times
  • Pronounce you are Luke Skywalker and that you are on a mission to find your father.
  • Claim your batman or superman and start flapping your arms and jumping around the room.
  • Scratch yourself
  • Don't get caught
  • Tell everyone your name is bubbles.
  • Grab someones leg that you don't know and start crying, "Love me! Love me!"
  • Pronounce that you are followers of the great Megan and Sheena
  • Face a wall and sing You are my Sunshine
  • Dance without music
  • Waltz with a total stranger
  • Tell people to call you colonel and salute you and tell them about the good ole days in world war IIII and an i.(aka: half)
  • Ask someone for a ride to the neighboring store...ten feet from where you are.
  • Walk through the drive through.
  • Scream, "You are NOT my mother" to some guy.
  • Walk backwards and wave at people behind you.
  • Ask someone what time it is..then ask them again one minute later.
  • Do a spontaneous cartwheel.
  • Have a fancy candle lit picnic in a public hallway.
  • Pretend to trip on something that isn't there then go back inspecting it for two hours.
  • Get a picture of your cousin or someone you don't like and ask everyone if they know this person.
  • Tell them that person is missing and that as soon as you see them to call the authorities.
  • Don't get put in an assulum..and if you do, forget this address.
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