Terrarium, Vivarium,
Reptile & Amphibian Links
This is one area I would love to get into, but due to Australia's strict customs laws, and Western Australia's prohibitive wildlife laws, it's near on impossible to keep reptiles and amphibians legally! One day I may move interstate where I can then start keeping and breeding frogs and geckos, but until then I'll just have to dream, and envy those that can. That's part of why these links exist, and to further knowledge for the day when W.A. may finally change some of it's laws.
I also hope these links below can be of some assistance to those who keep, or who would like to start keeping these beautiful animals. One day reptile and amphibian keepers and breeders may be the only way you can see these animals. We are in great danger of losing all of these animals, due to the adverse conditions us humans impose on the rest of the environment. Mutated and deformed frogs are just some of the problems we have created, as well as the extinction, and endangerment of many a species of wildlife.
Ok, enough of the lecture..............follow the links below to learn more.
General Care of Bearded Dragons
General Herpetology- A most comprehensive list of Herpetology pages on the Web
Victorian Association of Amateur Herpetologists
Photovault-Heaps of different Herpetology photos
Please Note that this is not the be-all and end-all of lists. If anyone knows of any good sites or would like their own page on these subjects linked please feel free to E-mail me.