Welcome to my site. I am Ms Sara and I will be your hostess while you are here. Please make sure your body is in the supine position and be prepared it could get a little bumpy and fair warning, I'll just dig in My heels besides, I am Always Above...and someone might just get stepped on and you know who you are, Right ken? The photo above is one of My favorites.
Since I am just starting to put up My site again, be patient, someone (who will remain nameless but his name is on this page) did not back up files like he (there's a hint) should of, so a lot of files were lost. But that just means that new material will have to be made. Oh darn!
Write to Me if you'd like, I answer all email unless you are rude, then you get blocked. I have not had to do that in a very long time, but I will if necessary. But most of the rugs who visit My site are very nice rugs and know how to treat a Lady.
Always Above… Mistress Sara
Warning: If you are under the age of 21 you need to exit and come back when you are all grown up.