If you're on this page, I hope you signed the guestbook first! :)

Joseph Byrd - 12/03/00 14:59:31
My Email:zajal@redwoods.quik.com
How you found me: Google
Where you live: north California coast (Humboldt County)

Hi, I teach a college course in American popular music, and I want you to know how valuable your discography is. I wanted to know, for example, if - as Barry Gordy says - The Supremes were an instant hit from 61 on. NOT. You show "Stop In the Name of Love" as 1965. This is really useful, because it ignores the hype and gives real information. As for those sites that give Motown discographies that begin with CD collections in the 90s....useless. So you should realize that your work is a great research tool. Thanks.

shaggy - 11/23/00 19:50:02
My Email:shaggy78223@yahoo.com
How you found me: great
Where you live: San Antonio

Hi, my name is Jesse. Send me an email.

shaggy - 11/23/00 19:49:31
My Email:shaggy78223@yahoo.com
How you found me: great
Where you live: San Antonio

Hi, my name is Jesse. Send me an email.

sheena and lorraine - 07/01/00 16:45:13
My URL:http://don't have one
My Email:millenniumkiss_1999@yahoo.co.uk
How you found me: we found your friend's website - grenfall and your on his favorite websites list
Where you live: brundall,norwich,norfolk,england

your page ain't got much on it has it? and what's the image under your name of as the computer wouldn't let us see it?

Jiggles - 03/23/00 18:50:30
How you found me: Carefully
Where you live: Red Oak

I can't find the lyrics!

roadmistress - 03/13/00 22:46:31
My URL:http://psychochick.com
My Email:todd.wagner@yale.edu
How you found me: college club
Where you live: Connecticut (Yale)

I like your name. I've started a site called psychochick.com. Would you like to be involved? We are looking for some PsychoDivas (cool chicks who will give advice to guys). Todd

Tagebot - 02/21/00 11:03:03
My Email:tagebot@home.com
How you found me: flitting about
Where you live: Vancouver, B.C.

I like these personal homepages promoting the individual. Too tire to do more than find this place. Check you out later.

- 12/26/99 22:30:05


George M./Shaggy/ Faucet - 08/14/99 17:13:57
How you found me: we're neighbors within the greatest apartment complex in the history of north west Ohio
Where you live: i think I explained myself in the above statement

Quite the rocking web-site.

Andrew - 06/19/99 10:57:45
My URL:http://members.aol.com/lannes9/index.html
My Email:andriddles@aol.com
How you found me: By accident!!
Where you live: London

Hi Psycho - I stumbled across you by accidnt and really loved your pages/ picture. Mail me some time Love Andrewxxx

06/11/99 05:42:18
Name: ICQ Gal My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

Rachel - 04/05/99 00:45:05
How you found me: co-worker
Where you live: Metamora

most common phrase: I'm fine. Have a nice life and enjoy your day.

Lunch - 03/22/99 20:40:35
My Email:LLetschJMC@aol.com
How you found me: Through Pat
Where you live: New Jersey

I liked your page. I see alot of your letters on the Lesley Gore discussion group. God Bless and stay cool. Linda

hounddog - 03/21/99 19:42:37
How you found me: surfin'
Where you live: mountain, ontario

Like the site! Just passin' on by and stopped to say "Hi!!"

Pat Swayne - 03/19/99 18:47:32
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~pswayne
My Email:pswayne@flash.net
How you found me: You found me
Where you live: near Atlanta GA USA


Hi Lisa
Just stopped by to say Hi! Your site's looking pretty good! (I hope your guestbook takes HTML.)

Pat Swayne's Pages
Sometimes beauty can be heard.

If the above link doesn't work, try this one.

Dead-Box (aka MirrororriM) - 02/10/99 06:43:10
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/ss10
My Email:Dead-Box_N0_SPAM_LOL@webtv.net
How you found me: I didn't find you. I found your homepage though. It's right here...=oP
Where you live: Michigan (that would be north of Ohio...hehe! I love guestbooks)


And what's wrong with ABBA?? j/k

Keep on adding!!

- 01/04/99 20:49:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Parc/7695
My Email:esoterrorca@yahoo.com
How you found me: Supreme Search

There is a fab new Supremes list at http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/Supremeladies

everything but late for dinner - 12/26/98 22:17:53
My Email:singled-out@webtv.net
How you found me: surfing for IRC programs
Where you live: North Central Indiana


Ron - 11/24/98 18:38:34
My URL:http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/ron.nauss
My Email:ron.nauss@ns.sympatico.ca
How you found me: Fourms page
Where you live: Lunenburg, Nova Scotia


Sue - 11/16/98 13:35:26
My Email:balsam@nbnet.nb.ca
How you found me: sympatico forums
Where you live: N.B. Canada

Now, I'm hungry for a pizza. Nice work!:)

Ralph - 11/04/98 03:34:10
My URL:http://members.aol.com/_ht_b/sflbuddy/diana.htmlmembers.aol.com/_ht_b/sflbuddy/diana.html
My Email:sflbuddy@aol.com
How you found me: Looking for Diana Ross/Supremes web pages

Loved your pages!!! Hope you'll view mine too. Keep up the Supreme work :)

jooba - 11/02/98 15:23:54
My Email:jooba@hotmail.com
How you found me: sympatico forum
Where you live: Ontario, Canada eh?

Your hillarious!! Any info on how I can make a home page?

Amy - 10/24/98 19:56:52
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~ECHOPOD/index-3.html
My Email:Draggle@webtv.net
How you found me: Surfin' on how to make a WebTV chat room!
Where you live: Maryland

Pretty cool page! I like your chat room. I need to find out how to make one of my own. I'll email ya and see if you can tell me where to go. :-)

BEN211 - 10/17/98 20:05:50
My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~ben187/index.html
My Email:ben50@rocketmail.com
How you found me: by e-mail
Where you live: NH

cool page thanks fo coming to mine!

09/24/98 06:03:58
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Jennifer aka Whisper - 08/31/98 04:50:33
My Email:emeraldstars@hotmail.com
How you found me: rockmall
Where you live: Huntington, Indiana

HELL-o. This is my second time here, just dropped by to see if there was anything new. Still, pizza and Diana Ross! >:o()

Coda - 08/19/98 23:24:41
My Email:wastintime@prodigy.net
How you found me: Rockmall
Where you live: Nerk, Ahia

Hi PC, Like your page. Didn't know there were more Buckeyes on RM. Cool!

Ceci - 08/18/98 21:15:58
My Email:NeurotcDuf@aol.com
How you found me: Rockmall
Where you live: Katy, Texas

Groovy site, chick!

the bitch's friend - 07/24/98 07:10:00
My Email:lsisnelliesgirl@yahoo.com
How you found me: marco's
Where you live: close to you

hey pc thanks for the invite to your home page i was very impressed. The Marco's link was truly a big hit with you know who. Hope all is going well for you please take care. Great job on you home page.

Whisper - 07/22/98 22:41:16
How you found me: Rockmall
Where you live: IN

Pizza....Diana Ross....Squirrels....I think you really are Psycho!!!! Just kidding! :)

uh...tessa....yea..yea i think thats it - 07/21/98 15:09:39
My Email:pyshnkween@aol.com
How you found me: email...and that family stuff
Where you live: tumbleweed, arizona

hey cuz! kewl page!...the sound thing-a-jig was funny! yer the coolest! and always remember to "smile and show teeth"--> :B

GENXXX - 07/19/98 20:52:47
How you found me: SEARCHING THE NET
Where you live: ALABAMA


Ante - 06/19/98 19:12:43
My Email:f.c.punzalan@usa.net
How you found me: searching
Where you live: pasay, philippines


Sneakypeat - 06/01/98 04:44:58
How you found me: marco's search
Where you live: ohio

bagus (kewl in malaysia) hmpg.

Colin (Abacus) - 05/09/98 14:33:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Way/7461/attempt.html
My Email:colin.clarke@lineone.net
How you found me: From a MIILION site Guest-book!
Where you live: England, UK.

Hey Lisa! Just popped on over to say hello, while I had a minute from my page! Keep it up, Colin. Abba are okay! lol

Gation - 04/10/98 02:09:46
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/gationman/index.html
My Email:fixxxer55@hotmail.com
How you found me: Because your cool
Where you live: Portland, Oregon

Hey PC! Thanx for visiting my page. Later!

Mark Mireles - 03/31/98 05:02:57
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/uncool
My Email:markusalan@computron.net
How you found me: I was being nosey :-)
Where you live: Lake Jackson TX

Hey what's up?

ANGEL^EYES - 02/27/98 04:31:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Surf/3164
My Email:wouldn'tyouliketoknow:P
How you found me: ummmm ya told me where to go :)
Where you live: Louisiana

HIYA....lol I'm not really good at signing these darn things :) I don't really know ya that well...but from what I can tell you are a really cool person :) Stay sweet!!! love, angel

um, Retard? - 02/16/98 21:38:45
My Email:Jewelieta@hotmail.com
How you found me: Word of mouf
Where you live: South Dakota, Land of Boredom

Hey Chicky! I'm likin yer pageS, hehe. Keep up the good work! I'll see ya in LT, if you can stick around for more than 5 mins at a time. ;o) hehe (((((((((Psycho))))))))) yer hillarious hons! ~Everyone's Retard

Tabitha - 01/24/98 13:44:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/organized8577/index.html
My Email:tabbiew@bellsouth.net
How you found me: email
Where you live: uh...somewhere...

cool so far, PC!

Amanda - 01/22/98 16:12:52
My Email:amandalg@mailexcite.com
How you found me: you told me
Where you live: Arkansas

Well I finally came and signed your guestbook. I don't know what to write on this part. So I'll leave now.

Jeremy - 01/22/98 05:16:52
My Email:neworder666@yahoo.com
How you found me: You told me, silly. :)
Where you live: Washington State

Pretty homepage. Bruno kinda scared me, but other than that I like it! :)

Master of this Site - 01/22/98 04:56:49
My Email:psychochick@webtv.net

It works! it works! *happy dance*

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