~ Hidden Treasures ~

Within the heart of every man
each living human soul,
there lies within, "A Hidden Place"
for dreams that are never told.

A place within that's guarded well,
and the heart is never torn.
An escape from our realities
where we're always safe and warm.

A land of quiet contentment,
where skies are always blue,
where special friends are welcome
and wishes can come true.

Human Eyes will never see,
the "Hidden Treasures" there,
this mystical, magical, place within,
our escape from life's despair.

And yet, a million years from now,
when our spirits have been set free,
this hidden place will still remain
to last through eternity.

"A Poem by Claudette"

This poem has been copyrighted by the
Library of Congress and to be published in a book of poetry
called "Under a Quicksilver Moon",
scheduled for publication in Winter 2001.


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