
Friendship is a strange thing
we find ourselves telling each other
the deepest details of our lives
things we don't even share with the
families who raised us.
But what is a friend?
A confidant?
A lover?
A shoulder to cry on?
An ear to listen?
A heart to feel?
A friend is all of these things and more.
No matter where we met,
no matter how long we've been together
I call you a friend.
A word so small,
yet so large in feeling,
a word filled with emotion,
a word overflowing with LOVE.
Truly great things come in small packages.
Once the package of friendship has been opened,
it can never be closed.
It is a constant book always waiting
waiting to be read
and enjoyed.
We may have our disagreements
we may have our disappointments
we may argue
we may concern one another
friendship is a unique bond
that lasts through all tribulations.
A part of each of us goes into our friendships
our humor
our experiences
our tears.
Friendships are foundations
necessary for life
and love. Friends... you and me
You brought another friend
and then there were three
we started our group
our circle of friends
there is no beginning
there is no end.
Even though I don't speak to you all everyday
or even as often as I would like to
You have all crossed my path
of life in one way or another
some of you I've only bumped into
some have walked a while with me
and some of you will continue to walk with me
that since we aren't in constant contact
that I don't think of you all
because if it wasn't for
coming across all of YOU... who knows?
I would be a completely different person
and ... well...
I'm happy with how I've turned out so far.
Thank you.