The Chicago Hope WebRing

Welcome! To The Chicago Hope WebRing!! Well the webring has been up and running for about a year now and there are 18 sites in the webring. There have also been over 4000 hits to the webring, so people are using it! Sorry it's taken me so long to update this site, I've been busy with my other site, but I do check the line-up very often so after you've put the html code in your website you are added to the ring rather quickly.

If you have any problems feel free to email me, just click my name below. Oh, I should also add that just because you submit a site it does not necessarily mean that it will be added, it is all at my discression, but unless your site has absolutely nothing to do with Chicago Hope, I don't think you will have to worry about it. Later, Angie

In order to join the Chicago Hope webring you need to have a homepage for Chicago Hope, or one of the actors of the show (past or present.)

To Join the Chicago Hope WebRing

All you have to do is fill out this form and submit it. The password will be what you need to update your information so please remember it. After you fill out this form you will need to include the html codes into your website, this will put the WebRing onto your homepage. Shortly after you submit your information I will add you to the webring, provided the html codes are there!

Owner's Name:
Site URL:
Site Title:
Please choose a password and don't forget it!
Keywords (choose up to 20 words to describe your site):

Enter a short description of your site

Before you add the html code that is listed below you need to click Here and save the picture onto your own server. Before you can be added to the Chicago Hope WebRing you need to place this html code into your homepage. Please replace where it says YOUR.EMAIL.ADDRESS and YOUR.NAME with your own email address and your own name. You will also need to replace where it says SITE.ID.HERE with whatever number your site ID is, this will be given to you when you fill out the form below to become a member of the Chicago Hope WebRing.

<center><table border=1> <tr> <td> <a href=""> Previous Chicago Hope<br> WebRing Site<br><br> <img src="cast3.jpg" border=0 height=100 width=100 align=center alt="Previous Chicago Hope WebRing Site"></a> </td> <td> <center> This <a href="/TelevisionCity/6025/webring.html"> Chicago Hope WebRing</a> Site is owned by <a href="mailto:YOUR.EMAIL.ADDRESS"> YOUR.NAME</a><br><br> [<a href="">Previous Site</a>] [<a href="">Random Site</a>] <br><br> [<a href="">Next site</a>] [<a href="">Skip Next Site</a>] <br><br> [<a href="">Next 5 sites</a>] [<a href="">List All Sites</a>] <br><br> Click here for info on how to join <a href="/TelevisionCity/6025/webring.html"> Chicago Hope WebRing</a> </center></td> <td> <a href=""> Next Chicago Hope<br> WebRing Site<br><br> <img src="cast3.jpg" alt="Next Chicago Hope Site" Border=0 height=100 width=100 align=Right><br></a> </td></tr></table></center>

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WebRing Site

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This Chicago Hope WebRing Site is owned by Angie

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WebRing Site

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Since August 31, 1997
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