This webring is for pages about norns, grendels, ettins, COBs, basically anything that has to do with the game Creatures or Creatures 2. If you have not yet joined this webring, fill out the form below. After that, copy the HTML fragment that is given to you onto your page. I will not add your site to the ring until you have added it. I will also not add your site if the fragment is buried (where I can't find it at a quick glance through your page) or deformed in some way, so check it. If you still haven't put the HTML fragment on your site 30 days after joining, then you will be deleted from the queue and no longer be considered for full membership in the ring. A few more things: 1) your page must have some Creatures content - any kind, as long as it's about Creatures. 2) your page cannot contain any pornography or X-rated material. **HINT**- add the HTML fragment to your page the same day so that you don't forget (saves me the trouble of having to e-mail you later saying "where's the fragment?"). I also reserve the right to remove your site from the webring at any time if the content of your page has changed so that it is inappropriate, if your URL becomes invalid, if the webring fragment is deformed, or if you have removed the HTML fragment from your site. Your site will be moved in to the queue and you will be notified. If you have not resolved the problem in 30 days, you will be deleted from the queue. I'm pretty sure that covers everything.
If you are already a member of the Worldwide Norn Association, go here to login and change information about your site or get the HTML fragment for your page.