bz_firelogo.gif - 8.0 K
Perhaps it's best not to see this - 51.6 K

Last Modified Tuesday, February 18, 1997

Animated Bob This is my first cut at a home page. Right now I don't have anything but a few links... Hey! No different than the vast majority of pages out there.
Who am I? Wow, most people have a whole page devoted to that. Right now let's just say that my name is Bob Willis, I enjoy pretzels, and you can email me at or just click on this fantabulous graphic... Bob Now!


I like links, you like links, we all like links. Right? You betcha. Here is a varied, eclectic, one might even say randomly, hastily, and haphazardly thrown together collection of 'em. You might actually find something of interest. If you find them all of interest, you might be a candidate in the Be Like Bob Contest. Relax, I haven't the foggiest idea what to do with, to, or for the winners. Dread when the contest actually shows up.

Twisted Site of the [indeterminate time period]:

Welcome to Suck. Just click on it. Trust me.

Go to SUCK and sin no more

The Ken Spitz Web Page is the #1 site on the Web for information on all things about Ken Spitz. You were probably wondering how to organize all of your Ken Spitz information. Relax. Just bookmark Ken's Web site, breathe a sigh of relief, and get on with your life.

Ken Spitz's Web Page

My friend Carl hosts Captain Barcode's War Room, a surprisingly useful site for links to all sorts of worldbuilding information.

Captain Barcode's War Room

This is my favorite search engine, AltaVista.

Alta Vista Logo

Search and Display the Results

Search with Digital's Alta Vista [ Advanced Search]

Enemy Stars

Enemy Stars is a Mekton campaign I have been running for quite a while now. I'm planning on including some historical background, character descriptions, and mecha stats.

Link to the Enemy Stars Page
Java Toys

Here are a few interesting Java scripts I came across
Monthly Event Calendar

This is where I proclaim my undying love at being a cabin boy for Microsoft. Sordid, no?

Best experienced with
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Click Here to start.

If you do have Internet Explorer, check out my ActiveX World of Wonders, a decidedly mediocre demo of ActiveX controls.

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