Blurry well as a general hockey player
In order to join this ring, your site must:
1. Be about ice hockey, any level, any team.
2. Be positive...praising one team rather than bashing another.
3. Have the proper HTML code for the ring in an easily accessable place
and have one of the above images uploaded to your own server.
The Webmistress reserves the right to remove any site from the ring
at any time for any reason as well as deny acceptance to the ring
for any reason.
Once you have uploaded the image and placed the HTML code on your page,
email me at and ask to be added to the ring.
It's that simple!
~*~Remember to insert a picture URL into the web ring code!
If there isn't a picture for the team you like, email me and
let me know and I'll fix one up for you!