Brigid's Book of Shadows

Welcome to my Book of Shadows. I've been a Witch for sixteen years. I've followed many traditions in my day, (Reclaiming, I've been to Santeria rituals, I've been to Gnostic Masses, etc etc etc...) but all paths seem to lead me back to Brigid, and the work of Irish Celtic Magic becomes my primary source of inspiration again and again.

I'm one of the founders of an ecclectic pagan women's circle known as the Moonbabes. Check us out by clicking on the cool moon below...

I'm working right now with the three cauldrons, the concept of poetry as magic, and of course doing my Sheela Na Gig research...

This page will eventually be a storehouse of my creative magickal work which I choose to share, Trances, Poetry, Rituals, etc...

For the moment, check out the following list of Celtic Paganism Links:

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