Please stop in the forum and post a message related to nursing, an issue you need help with, a story about something that happened while nursing, information related to nursing or just to say HI! Let's get together!
"Nurses on the Web" was created to bring nurses around the world
together. We are a group of nurses, nursing students, CNA's and professors of nursing, who have united to offer each other support, communication, and assistance. Many of us have
found the Internet to be a important tool in our nursing studies, nursing
professions, and teaching of our patients. It is my hope that this page will
serve as a "connection" or "bond" between those of us that wish to help
others in this extraordinary, ever changing profession called
There are a few requirements that each member of Nurses on the Web is expected to
respect and honor. Those sites that fail to honor these requirements will be removed from the group.
Any person in the field of nursing or interested in the field of nursing, can
become a member of Nurses on the Web. Student nurses and professors of
nursing are more than welcome to join.
Your pages MUST include some information on nursing that can be shared with others involved in nursing. It can be as little as a list of your favorite nursing links, or as much as your entire site filled with nursing information.
Your site CANNOT be related solely to promoting a commercial product or commercial service.
A site that appears to be mainly commercial in nature will not be added to the ring. Remember, the purpose of this ring is to network with others in the nursing field, not to sell a product or service.
The URL that you submit to the ring, must be the URL that includes the web ring code and graphics. For example, you can't submit your opening page, and then put the code and graphics on a page called "Web Rings." If you want the code and graphics to appear on your web ring page, then please submit the URL for your web ring page.
Your web site cannot have any offensive, illegal or pornographic material on it or linked to it.
Please do not submit your site to this ring if your homepage has offensive language, nudity, pornography, or graphics sexual in nature on it or linked to it. If the links on your page point to this type of material, do not submit your site to this ring. If you wouldn't want a child to see your page or the links on your page, don't submit it to this ring! I have had several pages of this nature submitted to the ring lately. This kind of material is not suitable for this web ring, and your site will not be added to this ring! I do not know how to make this any clearer.
I remain firm on these points. I believe that each person has a right to display anything that they like on their own web page, but this webring is about joining together as nurses to assist each other. It is not about commercial endeavors, or pornography in any shape or form. If you do not agree with these rules, please submit your site to one of the other rings.
When you submit your request to become a member of Nurses on the Web,
your web site will be visited by me, Cindy Nye. You will be notified by email
of the results of my visit. The HTML code will be sent to you when you submit your application for membership. Please take the graphics from this page now right mouse clicking and saving them to YOUR hard drive! When I come to view your page, please make sure the code and graphics are on the page you have submitted. You will be notified as soon as I view your site.
Together we can help make Nurses on the Web a positive experience for all
who are a part of it. Together we can make this place a wonderful retreat of
support and knowledge for nurses, and those interested in nursing around the world.
Once you get your HTML code on your page, it should look like this:
Fill out the following form to submit your site to the ring:
I will then visit your site, and if I find that you have meet the rules for joining the ring, you will receive email with the html code, and the graphics to place on your page.
Your site will not be added to the ring until the html code and graphics have been placed on your page.
Periodic checks are done to insure that each member of the ring is current. In other words, each page that does not have the code on is given notice and 72 hours to make necessary changes to the code. Also, any pages that no longer exist are removed. This is to insure the integrity of the ring.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Cindy Nye RN
Below is the link for members who would like to edit their site information. Remeber! You need your PASSWORD!!!
Background, Header, Bars, and Buttons by: Pam North
Thank you for stopping by the Nurses on the Web. I would like to take this moment to thank Pam North for all her efforts in starting this webring. Pam's contribution to Nursing on the internet and in forming the HOSPICE as well as the NURSES ON THE WEB webrings has been made a huge impact on many lives. She has brought so many of us together. It is with great pleasure and honor that I have been asked by Pam to carry on her tradition. I will do my best to continue what she has started. Thank you Pam for all you have done for internet Nursing. Cindy Nye RN