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(If you are trying to contact REVEAL, you may visit them at http://www.reveal.org.)
"Webring" is an internet utility which allows similar-interest sites to be grouped together, thereby helping web-surfers to find sites about their particular area of interest more easily. To find out a little more about how a webring works, click here.
Your website *need not* contain any information or opinions about the ICoC to be a part of this ring! :-)
If you are amenable to "coming out" as a former ICoC member via this webring and never saying another word about it, that's fine. It is your choice to share your ICoC story or not. Well, hey, it's your choice to join this webring or not. But I hope you will join the ring. In the abstract, I think it makes it more difficult for the ICoC to disavow or ignore a large group of ex-members/dissenters.
Joining this webring does not commit you in any way to being an "activist" against the ICoC. I don't consider myself an "activist" by any stretch. I personally don't believe in picketing the ICoC or talking to the media in order to get exposure. There are those who do, and I think it's fine if they want to do that. It's their decision. I'm more of a "behind the scenes" kind of person. What I have found myself doing, mostly, is listening to people who need a compassionate ear, and pointing them toward the many valuable resources, both on the Internet and elsewhere, concerning the ICoC. Over and over, I hear from people that it means so much to them to find out they're not alone.
Joining this webring only requires about five minutes of your time: You fill out the form and when you are approved, you receive an email containing the webring banner code. This code should be cut and pasted to the index page of your website. And that's all!
I reserve the right to approve/reject sites for this webring at my discretion; but let me say right out that The Dance-Away Zone! webring is absolutely *not* limited to those who have retained a "Christian" perspective. I am quite a liberal thinker these days, but I do find there are just a few places where I feel I must draw the line. If you are unsure about your content, please take a few moments and submit your site anyway -- you might be surprised! (Here's a good example: did you know that though I do not smoke or ingest MJ in any form, I favor legalization for all adults -- not just the sick ones? Who'd 'a thunk it?! ;-> Therefore, if you are an ex-ICoC member whose website is about legalization of MJ, I would accept it for the webring.)
And please keep in mind that I do not necessarily subscribe to the views presented by webring members. Webring members are responsible for their own content.