Dedicated to Mom
Fresh Wax
© Paula, 1998
A hot glowing green summer day,
I had spent in carefree play,
As through the front door I stepped,
The sight and sound and smell caught me.
Fresh wax glistened there on the floor,
Shining like a mirror in light from the door.
With new eyes I saw the familiar room
That sight and smell linger in memory.
In the hot, glowing green summer day,
I spent in carefree play.
While Mom scrubbed and waxed on her knees.
How many other days did I not see?
Curio shelves polished with care,
She moved curios off and dusted it bare.
No marks of a quick once over showed
As they did when the duster was me!
That hot, glowing green summer day,
While I spent the day at play,
She scrubbed and cleaned and polished home
Until it was a grand place to be.
The house was filled with quiet clean,
And as I stood surveying the scene,
I caught a glimpse into my mother's heart,
A day forever to hold in my memory.
On a hot, glowing summer day,
I used my day for mindless play.
Mom worked, hot and uncomplaining, alone.
Giving glorious freedom to me.
Mom, no matter how long I live
If there is only one thing I can give,
I would have it be the gift of sight
You gave on that day to me!
Thank you, Mom, I love you!