Welcome to The Henna Ring! This is a webring based organization for red haired women on the internet.
Being rare and beautiful creatures, red haired women have become the object of some very degrading material on the internet, making it difficult for us to find supportive content and the representation we deserve.
The Henna Ring was created to link together unique, interesting and supportive sites created by red haired ladies or to promote the advancement of them.
The Henna Ring Guidelines
Owner of the site must be a red haired lady over the age of 18.
Your site may not contain pornography, obscenities, hate propagana, illegal material or links to any such sites. It can definitely not have anything degrading to redheads.
You must agree to display the ring fragment on your site in an easy to find location. The graphic does not have to be on your index page, but people should not have to search for it. You must also upload the ring graphic to your own server.
And that's it! If your site meets all of the guidelines, please submit it to The Henna Ring. Shortly after you submit your site, you will receive an e-mail message including the HTML code you will need to cut and paste to your site - DO NOT CHANGE THE CODE! It has already been modified and is the correct code for your site. Please make sure your name, URL, e-mail address and password are correct. If they are not, please use the form at the bottom of this page to edit your information.
If you already have a site in the ring and need to edit your information, you can use the form below to do so.