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This Freebirth site
owned by
Connie Rae.

Thank you for visiting The Freebirth Webring Homepage! Now your first question will probably be what is freebirth? Freebirth is also known by other names.. Do-it-yourself homebirth or unassisted homebirth. Anyway you put it, freebirth is the act of giving birth to your children in the enviroment you choose with out the help of medical personnel. Speaking from experience, it is the most natural and free way to give birth..
To join the Freebirth Webring your site must either contain supportive information about unassisted birth or contain unassisted birth stories. All sites will be reviewed by myself before being added to the ring.
You will need to fill out the form below to apply for the ring. Then save the two graphics from the webring on this page. You will need to load these pictures to your web page server and cut and paste the code you will receive in your letter from the webring.
Blessed Be,
Connie Rae

Members can now choose from a couple different graphics. Feel free to choose the one you like best from the three sets shown on this page. You will need to make some changes to your html coding on your page. If you have any questions feel free to contact me and I can help you with the code.

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Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

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This Freebirth site
owned by
Connie Rae.

This graphic was provided by Cyndi
(I will find the URL and post it here)

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This Freebirth site
owned by
Connie Rae.

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This Freebirth site
owned by
Connie Rae.

This image also provided by Cyndi
