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The Topic and Task Index is a comprehensive list of topics within the following high-level task groupings: Using, Managing, Programming, and Problem Solving. It is designed to navigate you as quickly as possible to the topic and tasks in which you are interested.

The information is in an information base that is made up of many articles--almost like a large encyclopedia. There are four types of articles in the information base. They are:

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doc_li k 6Oo&6HI&6W&66./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/BOSRunServA_B.htm Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: A-B
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Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: A-B

Select the service you want to read about or go back to Base Operating System (BOS) and Extensions.

a64l Subroutine Converts between long integers and base-64 ASCII strings.
abort Subroutine Sends a SIGIOT signal to end the current process.
abs Subroutine Computes absolute value, division, and double precision multiplication of integers.
absinterval Subroutine Manipulates the expiration time of interval timers.
access Subroutine Determines the accessibility of a file.
accessx Subroutine Determines the accessibility of a file.
acct Subroutine Enables and disables process accounting.
acl_chg Subroutine Changes the access control information on a file.
acl_fchg Subroutine Changes the access control information on a file.
acl_fget Subroutine Gets the access control information of a file.
acl_fput Subroutine Sets the access control information of a file.
acl_fset Subroutine Sets the access control information of a file.
acl_get Subroutine Gets the access control information of a file.
acl_put Subroutine Sets the access control information of a file.
acl_set Subroutine Sets the access control information of a file.
acos Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
acosh Subroutine Computes inverse hyperbolic functions.
acosl Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
addch Subroutine Adds a single-byte character and rendition to a window and advances the cursor.
addnstr Subroutine Adds a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advances the cursor.
addssys Subroutine Adds the SRCsubsys record to the subsystem object class.
addstr Subroutine Adds a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advances the cursor.
adjtime Subroutine Corrects the time to allow synchronization of the system clock.
advance Subroutine Compiles and matches regular-expression patterns.
aio_cancel Subroutine Cancels one or more outstanding asynchronous I/O requests.
aio_cancel64 Subroutine Cancels one or more outstanding asynchronous I/O requests.
aio_error Subroutine Retrieves the error status of an asynchronous I/O request.
aio_error64 Subroutine Retrieves the error status of an asynchronous I/O request.
aio_read Subroutine Reads asynchronously from a file.
aio_read64 Subroutine Reads asynchronously from a file.
aio_return Subroutine Retrieves the return status of an asynchronous I/O request.
aio_return64 Subroutine Retrieves the return status of an asynchronous I/O request.
aio_suspend Subroutine Suspends the calling process until one or more asynchronous I/O requests is completed.
aio_suspend64 Subroutine Suspends the calling process until one or more asynchronous I/O requests is completed.
aio_write Subroutine Writes to a file asynchronously.
aio_write64 Subroutine Writes to a file asynchronously.
alarm Subroutine Manipulates the expiration time of interval timers.
alloca Subroutine Provides a memory allocator.
alphasort Subroutine Scans or sorts directory contents.
asctime Subroutine Converts the formats of date and time representations.
asctime_r Subroutine Converts the formats of date and time representations.
asin Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
asinh Subroutine Computes inverse hyperbolic functions.
asinl Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
assert Macro Verifies a program assertion.
atan Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
atan2 Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
atan2l Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
atanh Subroutine Computes inverse hyperbolic functions.
atanl Subroutine Computes inverse trigonometric functions.
atexit Subroutine Terminates a process.
atof Subroutine Converts an ASCII string to a floating-point or double floating-point number.
atoff Subroutine Converts an ASCII string to a floating-point or double floating-point number.
atoi Subroutine Converts a string to a signed or unsigned long integer or long long integer.
atol Subroutine Converts a string to a signed or unsigned long integer or long long integer.
attroff Subroutine Restricted window attribute control functions.
attron Subroutine Restricted window attribute control functions.
attrset Subroutine Restricted window attribute control functions.
audit Subroutine Enables and disables system auditing.
auditbin Subroutine Defines files to contain audit records.
auditevents Subroutine Gets or sets the status of system event auditing.
auditlog Subroutine Appends an audit record to the audit trail file.
auditobj Subroutine Gets or sets the auditing mode of a system data object.
auditpack Subroutine Compresses and uncompresses audit bins.
auditproc Subroutine Gets or sets the audit state of a process.
auditread Subroutine Reads an audit record.
auditwrite Subroutine Writes an audit record.
authenticate Subroutine Verifies a user's name and password.
basename Subroutine Return the last element of a path name.
baudrate Subroutine Gets the terminal baud rate.
bcmp Subroutine Performs bit and byte string operations.
bcopy Subroutine Performs bit and byte string operations.
beep Subroutine Sounds the audible alarm on the terminal.
bessel Subroutines Computes Bessel functions.
bindprocessor Subroutine Binds kernel threads to a processor.
box Subroutine Draws borders from single-byte characters and renditions.
brk Subroutine Changes data segment space allocation.
bsearch Subroutine Performs a binary search.
btowc Subroutine Single-byte to wide-character conversion.
bzero Subroutine Performs bit and byte string operations.

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. kԹ >Oo&6JI&6W&6>./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/BOSRunServC.htmm Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: C
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Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: C

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CAXPY Subroutine Computes a constant times a vector plus a vector.
CCOPY Subroutine Copies vector X to Y.
CGBMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations with general banded matrices.
CGEMM Subroutine Performs matrix-matrix operations on general matrices.
CGEMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operation with general matrices.
CGERC Subroutine Performs the rank 1 operation.
CGERU Subroutine Performs the rank 1 operation.
CHBMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a Hermitian band matrix.
CHEMM Subroutine Performs the rank 1 operation.
CHEMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a Hermitian band matrix.
CHER Subroutine Performs the Hermitian rank 1 operation.
CHER2 Subroutine Performs the Hermitian rank 2 operation.
CHER2K Subroutine Performs Hermitian rank 2k operations.
CHERK Subroutine Performs Hermitian rank k operations.
CHPMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a packed Hermitian matrix.
CHPR Subroutine Performs the Hermitian rank 1 operation.
CHPR2 Subroutine Performs the Hermitian rank 2 operation.
CROTG Subroutine Constructs Givens plane rotation.
CSCAL Subroutine Scales a vector by a constant.
CSROT Subroutine Applies a plane rotation.
CSSCAL Subroutine Scales a vector by a constant.
CSWAP Subroutine Interchanges vectors X and Y.
CSYMM Subroutine Performs matrix-matrix matrix operations on symmetric matrices.
CSYR2K Subroutine Performs symmetric rank 2k operations.
CSYRK Subroutine Perform symmetric rank k operations.
CTBMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a triangular band matrix.
CTBSV Subroutine Solves system of equations.
CTPMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations on a packed triangular matrix.
CTPSV Subroutine Solves systems of equations.
CTRMM Subroutine Performs matrix-matrix operations on triangular matrices.
CTRMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a triangular matrix.
CTRSM Subroutine Solves certain matrix equations.
CTRSV Subroutine Solves system of equations.
calloc Subroutine Provides a memory allocator.
can_change_color Subroutine Color manipulation functions and external variables for color support.
catclose Subroutine Closes a specified message catalog.
catgets Subroutine Retrieves a message from a catalog.
catopen Subroutine Opens a specified message catalog.
cbreak Subroutine Puts the terminal into or out of CBREAK mode.
cbrt Subroutine Computes square root and cube root functions.
ccsidtocs Subroutine Provides conversion between coded character set IDs (CCSID) and code set names.
ceil Subroutine Rounds floating-point numbers to floating-point integer values.
ceill Subroutine Rounds floating-point numbers to floating-point integer values.
cfgetispeed Subroutine Gets and sets input and output baud rates.
cfgetospeed Subroutine Gets and sets input and output baud rates.
cfsetispeed Subroutine Gets and sets input and output baud rates.
cfsetospeed Subroutine Gets and sets input and output baud rates.
chacl Subroutine Changes the permissions on a file.
chdir Subroutine Changes the current directory.
_check_lock Subroutine Conditionally updates a single word variable atomically.
chmod Subroutine Changes file access permissions.
chown Subroutine Changes file ownership.
chownx Subroutine Changes file ownership.
chpass Subroutine Changes file access permissions.
chroot Subroutine Changes the effective root directory.
chssys Subroutine Modifies the subsystem objects associated with the SubsystemName parameter.
ckuserID Subroutine Authenticates the user.
ckuseracct Subroutine Checks the validity of a user account.
_class Subroutine Determines classifications of floating-point numbers.
class Subroutine Determines classifications of floating-point numbers.
clear Subroutine Clears a window.
clearerr Macro Checks the status of a stream.
_clear_lock Subroutine Stores a value in a single word variable atomically.
clearok Subroutine Terminal output control subroutines.
clock Subroutine Reports central processing unit (CPU) time used.
close Subroutine Closes the file associated with a file descriptor.
closedir Subroutine Performs operations on directories.
closelog Subroutine Controls the system log.
clrtobot Subroutine Erases the current line from the logical cursor position to the end of the window.
clrtoeol Subroutine Erases the current line from the logical cursor position to the end of the line.
color_content Subroutine Color manipulation functions and external variables for color support.
compare_and_swap Subroutine Conditionally updates or returns a single word variable atomically.
compile Subroutine Compiles and matches regular-expression patterns.
confstr Subroutine Gets configurable variables.
conv Subroutine Translates characters.
conv Subroutine (Japanese) Translates predefined Japanese character classes.
copysign Subroutine Computes certain binary floating-point arithmetic functions.
copywin Subroutine Copies a region of a window.
cos Subroutine Computes the trigonometric functions.
cosh Subroutine Computes hyperbolic functions.
coshl Subroutine Computes hyperbolic functions.
cosl Subroutine Computes the trigonometric functions.
creat Subroutine Opens a file for reading or writing.
creat64 Subroutine Opens a file for reading or writing.
crypt Subroutine Encrypts or decrypts data.
cs Subroutine Compares and swaps data.
csid Subroutine Returns the character set ID (charsetID) of a multibyte character.
cstoccsid Subroutine Provides conversion between coded character set IDs (CCSID) and code set names.
ctermid Subroutine Generates the path name of the controlling terminal.
ctime Subroutine Converts the formats of date and time representations.
ctime_r Subroutine Converts the formats of date and time representations.
ctype Subroutine Classifies characters.
ctype Subroutine (Japanese) Classify characters.
curs_set Subroutine Sets the cursor visibility.
cuserid Subroutine Gets the alphanumeric user name associated with the current process.

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>C k q8Oo&6LI&6W&6q8./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/BOSRunServD_E.htm Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: D-E
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Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: D-E

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DAXPY Subroutine Computes a constant times a vector plus a vector.
DCOPY Subroutine Copies vector X to Y.
DGBMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations with general banded matrices.
DGEMM Subroutine Performs matrix-matrix operations on general matrices.
DGEMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operation with general matrices.
DGER Subroutine Performs the rank 1 operation.
DROT Subroutine Applies a plane rotation.
DROTG Subroutine Constructs Givens plane rotation.
DROTM Subroutine Applies the modified Givens transformation.
DROTMG Subroutine Constructs a modified Givens transformation.
DSBMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using symmetric band matrix.
DSCAL Subroutine Scales a vector by a constant.
DSPMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a packed symmetric matrix.
DSPR Subroutine Performs the symmetric rank 1 operation.
DSPR2 Subroutine Performs the symmetric rank 2 operation.
DSWAP Subroutine Interchanges vectors X and Y.
DSYMM Subroutine Performs matrix-matrix matrix operations on symmetric matrices.
DSYMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a symmetric matrix.
DSYR Subroutine Performs the symmetric rank 1 operation.
DSYR2 Subroutine Performs the symmetric rank 2 operation.
DSYR2K Subroutine Performs symmetric rank 2k operations.
DSYRK Subroutine Perform symmetric rank k operations.
DTBMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a triangular band matrix.
DTBSV Subroutine Solves system of equations.
DTPMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations on a packed triangular matrix.
DTPSV Subroutine Solves systems of equations.
DTRMM Subroutine Performs matrix-matrix operations on triangular matrices.
DTRMV Subroutine Performs matrix-vector operations using a triangular matrix.
DTRSM Subroutine Solves certain matrix equations.
DTRSV Subroutine Solves system of equations.
def_prog_mode Subroutine Saves/restores the program or shell terminal modes.
def_shell_mode Subroutine Saves/restores the program or shell terminal modes.
defssys Subroutine Initializes the SRCsubsys structure with default values.
delay_output Subroutine Sets the delay output.
delch Subroutine Deletes the character from a window.
del_curterm Subroutine Interfaces to the terminfo database.
deleteln Subroutine Deletes lines in a window.
delssys Subroutine Removes the subsystem objects associated with the SubsystemName parameter.
delwin Subroutine Deletes a window.
derwin Subroutine Window creation subroutines.
difftime Subroutine Converts the formats of date and time representations.
dirname Subroutine Report the parent directory name of a file path name.
disclaim Subroutine Disclaims the content of a memory address range.
div Subroutine Computes absolute value, division, and double precision multiplication of integers.
dlclose Subroutine Closes and unloads a module loaded by the dlopen subroutine.
dlerror Subroutine Return a pointer to information about the last dlopen, dlsym, or dlclose error.
dlopen Subroutine Dynamically load a module into the calling process.
dlsym Subroutine Looks up the location of a symbol in a module that is loaded with dlopen.
doupdate Subroutine Refreshes windows and lines.
drand48 Subroutine Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random number sequences.
drem Subroutine Computes the IEEE Remainder as defined in the IEEE Floating-Point Standard.
dup Subroutine Controls open file descriptors.
dup2 Subroutine Controls open file descriptors.
echo Subroutine Enables/disables terminal echo.
echochar Subroutine Echos single-byte character and rendition to a window and refreshes the window.
ecvt Subroutine Converts a floating-point number to a string.
encrypt Subroutine Encrypts or decrypts data.
endacldb Subroutine Opens and closes the SMIT ACL database.
endfsent Subroutine Gets information about a file system.
endgrent Subroutine Accesses the basic group information in the user database.
endaudithostdb Subroutine Opens and closes the host identifier auditing file.
endpwdb Subroutine Opens or closes the authentication database.
endpwent Subroutine Accesses the basic user information in the user database.
endroledb Subroutine Opens and closes the role database.
endrpcent Subroutine Accesses the /etc/rpc file.
endttyent Subroutine Gets a tty description file entry.
enduserdb Subroutine Opens and closes the user database.
endutent Subroutine Accesses utmp file entries.
endvfsent Subroutine Gets a vfs file entry.
endwin Subroutine Suspends curses session.
erand48 Subroutine Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random number sequences.
erase Subroutine Clears a window.
erasechar Subroutine Terminal environment query functions.
erasewchar Subroutine Terminal environment query functions.
erf Subroutine Computes the error and complementary error functions.
erfc Subroutine Computes the error and complementary error functions.
erfcl Subroutine Computes the error and complementary error functions.
erfl Subroutine Computes the error and complementary error functions.
errlog Subroutine Logs an application error to the system error log.
exec* Subroutine Executes a file.
_exit Subroutine Terminates a process.
exit Subroutine Terminates a process.
exp Subroutine Computes exponential, logarithm, and power functions.
expl Subroutine Computes exponential, logarithm, and power functions.
expm1 Subroutine Computes exponential, logarithm, and power functions.

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libs/ba l&  VOo&6OI&6W&69./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/BOSRunServF.htmm   /<> .ARTaefinorst"=DNOPbchlpuEFGHILSW_dgm-1VCkvwxy2BM()46,359Uz*08?QY[j|7:]!#;Zqp @( p&N+t!dz;q8Y$p&N+t!dz8F#AB@'pWR0-đx/\z [B(@ AAs8HOhaB;mx (S>*HXL # p a@0&4W'9B׷SxoD2и<=õ W3 RHHOFdiQ>ڻdXhe8a1+^0mѯ >#P}OCI ( P *cP&׀1>59CႡP4]@#}\YY`@ G\o0 !P * |x#BhT #ယ'wze`s0;B$@ ZG0}%  ?0 `'iRv_is @DŠXb@#nHŒ sЁI!kկQӟh^أJUh\ylբwq^q^-BhcR|y֢)z)y]o\; Y.0W8,maZm9m4VǑyG&uh8v\WW(=$ eІE>T)uwp_kvs 1d}\ⰳ3 RHZkduA Yh\y|-`F L;pgW8*Gp]c>2')~FHy]o\; Y.0W8,maZm9mwи>/z)3D)õ\⽗B4#q@>0Wrd+nHŒ sЁI!kկQӟh^y #z=բwq^q^A eІ% *NI2F s}J7$@bqaf k fh@רiϴ/XlO@l.< pRgVSk?zyR* ĩ)rÁ9t!0WpA]aְJe16UA+s}J7$@bqaf k fh@רiϴ/Xiաq|O@}έks"[#$aV;/;\W+`%-7B׫^#>нb @<օǑ= 炓:N;Y++>clP8VI%kvs 1d}\ⰳ3 RHZkduA(и>'@<)3D)õ\:el^vWkW9"K7+ 0[Xo0;B$VFG[N}zbz0}VǑ=>)3D)õ\xF)2F s}J7$@bqaf k fh@רiϴ/XlOFи>'բwq^q^ c # #kvs 1d}\ⰳ3 RHZkduA'KAh\yѥ:N;Y++жRS?-zם+nHŒ sЁI!kկQӟh^؟;.<8)3D)õ\ I޴FD< +ekvs 1d}\ⰳ3 RHZkduA.T)&\1kSq^7ԮspD,oV``v I ^zB6l.ZGl.IZ'yNB=[99܌FB# 0C%|s}J7$@bqaf k fh@רiϴ/Xlh&.<% έks^xWkW9"K7+ 0[Xo0;B$VFG[N}zc Eh\yR8ӵ\.2}ӶR8^vWkW9"K7+ 0[Xo0;B$VFG[N}zc Eh\yV>gW8!ˡ t픎?-zם+nHŒ sЁI!kկQӟh^11F # hǍ:N;Y++)!-JcQ}d>#ފ kvs 1d}\ⰳ3 RHZkduA0 |ƌ|ƭ # hn L;pgW8 )\=>å{dJcQ}d>#ފ kvs 1d}\ⰳ3 RHZkduA0 |ƌ|ƭ # hW&uh8v\WW픮[aҽS1>yzEJz\Rv \aqXY)$-z2:s N4ZG2i:N;Y++ Y#$aiQI5kvs 1d}\ⰳ3 RHZkduA'KAh\yIZ'yNDih[)\)[`s}J7$@bqaf k fh@רiϴ/Xi Jи>1 L;pgW86*>t8xeYLvQ(U'ekvs 1d}\ⰳ3 RHZkdu@]pBи>1Mmw&uh8v\WWZ6N4T<'|~FHy]o\; Y.0W8,maZm9m .<\բwq^q^?Ayr=*7#Z%4Zǯ;\W+`%-7B׫^#>нb ZGt.-:N;Y++i^TC#$aRS+?-zם+nHŒ sЁI!kկQӟh^ #:J #&uh8v\WW RҼ;eІFHxW)~Zǯ;\W+`%-7B׫^#>нb {- #: L;pgW8 e1~?-zם+nHŒ sЁI!kկQӟh^иq|GBsRgVSk?zxh^l0WxW#Z%4Zǯ;\W+`%-7B׫^#>нb p=Ǒ 킓:N;Y++BYLvF^xkvs 1d}\ⰳ3 RHZkduA0VǑ00yk?zx]elqkq^7ԮspD,oV``v I ^zB 7VǑ7pRgVSk?zyRF pVMII^Pz\Rv \aqXY)$-z2:s N4ZGS0RgVSk?z{at;dd2S*=&q^7ԮspD,oV``v I ^zB6eq|e9^)3D)õ\⼨^)z/ʓR9hcR|c΅lq^7ԮspD,oV``v I ^zB EAh\y_d0RgVSk?zxT_d!lXBks}J7$@bqaf k fh@רiϴ/Xj4< Bи>(. 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Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: G

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GetUserAuths Subroutine Accesses the set of authorizations of a user.
gai_strerror Subroutine Facilitates consistent error information from EAI_* values returned by getaddrinfo.
garbagedlines Subroutine Discards and replaces a number of lines in a window.
gcd Subroutine Multiple-precision integer arithmetic.
gcvt Subroutine Converts a floating-point number to a string.
getaddrinfo Subroutine Protocol-independent hostname-to-address translation.
getargs Subroutine Gets arguments of a process.
getaudithostattr Subroutine Accesses the host information in the audit host database.
getbegyx Subroutine Gets the cursor and window coordinates.
getc Subroutine Gets a character or word from an input stream.
getch Subroutine Gets a single-byte character from the terminal.
getchar Subroutine Gets a character or word from an input stream.
getchar_unlocked Subroutine stdio with explicit client locking.
getconfattr Subroutine Accesses the user information in the user database.
getcontext Subroutine Initializes the structure pointed to by ucp to the context of the calling process.
getc_unlocked Subroutine stdio with explicit client locking.
getcwd Subroutine Gets the path name of the current directory.
getdate Subroutine Convert user format date and time.
getdtablesize Subroutine Gets the descriptor table size.
getegid Subroutine Gets the process group IDs.
getenv Subroutine Returns the value of an environment variable.
geteuid Subroutine Gets the real or effective user ID of the current process.
getevars Subroutine Gets environment of a process.
getfsent Subroutine Gets information about a file system.
getfsfile Subroutine Gets information about a file system.
getfsspec Subroutine Gets information about a file system.
getfstype Subroutine Gets information about a file system.
getgid Subroutine Gets the process group IDs.
getgrent Subroutine Accesses the basic group information in the user database.
getgrgid Subroutine Accesses the basic group information in the user database.
getgrgid_r Subroutine Gets a group database entry for a group ID.
getgrnam Subroutine Accesses the basic group information in the user database.
getgrnam_r Subroutine Search a group database for a name.
getgroupattr Subroutine Accesses the group information in the user database.
getgroups Subroutine Gets the supplementary group ID of the current process.
getgrpaclattr Subroutine Accesses the group screen information in the SMIT ACL database.
getinterval Subroutine Manipulates the expiration time of interval timers.
getitimer Subroutine Manipulates the expiration time of interval timers.
getlogin Subroutine Gets a user's login name.
getlogin_r Subroutine Gets a user's login name.
getmaxyx Subroutine Gets the cursor and window coordinates.
getnameinfo Subroutine Hostname-to-service name translation [given the binary address and port].
getnstr Subroutine Gets a multi-byte character string from the terminal.
getopt Subroutine Returns the next flag letter specified on the command line.
getpagesize Subroutine Gets the system page size.
getparyx Subroutine Gets the cursor and window coordinates.
getpass Subroutine Reads a password.
getpcred Subroutine Reads the current process credentials.
getpenv Subroutine Reads the current process environment.
getpgid Subroutine Returns the process group ID of the calling process.
getpgrp Subroutine Returns the process ID, process group ID, and parent process ID.
getpid Subroutine Returns the process ID, process group ID, and parent process ID.
getportattr Subroutine Accesses the port information in the port database.
getppid Subroutine Returns the process ID, process group ID, and parent process ID.
getpri Subroutine Returns the scheduling priority of a process.
getpriority Subroutine Gets or sets the nice value.
getprocs Subroutine Gets process table entries.
getpw Subroutine Retrieves a user's /etc/passwd file entry.
getpwent Subroutine Accesses the basic user information in the user database.
getpwnam Subroutine Accesses the basic user information in the user database.
getpwuid Subroutine Accesses the basic user information in the user database.
getrlimit Subroutine Controls maximum system resource consumption.
getrlimit64 Subroutine Controls maximum system resource consumption.
getroleattr Subroutine Accesses the role information in the roles database.
getrpcbyname Subroutine Accesses the /etc/rpc file.
getrpcbynumber Subroutine Accesses the /etc/rpc file.
getrpcent Subroutine Accesses the /etc/rpc file.
getrusage Subroutine Displays information about resource use.
getrusage64 Subroutine Displays information about resource use.
gets Subroutine Gets a string from a stream.
getsid Subroutine Returns the session ID of the calling process.
get_speed Subroutine Set and get the terminal baud rate.
getssys Subroutine Reads a subsystem record.
getstr Subroutine Gets a multi-byte character string from the terminal.
getsubopt Subroutine Parse suboptions from a string.
getsubsvr Subroutine Reads a subsystem record.
getsyx Subroutine Retrieves the current coordinates of the virtual screen cursor.
getthrds Subroutine Gets kernel thread table entries.
gettimeofday Subroutine Displays, gets and sets date and time.
gettimer Subroutine Gets or sets the current value for the specified systemwide timer.
gettimerid Subroutine Allocates a per-process interval timer.
getttyent Subroutine Gets a tty description file entry.
getttynam Subroutine Gets a tty description file entry.
getuid Subroutine Gets the real or effective user ID of the current process.
getuinfo Subroutine Finds a value associated with a user.
getuserattr Subroutine Accesses the user information in the user database.
getuserpw Subroutine Accesses the user authentication data.
getusraclattr Subroutine Accesses the user screen information in the SMIT ACL database.
getutent Subroutine Accesses utmp file entries.
getutid Subroutine Accesses utmp file entries.
getutline Subroutine Accesses utmp file entries.
getvfsbyflag Subroutine Gets a vfs file entry.
getvfsbyname Subroutine Gets a vfs file entry.
getvfsbytype Subroutine Gets a vfs file entry.
getvfsent Subroutine Gets a vfs file entry.
getw Subroutine Gets a character or word from an input stream.
getwc Subroutine Gets a wide character from an input stream.
getwchar Subroutine Gets a wide character from an input stream.
getwd Subroutine Gets current directory path name.
getws Subroutine Gets a string from a stream.
getyx Macro Returns the coordinates of the logical cursor in the specified window.
getyx Subroutine Gets the cursor and window coordinates.
glob Subroutine Generates path names.
globfree Subroutine Frees all memory associated with the pglob parameter.
gmtime Subroutine Converts the formats of date and time representations.
gmtime_r Subroutine Converts the formats of date and time representations.
grantpt Subroutine Changes the mode and ownership of a pseudo-terminal device.
gsignal Subroutine Implements a software signal facility.
gtty Subroutine Sets or gets terminal state.

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Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: K-L

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key_name Subroutine Gets the name of keys.
keyname Subroutine Gets the name of keys.
keypad Subroutine Enables or disables abbreviation of function keys.
kill Subroutine Sends a signal to a process or to a group of processes.
killchar Subroutine Terminal environment query functions.
killpg Subroutine Sends a signal to a process or to a group of processes.
killwchar Subroutine Terminal environment query functions.
kleenup Subroutine Cleans up the run-time environment of a process.
knlist Subroutine Translates names to addresses in the running system.
l3tol Subroutine Converts between 3-byte integers and long integers.
l64a Subroutine Converts between long integers and base-64 ASCII strings.
labs Subroutine Computes absolute value, division, and double precision multiplication of integers.
layout_object_create Subroutine Initializes a layout context.
layout_object_editshape Subroutine Edits the shape of the context text.
layout_object_free Subroutine Frees a LayoutObject structure.
layout_object_getvalue Subroutine Queries the current layout values of a LayoutObject structure.
layout_object_setvalue Subroutine Sets the layout values of a LayoutObject structure.
layout_object_shapeboxchars Subroutine Shapes box characters.
layout_object_transform Subroutine Transforms text according to the current layout values of a LayoutObject structure.
_lazySetErrorHandler Subroutine Installs an error handler into the lazy loading runtime system for the current process.
lchown Subroutine Changes file ownership.
lcong48 Subroutine Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random number sequences.
ldaclose Subroutine Closes a common object file.
ldahread Subroutine Reads the archive header of a member of an archive file.
ldaopen Subroutine Opens a common object file for reading.
ldclose Subroutine Closes a common object file.
ldexp Subroutine Manipulates floating-point numbers.
ldexpl Subroutine Manipulates floating-point numbers.
ldfhread Subroutine Reads the file header of a common object file.
ldgetname Subroutine Retrieves symbol name for common object file symbol table entry.
ldiv Subroutine Computes absolute value, division, and double precision multiplication of integers.
ldlinit Subroutine Manipulates line number entries of a common object file function.
ldlitem Subroutine Manipulates line number entries of a common object file function.
ldlread Subroutine Manipulates line number entries of a common object file function.
ldlseek Subroutine Seeks to line number entries of a section of a common object file.
ldnlseek Subroutine Seeks to line number entries of a section of a common object file.
ldnrseek Subroutine Seeks to relocation entries of a section of a common object file.
ldnshread Subroutine Reads an indexed or named section header of a common object file.
ldnsseek Subroutine Seeks to an indexed or named section of a common object file.
ldohseek Subroutine Seeks to the optional file header of a common object file.
ldopen Subroutine Opens a common object file for reading.
ldrseek Subroutine Seeks to relocation entries of a section of a common object file.
ldshread Subroutine Reads an indexed or named section header of a common object file.
ldsseek Subroutine Seeks to an indexed or named section of a common object file.
ldtbindex Subroutine Computes the index of a symbol table entry of a common object file.
ldtbread Subroutine Reads an indexed symbol table entry of a common object file.
ldtbseek Subroutine Seeks to the symbol table of a common object file.
leaveok Subroutine Terminal output control subroutines.
lfind Subroutine Performs a linear search and update.
lineout Subroutine Formats a print line.
link Subroutine Creates an additional directory entry for an existing file.
lio_listio Subroutine Initiates a list of asynchronous I/O requests with a single call.
lio_listio64 Subroutine Initiates a list of asynchronous I/O requests with a single call.
llabs Subroutine Computes absolute value, division, and double precision multiplication of integers.
lldiv Subroutine Computes absolute value, division, and double precision multiplication of integers.
llseek Subroutine Moves the read-write file pointer.
load Subroutine Loads and binds an object module into the current process.
loadbind Subroutine Provides specific run-time resolution of a module's deferred symbols.
loadquery Subroutine Returns error information from the load or exec subroutine; also provides a list of object files loaded for the current process.
localeconv Subroutine Sets the locale-dependent conventions of an object.
localtime Subroutine Converts the formats of date and time representations.
localtime_r Subroutine Converts the formats of date and time representations.
lockf Subroutine Locks and unlocks sections of open files.
lockf64 Subroutine Locks and unlocks sections of open files.
lockfx Subroutine Locks and unlocks sections of open files.
log Subroutine Computes exponential, logarithm, and power functions.
log10 Subroutine Computes exponential, logarithm, and power functions.
log10l Subroutine Computes exponential, logarithm, and power functions.
log1p Subroutine Computes exponential, logarithm, and power functions.
logb Subroutine Computes certain binary floating-point arithmetic functions.
loginfailed Subroutine Records an unsuccessful login attempt.
loginrestrictions Subroutine Determines if a user is allowed to access the system.
loginsuccess Subroutine Records a successful log in.
logl Subroutine Computes exponential, logarithm, and power functions.
longjmp Subroutine Saves and restores the current execution context.
longname Subroutine Returns the verbose name of a terminal.
lrand48 Subroutine Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random number sequences.
lsearch Subroutine Performs a linear search and update.
lseek Subroutine Moves the read-write file pointer.
lseek64 Subroutine Moves the read-write file pointer.
lstat Subroutine Provides information about a file.
lstat64 Subroutine Provides information about a file.
ltol3 Subroutine Converts between 3-byte integers and long integers.
lvm_changelv Subroutine Changes the attributes of a logical volume.
lvm_changepv Subroutine Changes the attributes of a physical volume in a volume group.
lvm_createlv Subroutine Creates an empty logical volume in a specified volume group.
lvm_createvg Subroutine Creates a new volume group and installs the first physical volume.
lvm_deletelv Subroutine Deletes a logical volume from its volume group.
lvm_deletepv Subroutine Deletes a physical volume from a volume group.
lvm_extendlv Subroutine Extends a logical volume by a specified number of partitions.
lvm_installpv Subroutine Installs a physical volume into a volume group.
lvm_migratepp Subroutine Moves a physical partition to a specified physical volume.
lvm_querylv Subroutine Queries a logical volume and returns all pertinent information.
lvm_querypv Subroutine Queries a physical volume and returns all pertinent information.
lvm_queryvg Subroutine Queries a volume group and returns pertinent information.
lvm_queryvgs Subroutine Queries volume groups and returns information to online volume groups.
lvm_reducelv Subroutine Reduces the size of a logical volume by a specified number of partitions.
lvm_resynclp Subroutine Synchronizes all physical partitions for a logical partition.
lvm_resynclv Subroutine Synchronizes all physical copies of all of the logical partitions for a logical volume.
lvm_resyncpv Subroutine Synchronizes all physical partitions on a physical volume with the related copies of the logical partition to which they correspond.
lvm_varyoffvg Subroutine Varies off a volume group.
lvm_varyonvg Subroutine Varies a volume group on-line.

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Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: N-O

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nearest Subroutine Rounds floating-point numbers to floating-point integer values.
newpad Subroutine Pad management functions.
newpass Subroutine Generates a new password for a user.
newterm Subroutine Initializes curses and its data structures.
newwin Subroutine Window creation subroutines.
nextafter Subroutine Computes certain binary floating-point arithmetic functions.
nextgroup Subroutine Accesses the group information in the user database.
nextgrpacl Subroutine Accesses the group screen information in the SMIT ACL database.
nexthost Subroutine Accesses the host information in the audit host database.
nextrole Subroutine Accesses the role information in the roles database.
nextuser Subroutine Accesses the user information in the user database.
nextusracl Subroutine Accesses the user screen information in the SMIT ACL database.
nftw Subroutine Walks a file tree.
nftw64 Subroutine Walks a file tree.
nice Subroutine Gets or sets the nice value.
nl Subroutine Enables/disables newline translation.
nlist Subroutine Gets entries from a name list.
nlist64 Subroutine Gets entries from a name list.
nl_langinfo Subroutine Returns information on the language or cultural area in a program's locale.
nocbreak Subroutine Puts the terminal into or out of CBREAK mode.
nodelay Subroutine Enables or disables block during read.
noecho Subroutine Enables/disables terminal echo.
nonl Subroutine Enables/disables newline translation.
noraw Subroutine Puts the terminal into or out of CBREAK mode.
notimeout Subroutine Controls blocking on input.
nrand48 Subroutine Generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random number sequences.
ns_addr Subroutine XNS address conversion routines.
nsleep Subroutine Suspends a current process from execution.
ns_ntoa Subroutine XNS address conversion routines.
odm_add_obj Subroutine Adds a new object into an object class.
odm_change_obj Subroutine Changes an object in the object class.
odm_close_class Subroutine Closes an ODM object class.
odm_create_class Subroutine Creates an object class.
odm_err_msg Subroutine Returns an error message string.
odm_free_list Subroutine Frees memory previously allocated for an odm_get_list subroutine.
odm_get_by_id Subroutine Retrieves an object from an ODM object class by its ID.
odm_get_first Subroutine Retrieves objects, one object at a time, from an ODM object class.
odm_get_list Subroutine Retrieves all objects in an object class that match the specified criteria.
odm_get_next Subroutine Retrieves objects, one object at a time, from an ODM object class.
odm_get_obj Subroutine Retrieves objects, one object at a time, from an ODM object class.
odm_initialize Subroutine Prepares ODM for use by an application.
odm_lock Subroutine Puts an exclusive lock on the requested path name.
odm_mount_class Subroutine Retrieves the class symbol structure for the specified object class name.
odm_open_class Subroutine Opens an ODM object class.
odm_rm_by_id Subroutine Removes objects specified by their IDs from an ODM object class.
odm_rm_class Subroutine Removes an object class from the file system.
odm_rm_obj Subroutine Removes objects from an ODM object class.
odm_run_method Subroutine Runs a specified method.
odm_set_path Subroutine Sets the default path for locating object classes.
odm_set_perms Subroutine Sets the default permissions for an ODM object class at creation time.
odm_terminate Subroutine Terminates an ODM session.
odm_unlock Subroutine Releases a lock put on a path name.
omin Subroutine Multiple-precision integer arithmetic.
omout Subroutine Multiple-precision integer arithmetic.
open Subroutine Opens a file for reading or writing.
open64 Subroutine Opens a file for reading or writing.
opendir Subroutine Performs operations on directories.
openlog Subroutine Controls the system log.
openx Subroutine Opens a file for reading or writing.
overlay Subroutine Copies one window on top of another.
overwrite Subroutine Copies one window on top of another.

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Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime Services: Q-R

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qsort Subroutine Sorts a table of data in place.
quotactl Subroutine Manipulates disk quotas.
raise Subroutine Sends a signal to the currently running program.
rand Subroutine Generates pseudo-random numbers.
random Subroutine Generates pseudo-random numbers more efficiently.
rand_r Subroutine Generates pseudo-random numbers.
raw Subroutine Puts the terminal into or out of CBREAK mode.
read Subroutine Reads from a file.
readdir Subroutine Performs operations on directories.
readdir_r Subroutine Reads a directory.
readlink Subroutine Reads the contents of a symbolic link.
read_real_time Subroutine Read the processor real time clock or time base registers to obtain high-resolution elapsed time.
readv Subroutine Reads from a file.
readvx Subroutine Reads from a file.
readx Subroutine Reads from a file.
realloc Subroutine Provides a memory allocator.
realpath Subroutine Resolves path names.
reboot Subroutine Restarts the system.
re_comp Subroutine Regular expression handler.
re_exec Subroutine Regular expression handler.
refresh Subroutine Refreshes windows and lines.
regcmp Subroutine Compiles and matches regular-expression patterns.
regcomp  Subroutine Compiles a specified basic or extended regular expression into an executable string.
regerror Subroutine Returns a string that describes the ErrCode parameter.
regex Subroutine Compiles and matches regular-expression patterns.
regexec Subroutine Compares the null-terminated string specified by the value of the String parameter against the compiled basic or extended regular expression Preg, which must have previously been compiled by a call to the regcomp subroutine.
regfree Subroutine Frees any memory allocated by the regcomp subroutine associated with the Preg parameter.
reltimerid Subroutine Releases a previously allocated interval timer.
remainder Subroutine Computes the IEEE Remainder as defined in the IEEE Floating-Point Standard.
__remap Subroutine Remap 64-bit addresses into 32-bit addresses.
__remap_identity Subroutine Remaps 64-bit addresses into 32-bit addresses.
remove Subroutine Removes a file.
remque Subroutine Inserts or removes an element in a queue.
rename Subroutine Renames a directory or a file.
resabs Subroutine Manipulates the expiration time of interval timers.
reset_prog_mode Subroutine Saves/restores the program or shell terminal modes.
reset_shell_mode Subroutine Saves/restores the program or shell terminal modes.
reset_speed Subroutine Set and get the terminal baud rate.
resetterm Subroutine Resets terminal modes to what they were when the saveterm subroutine was last called.
resetty Subroutine Saves/restores the terminal mode.
resinc Subroutine Manipulates the expiration time of interval timers.
restartterm Subroutine Interfaces to the terminfo database.
restimer Subroutine Gets or sets the current value for the specified systemwide timer.
revoke Subroutine Revokes access to a file.
rewind Subroutine Repositions the file pointer of a stream.
rewinddir Subroutine Performs operations on directories.
rint Subroutine Rounds floating-point numbers to floating-point integer values.
ripoffline Subroutine Reserves a line for a dedicated purpose.
rmdir Subroutine Removes a directory.
rpmatch Subroutine Determines whether the response to a question is affirmative or negative.
rpow Subroutine Multiple-precision integer arithmetic.
rsqrt Subroutine Computes the reciprocal of the square root of a number.
rstat Subroutine Gets performance data from remote kernels.

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Commands Reference: A

Select the command you want to read about or go back to Commands Reference.

ac Prints connect-time records.
acctcms Contains links to all accounting commands in this directory.
acctcom Displays selected process accounting record summaries.
acctcon1 Performs connect-time accounting.
acctcon2 Performs connect-time accounting.
acctdisk Performs disk-usage accounting.
acctdusg Performs disk-usage accounting.
acctmerg Merges total accounting files into an intermediary file or a daily report.
accton Performs process-accounting procedures.
acctprc1 Performs process-accounting procedures.
acctprc2 Performs process-accounting procedures.
acctwtmp Manipulates connect-time accounting records by writing a utmp record to standard output.
acfgd Provides auto-configuration facility for PCMCIA devices.
acledit Edits the access control information of a file.
aclget Displays the access control information of a file.
aclput Sets the access control information of a file.
adb Provides a general-purpose debug program.
addbib Creates or extends a bibliographic database.
addX11input Adds an X11 input extension record into the ODM database.
adfutil Provides the capability to merge Micro Channel information for PS/2 adapters with the AIX Version 3 Configuration Database.
admin Creates and controls SCCS files.
aixterm Initializes an Enhanced X-Windows terminal emulator.
ali Lists mail aliases and their addresses.
alias Defines or displays aliases.
alog Creates and maintains fixed-size log files created from standard input.
alt_disk_install Installs an alternate disk with a mksysb install image or clones the currently running system to an alternate disk.
anno Annotates messages.
ap Parses and reformats addresses.
apply Applies a command to a set of parameters.
apropos Locates commands by keyword lookup.
ar Maintains the indexed libraries used by the linkage editor.
arithmetic Tests arithmetic skills.
arp Displays and modifies address resolution, including ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) interfaces.
as Assembles a source file.
asa Prints FORTRAN files.
at Runs commands at a later time.
ate Starts the Asynchronous Terminal Emulation (ATE) Program.
atq Displays the queue of jobs waiting to be run.
atrm Removes jobs spooled by the at command.
audit Controls system auditing.
auditbin Manages bins of audit information.
auditcat Writes bins of audit records.
auditconv Converts pre-AIX version 4 format audit bins to AIX version 4 format.
auditmerge Combines multiple audit trails into a single trail.
auditpr Formats bin or stream audit records to a display device or printer.
auditselect Selects audit records for analysis according to defined criteria.
auditstream Creates a channel for reading audit records.
autoconf6 Automatically configures IPv6 network interfaces at boot time.
automount Mounts NFS file systems automatically.
automountd AutoFS mount and unmount daemon.
autopush Configures lists of automatically pushed STREAMS modules.
awk Finds lines in files matching patterns and then performs specified actions on them.

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"A kZ Po&6pI&6W&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListB.htmhtm Commands Reference: B
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Commands Reference: B

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back Starts the backgammon game.
backup Backs up files and file systems.
banner Writes ASCII character strings in large letters to standard output.
basename Returns the base filename of a string parameter.
batch Runs jobs when the system load level permits.
battery Controls or queries battery information.
bc Provides an interpreter for arbitrary-precision arithmetic language.
bdftopcf A font compiler that converts fonts from Bitmap Distribution format to Portable Compiled format.
bdiff Uses the diff command to find differences in very large files.
bellmail Sends messages to system users and displays messages from system users.
bf Analyzes the memory usage of applications.
bffcreate Creates installation image files in backup format.
bfrpt Reports on the memory usage of applications.
bfs Scans files.
bg Runs jobs in the background.
biff Enables or disables mail notification during the current session.
bindprocessor Binds a process to a processor.
biod Handles client requests for files.
bj Starts the blackjack game.
bootinfo Determines and displays various boot information, including boot device type and boot device name. This command is NOT a user-level command and is NOT supported in AIX Version 4.2 or later.
bootlist Alters the list of IPL devices or the ordering of devices on the list) available to the system.
bootparamd Provides information for booting to diskless clients.
bootpd Sets up the Internet Boot Protocol Server.
bootptodhcp Converts a BOOTP configuration file into a DHCP configuration file or to remove BOOTP configuration information for a particular host from the DHCP configuration file.
bosboot Creates boot image.
bosdebug Enables, disables and/or displays the status information of the system.
bs Compiles and interprets modest-sized programs.
bsh Invokes the Bourne shell.
bterm Emulates terminals in bidirectional bus (BIDI) mode.
bugfiler Automatically stores bug reports in specified mail directories.
burst Explodes digests into messages.

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N=TOP>  l] oRPo&6sI&6W&6P8./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListC.htmhtm   /<> .ADTaceimst"=BNOPRdfhnor12CEFGHILglpux#0379VWbvy4568MSkw-jq()XZ_,JQUYz!':?[]|;KPbiⰰt0 VA hgpn `abVV,̼yt .+}R$IHiY` tkR#4Ք`>;G si4h 0р8P-`s0ݺՈvbj9^>~#@6V)@ %NLҖ_lW*Mm$;$FmdKL⼔wÑ3v@ p0BVd/]▭bVfךWh(Y98Ht4 z΃rDX kuU+lhVUJ6QbTA<% /ߔoXo`gA)y]I|NlMeO+JD{`gl3tvDX kuU+lhVUJ6ARpp8PLS/ߐoi/lXIdVdq5]H)lmBA{`glc:[q=gAqሹ`E0ZݕRƅeT#dTAA$,7]U#;eԞH[T^rˇv3tvDX kuU+lhVUJ6II^ H~IKw΃RTRy%Y{e$PN%2W{`gl3tvDX kuU+lhVUJ6ImR<@!@/ߒdhiNJ/;bezF,e$b-eYEo5ӌx V׊ĦYErO,kι%NJ/eq(!;`p-88\0kvUJRdh/PaQ_$Yߴw΃JR,t"Qy"V]Y(eם[;`p-88\󱃑0kvUJRY[5KP"r)%i3JW]Iy$Xdr*'IL:,'BS˭ɦzOu'̭׊œ˩<}:vc:[q=gAqሹ`E0ZݕRƅeT#dSj3(ûM~3t┊gl)+zZd8é);`gl3tv0r"[[nʩ[cBVQ*XTA @P:$_%?R*O~K2Y\׭,@e>םq(VyZ+MG΂8ƜdC~xb.Cȋamn*m ʩXFDZ]&zA W/ߒZ]kt┊gl$cErԞVu J&H |G@xӌ{:Ï E;9c -ַeTYU+ڥ pp oI _i ̜WK+k[%u2+|MeO8ߺ&iZ7vc:[q=gAqሹg;",a쪕4+*a%' Tvz8@@@ /ߒ*`?i' U%RV^u2TW+.;`p-88\󱃑0kvUJR*`;TA oIZ?Rr[ZE+5olMei`.S+:UHrY;`p-88\󱃑0kvUJR)Uڥ s@P ERr*i?Rr[8UuOȪquM>)ٽ1p-88\r"[[nʩ[cBVQ:TK7t%~ߝU#;dq:{`glc:[q=gAqሹ`E0ZݕRƅeT#djKM^?R*8R\V3*7ʷvc:[q=gAqሹc",a쪕4+*a%Y[Kp]bD7k+~:JER3]ISN% _Y[k/ĩbd?}#n םr׊(M1p-88\󱃑0kvUJRKp/ߒ?R*=bՒET;`G@xӌ{:Ï E;9c -ַeTYU+(J*j3D/ߒ:JER3]I(DH)4d+Y|i)˩p@PPkےPt&#l@_gA qN2?<1!`E0ZݕRƅeT#d ,L=^ ^DA$%=΃VŗŠ+묾Ibag), c QBmG΂8ƜdC~xb.Cȋamn*m ʩXFJךRpmyo`gA,R]I/o䖭bYRk{.Yଢcz,2\:S@6%em[$U#ԔI`rĊVyEr8"]b;`p-88\󱃑0kvUJR9IK!ROw΃RTRxIⱬ۝G@xӌ{:Ï E;9c -ַeTYU+(Sj3B_%rJaݦk;`gA)HFv˩<&ŗd&Rxé)ⱬG΂8ƜdC~xb.C9c -ַeTYU+(Ħ/R(ħo`gA)HFv%<J^vnv#gA qN2?<1!`E0ZݕRƅeT#d-vz8HHQui".u%E+~,G$kRol>t4 z΃rDX kuU+lhVUJ6JZrj3F qP$j_%-9v?R*7 )y(]I"kP 'BS{`gl3tv0r"[[nʩ[cBVR\:kKA’/ߒ_wl?)H@Mp鯉M:+KerԞXmtŃ@i"QG@xӌ{:Ï E;",a쪕4+*a%-5é)٪^ (W~7䥦u%;v?R*O$,]I;m5é)۴Jm?}#n :JER3]I.վ,R_u%<`u& &Pg'Rx\:kvc:[q=gAqሹc",a쪕4+*a%ɤZ  &7]U#;eԞH[KV4Wg'Ry`^uol>t4 z΃rDX kuU+lhVUJ6@q/Pg @X$kRŊ\Kk/^aԘ.ol>t4 z΃rDX kuU+lhVUJ6K^Rp0H L~K^ktx,HU&t%6#t4 z΃rȋamn*m ʩXFjK@@<7C{M~3t▨m(P'+G΂8ƜdC~xb.C9c -ַeTYU+-ZK _%^:LNW,/0rKV+[. [,X NG#n t4 z΃rÜan `vDX kuU+lhVUJ6K*j3DYTi DlK*ךr?}#n t4 z΃rÜao, BDk_ȋamn*m ʩXFyj4$@R/ߒ+o`gA WO$(VgU_ {`glf3tv@ p. _ȋamn*m ʩXFt/Pg  ,".Ml?ܒVt%<}:vc:[q=gAqሹa 0 pP4{99c -ַeTYU+.Rp(1/ߒ+o`gAEmZ["RV7H{svc:[q=gAqሹa 09g;",a쪕4+*a%V)U^07*?lY|^uX:v7!i2nv#t4 z΃rÜan d{99c -ַeTYU+.kTA  @e]eo:I@LT RװbӶq%W`Nfl>gA qN2?<1!9f!"\ _ȋamn*m ʩXFp/Ph! P9Nݦkt◜o;dպԞq9;v M1p-88\[@pvDX kuU+lhVUJ6VQ^ $ _+)o`gA=PS]Iଲ$I3G@xӌ{:Ï E;p YHH;_ȋamn*m ʩXFRRp!K(_+%K?IД큡%ݹ;`1p-88\[(HHvDX kuU+lhVUJ6Wj0 @ Z 7~:$W#{JM,׭,e-bG ,F5֔fl>t4 z΃rÜan! k[VЬl6j3D)L _+čMl?NN'e&HZQ`r(ДG٘΂8ƜdC~xb.Cs-BA$$Ig;",a쪕4+*a"RDZ 7Sw΃Rʫ9^ؕH?_(T^r V_,kέG٘΂8ƜdC~xb.Cs,B   {99c -ַeTYU+֫TA$[ITAE)k^:$.R^uE-u@ |2d(ދ+fl>t4 z΃rÜan! BvDX kuU+lhVUJ6E./Peō :YBibZd+, %"ey`ŗ2I[]j%0,G M3G@xӌ{:Ï E;p YHH;{99c -ַeTYU+ڥ pp oo`gA'lV(.]LY|7ɧbMGٌ#n Commands Reference: Communications
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Commands Reference: Communications

Select a category or go back to Commands Reference.

3270 Host Connection Program

Asynchronous Terminal Emulation

Basic Networking Utilities

General AIX Communications Facilities

Mail Facilities

Message Handler

Network Computing System

Network File System

Network Information Service

Network Management

Streams Commands

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

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dž" k^  .Qo&6uI&6W&6 ../usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListD.htmtm Commands Reference: D
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Commands Reference: D

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date Displays or sets the date or time.
dbx Provides an environment to debug and run programs under the AIX system.
dc Provides an interactive desk calculator for doing arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic.
dd Converts and copies a file.
defaultbrowser Launches the default web browser and optionally loads a specified URL.
defif Defines a network interface in the configuration database.
definet Defines an inet instance in the system configuration database.
defragfs Increases a file system's contiguous free space.
del Deletes files if the request is confirmed.
delete Removes (unlinks) files or directories.
deleteX11input Deletes an X11 input extension record from the ODM database.
delta Creates a delta in a SCCS file.
deroff Removes nroff, troff, tbl, and eqn command constructs from files.
devinstall Installs software support for devices.
devnm Names a device.
df Reports information about space on file systems.
dfsck Checks and repairs two file systems simultaneously on different drives.
dhcpaction Provides a script that runs every time a client updates its lease.
dhcpcd Implements a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client. Serves addresses and configuration information to DHCP server.
dhcprd Forwards BOOTP and DHCP packets off the local network.
dhcpsconf Simplifies DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server configuration through a Graphical User Interface.
dhcpsd Implements a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. Serves addresses and configuration information to DHCP clients.
di Lists the contents of a directory.
diag Performs hardware problem determination.
diction Highlights unclear or wordy sentences.
diff Compares text files.
diff3 Compares three files.
diffmk Marks differences between files.
digest Converts the ASCII form of the /etc/qconfig file into the /etc/qconfig.bin file, a binary version of the queue configuration used by the qdaemon command.
dircmp Compares two directories and the contents of their common files.
dirname Writes to standard output all but the last part of a specified path.
disable Disables a printer queue devices.
diskusg Generates disk accounting data by user ID.
dist Redistributes a message to additional addresses.
docsearch Launches the AIX Documentation Search Service global search form.
dodisk Initiates disk-usage accounting.
domainname Displays or sets the name of the current NIS domain.
dosdel Deletes DOS Files.
dosdir Lists the directory for DOS files.
dosformat Formats a DOS diskette.
dosread Copies DOS files to AIX files.
doswrite Copies AIX files to DOS files.
dp Parses and reformats dates.
drm_admin Administers servers based on the Data Replication Manager (DRM), such as glbd, the replicated version of the global location broker (GLB).
dscreen Starts the Dynamic Screen utility.
dsmit Invokes the Distributed Management Interface Tool (DSMIT).
dsmit-addkey Installs the DSMIT principal key in the local keytab file.
dsmit-dec Decrements or resets /usr/share/DSMIT/security/dslock.ctr file.
dsmit-rmkey Removes the DSMIT principal key from the local keytab file.
dsmit-unlock Clears the locks on the DSMIT configuration file server.
dspcat Displays all or part of a message catalog.
dspmsg Displays a selected message from a message catalog.
dtappintegrate The Common Desktop Environment application integration tool.
dtscript Builds simple dialogs used in the X Window System environment.
du Summarizes disk usage.
dump Dumps selected parts of an object file.
dumpfs Dumps file system information.

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ays or k؉ Qo&6vI&6W&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListE.htmtm Commands Reference: E
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Commands Reference: E

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e Starts the INed editor.
echo Writes character strings to standard output.
ed Edits text by line.
edit Provides a simple line editor for the new user.
edquota Edits user and group quotas.
egrep Searches a file for a pattern.
enable Enables a printer queue devices.
enq Enqueues a file.
enroll Sets up a password used to implement a secure communication channel.
enscript Converts text files to PostScript format for printing.
entstat Shows ethernet device driver and device statistics.
env Displays the current environment or sets the environment for the execution of a command.
eqn Formats mathematical text for the troff command.
errclear Deletes entries from the error log.
errdead Extracts error records from a system dump.
errdemon Starts error logging daemon and writes entries to the error log.
errinstall Installs messages in the error logging message sets.
errlogger Logs an operator message.
errmsg Adds a message to the error logging message catalog.
errpt Processes a report of logged errors.
errstop Terminates the error logging daemon.
errupdate Updates the Error Record Template Repository.
ex Edits lines interactively, with a screen display.
execerror Writes error messages to standard error.
expand Writes to standard output with tabs changed to spaces.
expfilt Exports filter rules.
explain Provides an interactive thesaurus.
explore Starts the AIX WebExplorer World Wide Web browser.
exportfs Exports and unexports directories to NFS clients.
exportvg Exports the definition of a volume group from a set of physical volumes.
expr Evaluates arguments as expressions.
exptun Exports a tunnel definition and, optional, all the user defined filter rules associated with the tunnel. Creates a tunnel and, optional, a filter rule context appendage file and, optional, for tunnel partner.
extendlv Increases the size of a logical volume by adding unallocated physical partitions from within the volume group.
extendvg Adds physical volumes to a volume group.

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T k! !Qo&6xI&6W&6!./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListF.htmtm Commands Reference: F
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Commands Reference: F

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f Shows user information.
factor Factors a number.
false Returns a nonzero exit value (false).
fastboot Restarts the system.
fasthalt Stops the processor.
fc Processes the command history list.
fddistat Shows FDDI device driver and device statistics.
fdformat Formats diskettes.
fdpr A performance tuning utility for improving execution time and real memory utilization of user-level application programs.
feprom_update Loads flash EPROM and reboots the system.
ff Lists the file names and statistics for a file system.
ffill Fills arbitrarily broken lines of text.
fformat Formats a text paragraph.
fg Runs jobs in the foreground.
fgrep Searches a file for a literal string.
file Determines file type.
filemon Monitors the performance of the file system, and reports the I/O activity on behalf of logical files, virtual memory segments, logical volumes, and physical volumes.
fileplace Displays the placement of file blocks within logical or physical volumes.
fill Fills arbitrarily broken lines of text.
find Finds files with a matching expression.
finger Shows user information.
fingerd Provides server function for the finger command.
fish Plays the Go Fish card game.
fjust Fills and justifies unevenly indented paragraphs of text.
flcopy Copies to and from diskettes.
fmt Formats mail messages prior to sending.
fold Folds long lines for finite-width output device.
folder Selects and lists folders and messages.
folders Selects and lists folders and messages.
format Formats either diskettes or read/write optical media disks.
fortune Displays a random fortune from a database of fortunes.
forw Forwards messages.
fpr Prints FORTRAN files.
from To determine whom mail is from.
fsck Checks file system consistency and interactively repairs the file system.
fsck_cachefs Checks the integrity of data cached with CacheFS.
fsdb Debugs file systems.
fsplit Splits FORTRAN source code into separate routine files.
ftp Transfers files between a local and a remote host.
ftpd Provides the server function for the Internet FTP protocol.
fuser Identifies processes using a file or file structure.
fwtmp Manipulates connect-time accounting records by reading binary records in wtmp format from standard input, converting them to formatted ASCII records.
fxfer Transfers files between a local system and a host computer connected by HCON.

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Commands Reference: Files and Directories

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File Contents


Text Formatting

Text Formatting Macro Packages

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Commands Reference: G

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gated Provides gateway routing functions for the RIP, RIPng, EGP, BGP, BGP4+, HELLO, IS-IS, ICMP, ICMPv6, and SNMP protocols.
gdc Provides an operational user interface for gated.
gencat Creates and modifies a message catalog.
genfilt Adds a filter rule.
genkex The genkex command extracts the list of kernel extensions currently loaded onto the system and displays the address, size, and path name for each kernel extension in the list.
genkld The genkld command extracts the list of shared objects currently loaded onto the system and displays the address, size, and path name for each object on the list.
genld The genld command extracts a list of loaded objects for each process currently running on the system.
gentun Creates a tunnel definition.
genxlt Generates a code set conversion table for use by the lconv library.
get Creates a specified version of a Source Code Control System (SCCS) file.
getconf Writes system configuration variable values to standard output.
getopt Parses command line flags and parameters.
getopts Processes command-line arguments and checks for valid options.
gettable Gets NIC format host tables from a host.
getty Sets the characteristics of ports.
ghost Reconstructs previous versions of an INed structured file.
glbd Manages the global location broker database.
gprof Displays call graph profile data.
grap Typesets graphs to be processed by the pic command.
greek Converts English-language output from a Teletype Model 37 workstation to output for other workstations.
grep Searches a file for a pattern.
groups Displays group membership.
grpck Verifies the correctness of a group definition.

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Commands Reference: General Operations
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Commands Reference: General Operations

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Devices and Terminals

Documentation and Education

File Systems


Logical Volumes

Network Install Management (NIM)

Numerical Data

Performance Tuning

Processes and Commands


Screen Output

Security and System Access


Software Installation

System Accounting and Statistics

System Resources

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Commands Reference: H

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halt Stops the processor.
hangman Starts the hangman word-guessing game.
hash Remembers or reports command path names.
head Displays the first few lines or bytes of a file or files.
help Provides information for new users.
history Displays the history of an INed structured file.
host Resolves a host name into an Internet address or an Internet address into a host name.
hostent Directly manipulates address-mapping entries in the system configuration database.
hostid Sets or displays the identifier of the current local host.
hostname Sets or displays the name of the current host system.
hp Handles special functions for the HP2640- and HP2621- series terminals.
hplj Postprocesses the troff command output for the HP LaserJet Series printers.
hps_dump Dumps contents of Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) adapter memory to a host file. This command applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
htable Converts host files to the format used by network library routines.
hty_load Displays or downloads Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) adapter configurations.
hyphen Finds hyphenated words.

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G k6"& !Qo&6}I&6W&6!./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListI.htm.htm Commands Reference: I
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Commands Reference: I

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ibm3812 Postprocesses the troff command output for the 3812 Model 2 Pageprinter.
ibm3816 Postprocesses the troff command output for the 3816 Pageprinter.
ibm5585H-T Processes troff command output for the IBM 5585H-T printer.
ibm5587G Postprocesses troff command output for the IBM 5587-G01, 5584-H02, 5585-H01, 5587-H01, and 5589-H01 printers with the (32x32/24x24) cartridge installed. This command is used exclusively for Japanese Language Support.
iconv Converts the encoding of characters from one code page encoding scheme to another.
id Displays the system identifications of a specified user.
ifconfig Configures or displays network interface parameters for a network using TCP/IP.
ike Starts IP Security dynamic tunnels using Internet Key Exchange Protocol (ISAKMP/Oakley).
imake C preprocessor interface to the make command.
imapd Starts the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) server process. This command only applies to AIX Version 4.2.1 or later.
impfilt Imports filter rules.
importvg Imports a new volume group definition from a set of physical volumes.
imptun Adds the exported tunnel definitions and, optionally, all the user-defined filter rules associated with the tunnels to the local host.
inc Incorporates new mail into a folder.
indent Reformats a C language program.
indxbib Builds an inverted index for a bibliography.
inetd Provides Internet service management for a network.
info Starts the InfoExplorer program.
infocmp Manages terminfo descriptions.
init Initializes and controls processes.
install Installs a command.
install_assist Starts the Installation Assistant.
install_mh Sets up mailbox directories.
installbsd Installs a command (BSD version of the install command).
installp Installs available software products in a compatible installation pattern.
instfix Installs filesets associated with keywords or fixes.
inucp Performs simple copy operations for the installp command.
inudocm Displays contents of files containing supplemental information.
inurecv Recovers files saved by the inusave command.
inurest Performs simple archive and restore operations for the installp command and shell scripts.
inurid Removes information used for installation of diskless/dataless clients from the inst_root directories of installed software.
inusave Saves files that are installed or updated during an installation procedure.
inutoc Creates a .toc file for directories that have backup format file install images.
inuumsg Issues specific error or diagnostic messages provided by a software product's installation procedures.
iostat Reports Central Processing Unit (CPU) statistics and input/output statistics for tty, disks, and CD-ROMs.
ipcrm Removes message queue, semaphore set, or shared memory identifiers.
ipcs Reports interprocess communication facility status.
ipreport Generates a packet trace report from the specified packet trace file.
ipsec_convert Converts AIX IP Security tunnel export files to a format that can be imported by the IBM Secure Network Gateway.
ipsecstat Lists status of IP Security devices, IP Security crypto algorithms, and statistics of IP Security packets.
ipsectrcbuf Lists the contents of tracing buffers in the IP Security subsystem.
iptrace Provides interface-level packet tracing for Internet protocols.
istat Examines i-node numbers.

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Commands Reference: J

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jobs Displays status of jobs in the current session.
join Joins the data fields of two files.
joinconf Provides an online conferencing system.
just Fills and justifies unevenly indented paragraphs of text.

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Commands Reference: K

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keycfg Displays or changes the electronic mode switch.
keycomp Compiles a keyboard mapping file into an input method keymap file.
keyenvoy Acts as an intermediary between user processes and the keyserv daemon.
keylogin Decrypts and stores the user's secret key.
keymaps Displays INed command key layout for all keyboards.
keyserv Stores public and private keys.
kill Sends a signal to running processes.
killall Cancels all processes except the calling process.
krlogind Provides the server function for the rlogin command.
krshd Provides the server function for remote command execution.
ksh Invokes the Korn shell.

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Commands Reference: L

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last Displays information about previous logins.
lastcomm Displays information about the last commands executed.
lastlogin Reports the last login date for each user on the system.
lb_admin Monitors and administers Location Broker registrations.
lb_find Gets a list of global location broker (GLB) server daemons and their attributes.
ld Links object files.
learn Provides Computer Aided Instruction courses and practice for using files, editors, macros, and other features.
leave Reminds you when you have to leave.
lex Generates a C Language program that matches patterns for simple lexical analysis of an input stream.
li Lists the contents of a directory.
line Reads one line from the standard input.
link Performs a link subroutine.
lint Checks the C language programs for potential problems.
listX11input Lists X11 input extension records entered into the ODM database.
llbd Manages the information in the Local Location Broker database.
ln Links files.
locale Writes information about current locale or all public locales.
localedef Converts locale and character set description (charmap) source files to produce a locale database.
lock Reserves a terminal.
lockd Processes lock requests.
lockstat Displays simple and complex lock contention information.
logform Initializes a logical volume for use as a journal file system (JFS) log.
logger Make entries in the system log.
login Initiates a user session.
logname Displays login name.
logout Stops all processes on a port.
look Finds lines in a sorted file.
lookbib Finds references in a bibliography.
lorder Finds the best order for member files in an object library.
lp Sends requests to a line printer.
lpd Provides the remote print server on a network.
lppchk Verifies files of an installable software product.
lpq Examines the spool queue.
lpr Enqueues print jobs.
lprm Removes jobs from the line printer spooling queue.
lpstat Displays line printer status information.
lptest Generates the line printer ripple pattern.
ls Displays the contents of a directory.
ls_admin Displays and edits the license server database.
ls_dpass Create passwords for iFOR/LS-licensed software from compound licenses.
ls_rpt Reports on network license server events.
ls_stat Displays the status of the license server system.
ls_tv Verifies that license servers are working.
lsallq Lists the names of all configured queues.
lsallqdev Lists all configured printer and plotter queue device names within a specified queue.
lsattr Displays attribute characteristics and possible values of attributes for devices in the system.
lsauthent Lists the authentication methods currently configured on the system.
lscfg Displays diagnostic information about a device.
lsconn Displays the connections a given device, or kind of device, can accept.
lscons Writes the name of the current console device to standard output.
lsdev Displays devices in the system and their characteristics.
lsdisp Lists the displays currently available on the system.
lsdsmitd Displays an alpha-ordered list of the domains for DSMIT.
lsdsmitm Displays an alphabetically ordered list of machines in DSMIT.
lsfilt Lists filter rules from either the filter table or the IP Security subsystem.
lsfont Lists the fonts available for use by the display.
lsfs Display the characteristics of file systems.
lsgroup Displays the attributes of groups.
lsitab Lists records in the /etc/inittab file.
lskbd Lists the keyboard maps currently available to the Low Function Terminal (LFT) subsystem.
lslicense Displays the range of users that can be logged in concurrently.
lslpp Lists software products.
lslv Displays information about a logical volume.
lsmaster Displays the characteristics for the configuration of an NIS master server.
lsnamsv Shows name service information stored in the database.
lsnfsexp Displays the characteristics of directories that are exported with the Network File System (NFS).
lsnfsmnt Displays the characteristics of NFS mountable file systems.
lsnim Displays information about the Network Install Manager (NIM) environment.
lsparent Displays the possible parent devices that accept a specified connection type or device.
lsprtsv Shows print service information stored in the database.
lsps Display the characteristics of paging spaces.
lspv Displays information about a physical volume within a volume group.
lsque Displays the queue stanza name.
lsquedev Displays the device stanza name.
lsresource Displays system resources for available devices in the system.
lsrole Displays role attributes. This command applies only to AIX Version 4.2.1 and later.
lssec Lists the attributes in the security stanza files.
lssrc Gets the status of a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.
lstun Lists tunnel definition(s).
lsuser Displays attributes of user accounts.
lsvfs Lists entries in the /etc/vfs file.
lsvg Displays information about volume groups.
lsvirprt Displays the attribute values of a virtual printer.
lsvmode Display the current video mode of the X server.

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th ka* HQo&6I&6W&6H./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListM.htm.htm Commands Reference: M
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Commands Reference: M

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m4 Preprocesses files, expanding macro definitions.
machstat Reports the value of the first 4 bits of the power status register.
macref Produces a cross-reference listing of macro files.
Mail Sends and receives mail.
mail Sends and receives mail.
mailq Prints the contents of the mail queue.
mailstats Displays statistics about mail traffic.
mailx Sends and receives mail.
make Maintains up-to-date versions of programs.
makedbm Makes a Network Information Service (NIS) database map.
makedepend Create dependencies in makefiles.
makedev Creates binary description files suitable for reading by the troff command and its postprocessors.
makekey Generates an encryption key.
man Displays manual entries online.
managefonts Provides the user with a simple menu-based interface to update or change the set of installed font families on the system.
mant Typesets manual pages.
mark Creates, modifies, and displays message sequences.
mergenote Combines multiple InfoExplorer notes files into a single notes file.
mesg Permits or refuses write messages.
mhl Produces formatted listings of messages.
mhmail Sends or receives mail.
mhpath Prints full path names of messages and folders.
migratepv Moves allocated physical partitions from one physical volume to one or more other physical volumes.
mirrord Controls and monitors the mirror module for remote maintenance.
mirrorvg Mirrors all the logical volumes that exist on a given volume group.
mkboot Creates the boot image, the boot record, and the service record. This command is NOT a user-level command and is NOT supported in AIX Version 4.2 or later.
mkcatdefs Preprocesses a message source file.
mkcfsmnt Mounts a CacheFS directory.
mkclient Uncomments the entry in the /etc/rc.nfs file for the ypbind daemon and starts the ypbind daemon to configure a client.
mkdev Adds a device to the system.
mkdir Creates one or more new directories.
mkdirhier Creates a hierarchy of directories or a single directory.
mkdsmitd Creates a new domain of machines for DSMIT.
mkfifo Makes first-in-first-out (FIFO) special files.
mkfilt Activates or deactivates the filter rules.
mkfont Adds the font code associated with a display to the system.
mkfontdir Creates a fonts.dir file from a directory of font files.
mkfs Makes a file system.
mkgroup Creates a new group.
mkhosts Generates the host table file.
mkitab Makes records in the /etc/inittab file.
mkkeyserv Uncomments the entry in the /etc/rc.nfs file for the keyserv daemon and invokes the daemon by using the startsrc command.
mklost+found Creates a lost and found directory for the fsck command.
mklv Creates a logical volume.
mklvcopy Provides copies of data with the logical volume.
mkmaster Executes the ypinit command and starts the NIS daemons on the master server.
mknamsv Configures TCP/IP-based name service on a host for a client.
mknfs Configures the system to run NFS.
mknfsexp Exports a directory to NFS clients.
mknfsmnt Mounts a directory from an NFS server.
mknod Creates a special file.
mknotify Adds a notify method definition to the Notify object class.
mkpasswd Creates a hashed look-aside version of the user database.
mkproto Constructs a prototype file system.
mkprtsv Configures TCP/IP-based print service on a host.
mkps Add an additional paging space to the system.
mkque Adds a printer queue to the system.
mkquedev Adds a printer queue device to the system.
mkrole Creates new roles. This command applies only to AIX Version 4.2.1 and later.
mkserver Adds a subserver definition to the subserver object class.
mkslave Executes the ypinit command to retrieve maps from an NIS master server and starts the ypserv daemon to configure a slave server.
mkssys Adds a subsystem definition to the subsystem object class.
mkstr Creates an error message file.
mksysb Creates an installable image of the root volume group.
mkszfile Creates a /image.data file for use by the mksysb command.
mktcpip Sets the required values for starting TCP/IP on a host.
mktun Activates tunnel(s).
mkuser Creates a new user account.
mkuser.sys Customizes a new user account.
mkvg Creates a volume group.
mkvgdata Creates a file containing information about a volume group for use by the savevg and restvg commands.
mkvirprt Makes a virtual printer.
mm Prints documents formatted with memorandum macros.
mmt Typesets documents.
mmtu Displaying, adding, and deleting maximum transfer unit (MTU) values used for path MTU discovery. This command only applies to AIX Version 4.2.1 or later.
mon-cxma Monitor status of 128-port asynchronous subsystem and attached devices.
monacct Performs monthly or periodic accounting.
monitord Communicates with the iFOR/LS server and requests an AIX Version 4.1 concurrent-use license for each countable login.
moo Starts the number-guessing game.
more Displays continuous text one screen at a time on a display screen.
mosy Converts the ASN.1 definitions of Structure and Identification of Management Information (SMI) and Management Information Base (MIB) modules into objects definition files for the snmpinfo command.
mount Makes a file system available for use.
mountd Answers requests from clients for file system mounts.
move Moves files.
mpcfg Manages remote maintenance service information.
mrouted Forwards a multicast datagram. This daemon only applies to AIX Version 4.2.1 or later.
msgchk Checks for messages.
msgs Used to read system messages.
msh Creates an MH shell.
mt (BSD) Gives subcommands to streaming tape device.
mv Moves files.
mvdir Moves (renames) a directory.
mvfilt Moves a filter rule.
mvt Typesets English-language view graphs and slides.
mwm The command that runs the AIXwindows Window Manager.

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Commands Reference: N

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named Provides the server function for the Domain Name Protocol.
namerslv Directly manipulates domain name server entries for local resolver routines in the system configuration database.
ncheck Generates path names from i-node numbers.
ndp IPv6 neighbor discovery display and control.
ndpd-host ndp daemon for hosts.
ndpd-router NDP and RIPng daemon for a router.
ndx Creates a subject-page index for a document.
neqn Formats mathematical text for the nroff command.
netlsd Starts the license server.
netpmon Monitors activity and reports statistics on network I/O and network-related CPU usage.
netstat Shows network status.
newaliases Builds a new copy of the alias database from the /etc/aliases file.
newfile Converts a text file into an INed structured file.
newform Changes the format of a text file.
newgrp Changes your primary group identification.
newkey Creates a new key in a /etc/publickey file.
news Writes system news items to standard output.
next Shows the next message.
nfsd Starts client requests for file system operations.
nfso Configures Network File System (NFS) network options.
nfsstat Displays statistical information about the Network File System (NFS) and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) calls.
nice Runs a command at a lower or higher priority.
nim Performs operations on Network Install Manager (NIM) objects.
nimclient Allows Network Installation Manager (NIM) operations to be performed from a NIM client.
nimconfig Initializes the Network Install Manager (NIM) client package.
nimdef Defines Network Installation Manager (NIM) clients from a stanza file. This command applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
niminit Configures the Network Installation Management (NIM) client package.
nl Numbers lines in a file.
nm Displays the symbol table of an object file.
no Configures network options.
nohup Runs a command without hangups.
ndpd-router NDP and RIPng daemon for a router.
nrglbd Manages the Global Location Broker database.
nroff Formats text for printing on typewriter-like devices and line printers.
nslookup Queries Internet domain name servers.
nsupdate Updates a DNS server.
ntpdate Sets the date and time using the Network Time Protocol (NTP). This command applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
ntpq Starts the standard Network Time Protocol (NTP) query program. This command applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
ntptrace Traces a chain of Network Time Protocol (NTP) hosts back to their master time source. This command applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
ntsc Enables or disables NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) video output of IBM ThinkPad Power Series 850 which has G10 Graphics with Motion Video Adapter.
ntx_arp Displays and modifies the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) adapter's Internet-to-Ethernet address translation table.
ntx_chaddr Displays the configurations of or configures individual Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) channels.
ntx_chinfo Displays Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) channel information. This command applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
ntx_chreset Resets a Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) channel. This command applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
ntx_comun Displays and configures a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) community profile for a Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX).
ntx_dlli Accesses the Diagnostic Link Layer Interface (DLLI) for the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX).
ntx_dloop Performs a direct memory access (DMA) loopback test for the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX).
ntx_ifcfg Displays or assigns the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) network interface address.
ntx_load Downloads code to a Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) host adapter board.
ntx_log Displays Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) log information.
ntx_macaddr Configures the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) MAC-layer addresses.
ntx_nms Displays and configures network management station (NMS) authentication for the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent.
ntx_nstat Displays network information for the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX).
ntx_ping Sends an echo request to a network host from the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX).
ntx_pserv Displays and assigns services to protocol ports for the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX).
ntx_reset Resets the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) adapter. This command applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
ntx_route Manipulates the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) routing tables.
ntx_snmp Sets and displays the state of the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent.
ntx_stat Displays and clears Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) diagnostic information.
ntx_traps Displays or configures the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps.
ntx_ttype Adds to, displays, or clears the terminal type database for the Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX).
ntx_ver Displays Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) version information.
ntx_wdog Starts the watchdog timer on a Network Terminal Accelerator (NTX) adapter board. This command applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
nulladm Creates active accounting data files.
number Displays the written form of a number.

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ode t kQ,  Qo&6I&6X&6 ./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListO.htm.htm Commands Reference: O
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Commands Reference: O

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od Displays files in a specified format.
odmadd Adds objects to created object classes.
odmchange Changes the contents of a selected object in the specified object class.
odmcreate Produces the .c (source) and .h (include) files necessary for ODM application development and creates empty object classes.
odmdelete Deletes selected objects from specified object classes.
odmdrop Removes an object class.
odmget Retrieves objects from the specified object classes into an odmadd input file.
odmshow Displays an object class definition on the screen.
on Executes commands on remote systems.
oslevel Reports the latest installed maintenance level of the system.
ospf_monitor Queries the RIP gateways.

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Commands Reference: P

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pac Prepares printer/plotter accounting records.
pack Compresses files.
packf Compresses the contents of a folder into a file.
page Displays continuous text one screen at a time on a display screen.
pagesize Displays the system page size.
panel20 Diagnoses activity between an HIA and the 5080 Control Unit.
passwd Changes a user's password.
paste Merges the lines of several files or subsequent lines in one file.
patch Applies changes to files.
pathchk Check pathnames.
pax Extracts, writes, and lists members of archive files; copies files and directory hierarchies.
pcat Unpacks files and writes them to standard output.
pclient Opens the connection to an Xstation for a specified period of time.
pcmciastat Displays the current sockets' status and defined PCMCIA devices.
pdelay Enables or reports the availability of delayed login ports.
pdisable Disables login ports.
penable Enables or reports the availability of login ports.
pg Formats files to the display.
phold Disables or reports the availability of login ports on hold.
pic Preprocesses troff command imput for the purpose of drawing pictures.
pick Selects messages by content and creates and modifies sequences.
ping Sends an echo request to a network host.
pioattred Provides a way to format and edit attributes in a virtual printer.
piobe Print job manager for the printer backend.
pioburst Generates burst pages (header and trailer pages) for printer output.
piocnvt Expands or contracts a predefined definition or virtual printer definition.
piodigest Digests attribute values for a virtual printer definition into a memory image and stores the memory image in a file.
piodmgr Compacts the Object Data Manager (ODM) database in the /var/spool/lpd/pio/@local/smit directory.
piofontin Copies fonts from a multilingual font diskette.
pioformat Drives a printer formatter.
piofquote Converts certain control characters destined for PostScript printers.
piolpx Provides printer backend support for Xstation attached printers.
piolsvp Lists virtual printers on a system.
piomgpdev Manages printer pseudo-devices.
piomkapqd Builds a SMIT dialog to create print queues and printers.
piomkpq Creates a printer queue.
piomsg Sends a printer backend message to the user.
pioout Printer backend's device driver interface program.
piopredef Creates a predefined printer data stream definition.
plotgbe Plots HP-GL files to a plotter device.
plotlbe Plots HP-GL files to a plotter device
pmctrl Controls or queries Power Management information.
pop3d Starts the Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) server process. This command only applies to AIX Version 4.2.1 or later.
portmap Converts RPC program numbers into Internet port numbers.
portmir Allows one TTY stream (monitor) to attach to another TTY stream (target) and monitor the user session that is taking place on that stream. This command only applies to AIX Version 4.2.1 and later.
post Routes a message.
pppattachd Attaches an asynchronous device stream to the PPP (Point to Point Protocol) subsystem. Can be envoked as a daemon or a normal process.
pppcontrold Controls startup and management of the PPP (Point to Point Protocol) subsystem.
pppdial Establish a asynchronous connection with a remote system for use by the PPP (Point to Point Protocol) subsystem.
pppstat Extracts and displays the RAS (Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability) information of the the PPP (Point to Point Protocol) subsystem. This command only applies to AIX Version 4.1.5.
pr Writes a file to standard output.
prctmp Displays the session record file created by the acctcon1 command.
prdaily Formats an ASCII report of the previous day's accounting data.
prev Shows the previous message.
printenv Displays the values of environment variables.
printf Writes formatted output.
prof Displays object file profile data.
proff Formats text for printers with personal printer data streams.
prompter Invokes a prompting editor.
proto Constructs a prototype file for a file system.
prs Displays a Source Code Control System (SCCS) file.
prtacct Formats and displays any total accounting file.
prtty Prints to the printer port of the terminal.
ps Shows current status of processes.
ps4014 Converts a Tektronix 4014 file to postscript format.
ps630 Converts Diablo 630 print files to PostScript format.
psc Converts troff intermediate format to PostScript format.
psdit Converts troff intermediate format to PostScript format.
pshare Enables or reports the availability of login ports.
psplot Converts files in plot format to PostScript format.
psrev Reverses the page order of a PostScript file and selects a page range for printing.
psroff Converts files from troff format to PostScript format.
pstart Enables or reports the availability of login ports (normal, shared, and delayed).
pstat Interprets the contents of the various system tables and writes it to standard output.
ptx Generates a permuted index.
pwd Displays the pathname of the working directory.
pwdadm Administers user's passwords.
pwdck Verifies the correctness of local authentication information.

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./.. k\. Ro&6I&6X&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListProgTools.htm Commands Reference: Programming Tools
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Commands Reference: Programming Tools

Select a category or go back to Commands Reference.

Assemblers and Compilers

C Tools



Miscellaneous Languages

Object Data Manager (ODM)

Object Files

Source Programs

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c kE/  Ro&6I&6X&6 ./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListQ.htmols.h Commands Reference: Q
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Commands Reference: Q

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qadm Performs system administration functions for the print spooling system.
qcan Cancels a print job.
qchk Displays the status of a print queue.
qdaemon Schedules jobs enqueued by the enq command.
qhld Holds a spooled print job.
qmov Moves spooled print jobs to another queue.
qpri Prioritizes a job in the print queue.
qprt Starts a print job.
qstatus Provides printer status for the print spooling system.
quiz Tests your knowledge.
quot Summarizes file system ownership.
quota Displays disk usage and quotas.
quotacheck Checks file system quota consistency.
quotaoff Turns on and off file system quotes.
quotaon Turns on and off file system quotes.

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/en_US k.f0 lNRo&6I&6X&6lN./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListR.htmols.h Commands Reference: R
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Commands Reference: R

Select the command you want to read about or go back to Commands Reference.

ranlib Converts archive libraries to random libraries.
rc Performs normal startup initialization.
rc.powerfail Shuts down a system when a power failure is detected.
rcp Transfers files between a local and a remote host or between two remote hosts.
rcvdist Sends a copy of incoming messages to additional recipients.
rcvpack Saves incoming messages in a packed file.
rcvstore Incorporates new mail from standard input into a folder.
rcvtty Notifies the user of incoming messages.
rdist Maintains identical copies of files on multiple hosts.
rdump Backs up files onto a remote machines' device.
read Reads one line from standard input.
readfile Displays the text of INed structured files.
readlvcopy Reads a specific mirror copy of a logical volume.
reboot Restarts the system.
red Edits text by line.
redefinevg Redefines the set of physical volumes of the given volume group in the device configuration database.
reducevg Removes physical volumes from a volume group.
refer Finds and inserts literature references in documents.
refile Moves files between folders.
refresh Requests a refresh of a subsystem or group of subsystems.
regcmp Compiles patterns into C language char declarations.
rembak Sends a print job to a queue on a remote server.
remove Deletes files from var/adm/acct subdirectories.
remsh Executes the specified command at the remote host or logs into the remote host.
renice Alters priority of running processes.
reorgvg Reorganizes the physical partition allocation for a volume group.
repl Replies to a message.
repquota Summarizes quotas for a file system.
reset Initializes terminals.
resize Sets the TERMCAP environment variable and terminal settings to the current window size.
resolve_links Enables and disables cross-book links to HTML library books that were not installed on the system.
restbase Reads the base-customized information from the boot image and restores it into the Device Configuration database used during system boot phase 1.
restore Copies previously backed-up file systems or files, created by the backup command, from a local device.
restvg Restores the user volume group and all it containers and files, as specified in the /tmp/vgdata/vgname/vgname.data file contained within the backup image created by the savevg command.
rev Reverse characters in each line of a file.
revnetgroup Reverses the listing of users and hosts in network group files in NIS maps.
rexd Executes program for remote machines.
rexec Executes commands one at a time on a remote host.
rexecd Provides the server function for the rexec command.
rgb Creates the database used by the X-Window system server for colors.
ripquery Queries the RIP gateways.
rlogin Connects the local host with a remote host.
rlogind Provides the server function for the rlogin command.
rm Removes (unlinks) files or directories.
rmail Handles remote mail received through Basic Networking Utilities (BNU).
rmdel Removes a delta from a SCCS file.
rmdev Removes a device from the system.
rmdir Removes a directory.
rmdsmitd Removes a domain from the member list in DSMIT.
rmf Removes folders and the messages they contain.
rmfilt Removes a filter rule.
rmfs Removes a file system.
rmgroup Removes a group.
rmhist Removes the history information from INed structured files.
rmitab Removes records in the /etc/inittab file.
rmkeyserv Stops the keyserv daemon and comments the entry in the /etc/rc.nfs file.
rmlv Removes logical volumes from a volume group.
rmlvcopy Removes copies from a logical volume.
rmm Removes messages from active status.
rmnamsv Unconfigures TCP/IP-based name service on a host.
rmnfs Changes the configuration of the system to stop running NFS daemons.
rmnfsexp Unexports a directory from NFS clients.
rmnfsmnt Removes an NFS mount.
rmnotify Removes a notify method definition from the Notify object class.
rmprtsv Unconfigures a print service on a client or server machine.
rmps Remove a paging space from the system along with any logical volume on which it resides.
rmque Removes a printer queue from the system.
rmquedev Removes a printer or plotter queue device from the system.
rmrole Removes a role. This command applies only to AIX Version 4.2.1 and later.
rmserver Removes a subserver definition from the Subserver Type object class.
rmss Simulates a system with various sizes of memory for performance testing of applications.
rmssys Removes a subsystem definition from the subsystem object class.
rmt Allows remote access to magnetic tape devices.
rmtun Deactivates operational tunnel(s) and optionally removes tunnel definition(s).
rmuser Removes a user account.
rmvfs Removes entries in the /etc/vfs file.
rmvirprt Removes a virtual printer.
rmyp Removes the configuration for NIS.
roffbib Prints a bibliographic database.
route Manually manipulates the routing tables.
routed Manages network routing tables.
rpc.pcnfsd Handles service requests from PC-NFS (Personal Computers Network File System) clients.
rpcgen Generates C code to implement an RPC protocol.
rpcinfo Reports the status of Remote Procedure Call (RPC) servers.
rpl Replaces all occurrences of a string in a file.
rrestore Copies previously backed file systems from a remote machine's device to the local machine.
Rsh Invokes a restricted version of the Bourne shell.
rsh Executes the specified command at the remote host or logs into the remote host.
rshd Provides the server function for remote command execution.
rstatd Returns performance statistics obtained from the kernel.
rtl_enable Relinks shared objects to enable the runtime linker to use them. This command applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
runacct Runs daily accounting.
runcat Pipes output data from the mkcatdefs command to the gencat command.
rup Shows the status of a remote host on the local network.
ruptime Shows the status of each host on a network.
ruser Directly manipulates entries in three separate system databases that control foreign host access to programs.
rusers Reports a list of users logged on to remote machines.
rusersd Responds to queries from the rusers command.
rwall Sends messages to all users on the network.
rwalld Handles requests from the rwall command.
rwho Shows which users are logged in to hosts on the local network.
rwhod Provides the server function for the rwho and ruptime commands.

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en.h lx1 FWRo&6I&6X&6|;./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListS.htmols.h  /<>s .ATaceimt"=DENPRdlnor0259BFHILMOfhpu-1378CGSVWbgvxy4kw6j!,Jz()U_qXY:?Q[]|#';Zq0{@i```(Fa:Ǽh3HQh```(Fa:Ǽh3q${c@H`BJ %eAL+kEJM,`!y? iHV"3py;LАdIiG8IhA<=#c[XʬYXhgZwXXi遆\O8I|^YH+T%@B e&°|pTJ;f3GfuGcRJ3 RU?RKX+  fA y|n wC&󹛏KzV$P5kδ ${]h8Q 1Ls5=#c[nFBb~/>Jֆvk7ۏ;;R?q.Ve&5C QYy4hgh+/-yy}еRVVi/ Pǝz\kҰ &3^uL1'#Aď4Å8h(I);quHƘ[hπ|ÚV3o|7ۏ;;MTv>˖((T:2v+]b囸󹛏KzV$P5kδ ${]h8@\0Pw3]cVJێǝםȮ|ӗ(fՋaAWI:VH*ww3qsJDJi^P9e۸󹛏KzV$P5kδ ${]h8@\0P4w3]cU*ҵ{_{qݸ)|R˭YFNJuReKqs71-Hkɣםh Iq#1` v㹚1Ʒ#D!1?UkC;FێǝםX /".oE󹛏KzV$P5kδ ${]h8PPq0Ls5=#c[nFBb~/VdbII+geOnn=.c5X[ @דG:&uGcD 3Xin5' Fƭ+Z7z1wnaR^pRYYk%ՕmVX ZT uZkʋVVUoww3qsJDJ  JDJKe dfRqekyǥf@0;:E%ء`F4YlԗiAUeaU/*%`(N 0>f+ q(h5Zr=HLp@\0X s5=#c[nFBb~/>T.ҵ{%K/0"{qݸ&JxV_%佖^a !^jYI/nn=.c4)( 0 j e&J + yP +Bp`=5X[ @דG:&uGcp`@_3Xin5' FNzhghNz vk,Y\dfRqep/R/:qs71kb `wӵdR_`vUT80-Hkɣםh Iq#1`A /ێkzG4Ʒ܍#D^}'B%dZV3o}'B%dwqs5q YzԬ*K{Iww3qs ΑIF(X8pM;V@[)5%`PUYXUKʀIX>  JDJ/0VV5C󹛏KzV$P5kδ ${]h8@\0X ;quHƘ[hϤҵ{: vkdE߈eKt%jǝz\hRQ$`-NՐMI}VVRV{kҰ &3^uL1'#Aď4b\0X s5=#c[nFBb~/>O/_iZѽRXzwnKrˬYkC;F|,ŷqs5q~K{,Ťg/nn=.c4)( 0 j e&J + yP +Bp`=5X[ @דG:&uGc`A /ێkzG4Ʒ܍#D^}>aKեkC;Fdwqs5r+2^)8²t%2+/nn=.c4)( 0 j e&J + yP +Bp`=5X[ @דG:&uGc $;quHƘ[hϡuSHkC;FкȤa7ۏ;;XI^_sV]X)a^)8²UD[󹛏KzV$P5kδ ${]h8GbAeIgn;8kr4OyJֆvVqs5pL*VKTI^(fyǥf+ q(h5Zr=HLp DA3;quHƘ[hViZѽв{{qݸ*^u++ )+BUAXJVUhRKt Qenp @.vYu/ ,t%kd(f6+2D%y5I}VNDn:RVYp%$m֪YK0 "+V^4hghz-7ۏ;;]u~VVWbjYBƳY_VG*_ Թfm+Z7{{qݸrS不.k5(Rj_p_k+h nn=.c5X[ @דG:&텕^E 1Ʒ#D!1?YQkC;FTېǝםQEsWfKUJVNW JW*BuZjb! fu]`Kړ ^ ߗ ]bKqs71-Hkɣםh I5=#c[nFBb~/>ҵ{Zjʻ{qݸTJ欫sWc&unn=.c5X[ @דG:&uGcD gn;8kr4Oy^j{JֆvT;qs5p骟J/5k%Uwո+kme6jq)5$ǝz\kҰ &3^uL1'#Aď4  3Xin5' F2+Z7̶wnZV3o}W/ vk}HV_pzNB.rZpҲˬ(ǝz\kҰ &3^uL1'#Xin5' Fjʭ+Z7wnSQH+ZpU;ץan"@%^Mf@bNGUy4Ʒ܍#D^x}UkC;Few;qs5pD T _pVյX|שx)t\E;ץan"@%^Mf@bNGփi0Xv㹚1Ʒ#D!1?eiZѽXY]yyZQI :e` VQeuT,Zj7qs71-Hkɣםh Iq#1 PLw3]cq+*Raׅf+|-Tea(^.Zӗy>VVVX0R/nn=.c5X[ @דG:&uGc p`s5=#c[nFBb~/Ֆwn vk+}TK Commands Reference: T
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Commands Reference: T

Select the command you want to read about or go back to Commands Reference.

tab Changes spaces into tabs.
tabs Sets tab stops on terminals.
tail Writes a file to standard output, beginning at a specified point.
talk Converse with another user.
talkd Provides the server function for the talk command.
tapechk Performs consistency checking on the streaming tape device.
tar Manipulates archives.
tbl Formats tables for the nroff and troff commands.
tc Interprets text into the troff command output for the Tektronix 4015 system.
tcbck Audits the security state of the system.
tcopy Copies a magnetic tape.
tcpdump Prints out packet headers.
tctl Gives subcommands to a streaming tape device.
tdigest Converts the terms files.
tee Displays the output of a program and copies it into a file.
telinit Initializes and controls processes.
telnet Connects the local host with a remote host, using the TELNET interface.
telnetd Provides the server function for the TELNET protocol.
termdef Queries terminal characteristics.
test Evaluates conditional expressions.
tftp Transfers files between hosts using the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP).
tftpd Provides the server function for the Trivial File Transfer Protocol.
tic Translates the terminfo descriptor files from source to compiled format.
time Prints the time of the execution of a command.
timed Invokes the time server daemon at system startup time.
timedc Returns information about the timed daemon.
timex Reports, in seconds, the elapsed time, user time, and system execution time for a command.
tip Connects to a remote system.
tn Connects the local host with a remote host, using the TELNET interface.
tn3270 Connects the local host with a remote host using the TELNET interface.
tokstat Shows token-ring device driver and device statistics.
touch Updates the access and modification times of a file.
tprof Reports CPU usage.
tput Queries the terminfo descriptor files in the terminfo database.
tr Translates characters.
trace Records selected system events.
tracesoff Turns off tracing of a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.
traceson Turns on tracing of a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or subserver.
traceroute Prints the route that IP packets take to a network host.
trbsd (BSD) Translates characters.
trcdead Extract the trace buffer from a system dump image.
trcnm Generates a kernel name list.
trcrpt Formats a report from the trace log.
trcstop Stops the trace function.
trcupdate Adds, replaces, or deletes trace report format templates.
troff Formats text for printing on typesetting devices.
trpt Performs protocol tracing on TCP sockets.
true Returns an exit value of zero (true).
tset Initializes terminals.
tsh Interprets commands in a trusted shell.
tsm Provides terminal state management.
tsort Sorts an unordered list of ordered pairs (a topological sort).
ttt Starts the tic-tac-toe game.
tty Writes to standard output the full path name of your terminal.
turnacct Provides an interface to the accton command to turn process accounting on or off.
turnoff Sets the permission codes off for files in the /usr/games directory.
turnon Sets permission codes on for files in the /usr/games directory.
tvi Provides a trusted editor with a full-screen display.
twconvdict Converts other user dictionary to the AIX user dictionary. This command only applies to AIX Version 4.2 or higher.
twconvfont Converts other font files to a BDF font file. This command only applies to AIX Version 4.2 or higher.
type Writes a description of the command type.

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dead knm3 n*Ro&6I&6 X&6n*./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListU.htmols.h Commands Reference: U
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Commands Reference: U

Select the command you want to read about or go back to Commands Reference.

ucfgif Unloads an interface instance from the kernel.
ucfginet Unloads the Internet instance and all related interface instances from the kernel.
uconvdef Compiles or generates a UCS-2 (Unicode) conversion table for use by the iconv library.
udefif Removes an interface object from the system configuration database.
udefinet Undefines the Internet instance in the configuration database.
uil The command that starts the User Interface Language Compiler for the AIXwindow system.
uimx Starts the UIM/X user-interface management system for the X Window System.
ul Performs underlining.
ulimit Sets or reports user resource limits.
umask Displays or sets the file mode creation mask.
umount Unmounts a previously mounted file system, directory, or file.
unalias Removes alias definitions.
uname Displays the name of the current operating system.
uncompress Restores compressed files.
unexpand Writes to standard output with tabs restored.
unget Cancels a previous get command.
unifdef Removes ifdef'ed lines from a file.
uniq Deletes repeated lines in a file.
units Converts units in one measure to equivalent units in another measure.
unlink Performs an unlink subroutine.
unloadipsec Unloads a crypto module from the IP Security subsystem.
unmirrorvg Removes the mirrors that exist on volume groups or specified disks.
unmount Unmounts a previously mounted file system, directory, or file.
unpack Expands files.
untab Changes tabs into spaces.
update Periodically updates the super block.
uprintfd Constructs and writes kernel messages.
uptime Shows how long system has been up.
users Displays a compact list of the users currently on the system.
usrck Verifies the correctness of a user definition.
utftp Transfers files between hosts using the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP).
uucheck Checks for files and directories required by BNU.
uucico Transfers Basic Networking Utilities (BNU) command, data, and execute files to remote systems.
uuclean Removes files from the BNU spool directory.
uucleanup Deletes selected files from the Basic Networking Utilities (BNU) spooling directory.
uucp Copies files from one operating system to another.
uucpadm Enters basic BNU configuration information.
uucpd Handles communications between BNU and TCP/IP.
uudecode Decodes a binary file that was used for transmission using electronic mail.
uudemon.admin Provides periodic information on the status of BNU file transfers.
uudemon.cleanu Cleans up BNU spooling directories and log files.
uudemon.hour Initiates file transport calls to remote systems using the BNU program.
uudemon.poll Polls the systems listed in the BNU Poll file.
uuencode Encodes a binary file for transmission using electronic mail.
uuid_gen Generates Universal Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) for objects, types, and interfaces.
uukick Uses debugging mode to contract a specified remote system.
uulog Provides information about BNU file-transfer activities on a system.
uuname Provides information about other systems accessible to the local system.
uupick Completes the transfer of and handles files sent by the uuto command.
uupoll Forces a poll of a remote BNU system.
uuq Displays the BNU job queue and deletes specified jobs from the queue.
uusched Schedules work for the Basic Networking Utilities (BNU) file transport program.
uusend Sends a file to a remote host.
uusnap Displays the status of BNU contacts with remote systems.
uustat Reports the status of and provides limited control over BNU operations.
uuto Copies files from one system to another.
Uutry Contacts a specified remote system with debugging turned on and saves the debugging output in a temporary file.
uutry Contacts a specified remote system with debugging turned on and allows the user to override the default retry time.
uux Runs a command on another UNIX-based system.
uuxqt Executes Basic Networking Utilities (BNU) remote command requests.

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md k4  Ro&6I&6 X&6 ./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListV.htmols.h Commands Reference: V
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Commands Reference: V

Select the command you want to read about or go back to Commands Reference.

vacation Returns a message to the sender that the mail recipient is on vacation.
val Validates SCCS files.
varyoffvg Deactivates a volume group.
varyonvg Activates a volume group.
vc Substitutes assigned values in place of identification keywords.
vedit Edits files with a full-screen display.
versions Prints the modification dates of an INed structured file.
vgrind Formats listings of programs that are easy to read.
vi Edits files with a full-screen display.
view Starts the vi editor in read-only mode.
virscan Scans files for viruses.
vmh Invokes a visual interface for use with MH commands.
vmstat Reports virtual memory statistics.

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t ku5 Ro&6I&6X&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/CmdsListW.htmols.h Commands Reference: W
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Commands Reference: W

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w Prints a summary of current system activity.
wait Waits until the termination of a process ID.
wall Writes a message to all users that are logged in.
watch Observes a program that may be untrustworthy.
wc Counts the number of lines, words, and bytes in a file.
what Displays identifying information in files.
whatis Describes what function a command performs.
whatnow Invokes a prompting interface for draft disposition.
whereis Locates source, binary, or manual for program.
which Locates a program file, including aliases and paths (the csh (C shell) command only).
which_fileset Searches the /usr/lpp/bos/AIX_file_list file for a specified file name or command. This command only applies to AIX Version 4.2.1 or later.
who Identifies the users currently logged in.
whoami Displays your login name.
whois Identifies a user by user ID or alias.
whom Manipulates Message Handler (MH) Messages.
write Sends messages to other users on the system.
writesrv Allows users to send messages to and receive messages from a remote system.
wtmpfix Manipulates connect-time accounting records by correcting date and time stamp inconsistencies.
wump Starts the hunt the wumpus game.

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H1> Commands Reference: X
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Commands Reference: X

Select the command you want to read about or go back to Commands Reference.

X Starts the X Server.
x_add_fs_fpe Adds a network font server to the font path.
x_add_nfs_fpe Adds an NFS/tftp accessed font directory to a font path.
x_add_trm_120 Adds an Xstation 120 to the host.
x_add_trm_130 Adds an Xstation 130 to the host.
x_add_trm_140 Adds an Xstation 140 to the host.
x_add_trm_150 Adds an Xstation 150 to the host.
x_add_trm_160 Adds an Xstation 160 to the host.
x_add_xst_fpe Adds an Xstation Manager accessed font directory to a font path.
x_chg_net Changes an existing Xstation network type.
x_chg_trm_120 Changes the characteristics of an Xstation 120.
x_chg_trm_130 Changes the characteristics of an Xstation 130.
x_chg_trm_140 Changes the characteristics of an Xstation 140.
x_chg_trm_150 Changes the characteristics of an Xstation 150.
x_chg_trm_160 Changes the characteristics of an Xstation 160.
x_def_net Defines an Xstation network type.
x_ls_net Lists Xstation network types for the current host.
x_ls_net_fp Lists Xstation font path elements for the current host.
x_ls_trm Lists the Xstations configured for the current host.
x_rm_fpe Removes a font path element from a font path.
x_rm_net Removes an Xstation network type.
x_rm_trm Removes an Xstation.
xargs Constructs parameter lists and runs commands.
xauth Edits and displays the authorization information used in connecting to the X server.
xclock Continuously displays the current time of day.
xcmsdb Loads, queries, or removes Screen Color Characterization Data stored in properties on the root window of the screen.
xdat Starts Set Date and Time, Schedule a Job, or Remove or View Scheduled Jobs, three of the Visual System Management (VSM) applications.
xdevicem Starts Device Manager, a Visual System Management (VSM) application.
xdm Invokes the X Display Manager with support for XDMCP.25
xfs Supplies fonts to X Window System display servers.
xget Receives secret mail in a secure communication channel.
xhost Controls who accesses to Enhanced X-Windows on the current host machine.
xinit Initializes the X Window System.
xinstallm Starts Install and Update Software Manager or Easy Install, two of the Visual System Management (VSM) applications.
xlock Locks the local X display until a password is entered.
xlsfonts Displays the font list for X.
xlvm Starts Storage Manager, a Visual System Management (VSM) application.
xmaintm Starts Maintain Installed Software, a Visual System Management (VSM) application.
xmbind Configures virtual key bindings.
xmkmf Creates a Makefile from an Imakefile.
xmodem Transfers files with the xmodem protocol, which detects data transmission errors during asynchronous transmission.
xmodmap Modifies keymaps in the X server.
xnim Starts the Network Installation Management (NIM) graphical user interface. This command applies to AIX Version 4.2.1 or later.
XNSquery Queries a Xerox Network System (XNS) host or router for routing information.
XNSrouted Manages the Xerox Network Systems (XNS) Routing tables.
xntpd Starts the Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon. This command applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
xntpdc Starts the query/control program for the Network Time Protocol daemon, xntpd. This command applies to AIX Version 4.2 or later.
xpcmcia Starts PCMCIA GUI (Graphical User Interface) utility.
xpowerm Starts Power Management GUI (Graphical User Interface) utility.
xpr Formats a window dump file for output to a printer.
xpreview Displays troff files on an X display.
xprintm Starts Print Manager, a Visual System Management (VSM) application.
xrdb Performs X server resource database utilities.
xsend Sends secret mail in a secure communication channel.
xset Sets options for your X-Windows environment.
xsetroot Sets the root window parameter for the X command.
xss Improves the security of unattended workstations.
xstr Extracts strings from C programs to implement shared strings.
xterm Provides a terminal emulator for the X-Window System.
xuserm Starts Users & Groups Manager, a Visual System Management (VSM) application.
xwd Dumps the image of an Enhanced X-Windows window.
xwud Retrieves the dumped image of an Enhanced X-Windows window.

Go back to Commands Reference.

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Commands Reference: Y

Select the command you want to read about or go back to Commands Reference.

yacc Generates a LALR(1) parsing program from input consisting of a context-free grammar specification.
yes Outputs an affirmative response repetitively.
ypbind Enables client processes to bind, or connect, to an NIS server.
ypcat Prints out an NIS map.
ypinit Sets up NIS maps on a NIS server.
ypmatch Displays the values of a given key within a NIS map.
yppasswd Changes your network password in NIS.
yppasswdd Receives and executes requests from the yppasswd command.
yppoll Displays the order number (ID number) of the NIS map currently in use on the server.
yppush Prompts the NIS slave servers to copy updated NIS maps.
ypserv Looks up information in local NIS maps.
ypset Directs a client machine to a specific server.
ypupdated Updates information in NIS maps.
ypwhich Identifies either an NIS server or the server that is the master for a given map.
ypxfr Transfers an NIS map from a NIS server to a local host.

Go back to Commands Reference.

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Commands Reference: Z

Select the command you want to read about or go back to Commands Reference.

zcat Expands a compressed file to standard output.

Go back to Commands Reference.

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Commands Reference

You can select a command from this alphabetical list or select a category below. For more information on commands or processes, see Commands Overview.

Select a command:                                     

Select a category:

AIX Support for Files Larger than 2 Gigabyte

AIX Support for the X/Open UNIX95 Specification


Files and Directories

General Operations


Programming Tools

User Interface

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 k(5: So&6I&6X&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/Directories.htms.h Files Reference: Directories
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Files Reference: Directories

Read about Directories, select from Directories, or go back to Files Reference.

/etc/locks Directory Contains lock files that prevent multiple uses of communications devices and multiple calls to remote systems.
/usr/lib/hcon Directory Contains files used by the Host Connection Program (HCON).
/var/spool/mqueue Directory for Mail Contains the log file and temporary files associated with the messages in the mail queue.
/var/spool/uucp Directory for BNU Stores Basic Networking Utilities (BNU) log, administrative, command, data, and execute files in multiple subdirectories.
/var/spool/uucp/.Admin Directory for BNU Contains administrative files used by BNU.
/var/spool/uucp/.Corrupt Directory for BNU Contains copies of files that could not be processed.
/var/spool/uucp/.Log Directories for BNU Contain the BNU program log files.
/var/spool/uucp/.Old Directory for BNU Contains the combined BNU program log files.
/var/spool/uucp/.Status Directory for BNU Contains information about the status of the BNU program contacts with remote systems.
/var/spool/uucp/ .Workspace Directory for BNU Holds temporary files used internally by file transport programs.
/var/spool/uucp/.Xqtdir Directory for BNU Contains temporary files used by the uuxqt daemon to execute remote command requests.
/var/spool/uucp/SystemName Directories for BNU Contain queued requests for file transfers and command executions on remote systems.
/var/spool/uucppublic Directory for BNU Stores BNU files until they can be delivered.

Go back to Files Reference.

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set=i lx; ESo&6I&6X&6v/./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/FileFormats.htms.h  >e ./xfLŽܖ-Rǟ <0O"w%vDCeXej{,[䥏?C@xaDK4y;x-J\e?!( xP# %bEǏ ѐψZ{_SX,I ! *2t6n钟閽!-Žܖ=ەaR{:6!ʢS'V6!Z-o?<iᆊy,{!ctqLZ)q )BB~ wUej`8JH!d!?Ի*2t6n钟閽!-Žܖ=2%\mk-!ܣ ?/l'-o?<iᆊy,{!ctqLZ)q )BB~ ~Q5#LNAaPFL B~Q= [deHeo1ow%w s WjK_g-y~7(:OK;! {,[䥏?C@xaDK4y;x-J\e?!(AH@8ZI}HI 2SI!-Žܖ=)SrXK~4E<ܖ=iw18 -JZBQ %;s@, ʤ%;J2פ2ŷǻ8q(_R/ R5krXK~4E<ܖ=iw18 -JZBQ NP‘Ȅ$F!xʢ NPƙ)^bKwUl'(cbK)`@p]3@P@@'@}] i"J'‘4s@v /D 钟閽!2S2פ3XrXs2rlaO}~k>?|lm})Ÿc*-o?<iᆊy,{!ctqLZ)q ) 4f G4hX`@HO|qSGaJZv6asbK ͯŸZes+WeXejm}?Յ</>żJX9)NHӹǍ0QjRԥS.[qSG,'aJZv6asbKwUnQvBP@mzC2v6 žMNKWm]??q6U[b%,y 'rXiCiƘ()jR) FS-AMh0Ԏhа8" ht4O^׌9cb[c\V6!Z_raO&ŋ'bK)ch;ǻM"{N7G4EKROHJ2qBHPB/qƙ)k׌9cb[c= F_>XSF!Z:K<-v9}skrXK~4E<ܖ=iw18 -JZBQ |bs@p;BA_C>MHZ%?-zC;_^09o1ow%w s W3+WeXejm}?ϓbVow%ysH 4Sȝcݦ=s`ԥK\$%Og H b|! \ʢ*פ3+Wsm?ױ\6,_i8}-]v_kU[b%,y 'rXiCiƘ()jR) FS-c8R9>/c8%?-zC;_^09o1ow%w;*7(~׶l(m) '6ܣ;! 6v')J2nQ)T;1GoQ3krXK~4E<ܖ=iw18 -JZBQ F$Th&@^6p%d#JZv6asbK )J2m7(:+%!RxWr'~-o?<iᆊy,{!ctqLZ)q )*e (($/c8T%?-zC;_^09o1ow%w%~6Kgc8ܣ w(BzkrXK~4E<ܖ=iw18 -JZBQ $ԅ#( (@ү䚐cJZv6asbKwUj6w(_JlXpZ*N\}dg bK)ch;ǻM"{N7G4EKROHJ2t@8B88X@A?(%?-zC;_^09o1ow%w;*4d @ITCaRzkckQ`B€ X-JBŽܖ-Rǟ <0O"w%vDܣ 6vBҸBkv_kU[b%,y 'rXiCiƘ()jR) FS/q!R98h $(# }dLL m}xÖ<-Žܖ=ܣ aRzR͐q6~>2C-o?<iᆊy,{!ctqLZ)q )T.MH   IŊԟZ^׌9cb[cʿ? *Q`)ر}le?µ{,[䥏?C@xaDK4y;x-J\e?!(_ʐbs@q; /*BՎ)k,y[y{,{q8g'/@cs )Uʹ_gIV6bS+u{,[ohy)`/1kACEK$b4O^^JX 7F @ rX9)NHӹǍ0QjRԥS.X,y#0H$I_ǐ%?-zC,[y{,{eJV6!ZjQ+ʹ~h"b1 NHC2TŽܖ-Rǟ <0O"w%vD Files Reference
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Files Reference

Select a category of files:


File Formats

Header Files

Operating System Files

Special Files

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b k̝=  So&6I&6X&6 ./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/FunctListBOSSubs.htm Functional Lists of Base Operating System Subroutines
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Functional Lists of Base Operating System Subroutines

Select from one of the lists below or go back to Base Operating System (BOS) and Extensions.

Curses Subroutines

Executable Program Creation Subroutines

Files and Directories Subroutines

Logical Volume Subroutines

Memory Manipulation Services

Memory Mapping Services

Multi-threaded Programming Subroutines

National Language Support Subroutines

Numerical Manipulation Subroutines

ODM Commands and Subroutines

Processes Subroutines

Programmer's Workbench Library Subroutines

Security and Auditing Subroutines

SRC Subroutines

Threads-Processes Interactions Subroutines

Time Formatting Subroutines

Virtual File System Operations

For more information on available programming tools, also see:

Operating System Files

Operating System Libraries

Go back to Base Operating System (BOS) and Extensions.

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Files Reference: Header Files

Read about Header Files, select from Header Files, or go back to Files Reference.

a.out.h File Provides for 64-bit object files and executable files.
acct.h File Provides the accounting file format for each process.
ar.h File Describes the small indexed archive file format, in use prior to AIX 4.3.
audit.h File Describes the auditing data structures.
core.h File Contains an image of a process at the time of an error.
dirent.h File Describes the format of a file system-independent directory entry.
dlfcn.h File Describes dynamic linking.
eucioctl.h File Defines ioctl operations and data types for handling EUC code sets.
fcntl.h File Defines the values that can be specified for the Command and Argument parameters of the fcntl subroutine and for the Oflag parameter of the open subroutine
filsys.h File Contains the format of a Journaled File System (JFS) logical volume.
flock.h File Defines file control options.
fullstat.h File Defines the data structure returned by the fullstat subroutine.
iconv.h File Defines types, macros, and subroutines for character code set conversion.
inttypes.h File Contains fixed size integral types.
ipc.h File Describes the structures that are used by the subroutines that perform interprocess communications operations.
iso646.h File Provides alternate spellings.
limits.h File Defines implementation limits identified by IEEE POSIX 1003.
math.h File Defines math subroutines and constants.
mode.h File Defines the interpretation of a file mode.
msg.h File Describes the structures that are used by the subroutines that perform message queueing operations.
param.h File Describes system parameters.
poll.h File Defines the structures and flags used by the poll subroutine.
pthread.h File Lists threads.
pwd.h File Describes password structure.
sem.h File Describes the structures that are used by subroutines that perform semaphore operations.
sgtty.h File Provides the terminal interface for the Berkeley line discipline.
shm.h File Describes the structures that are used by the subroutines that perform shared memory operations.
spc.h File Defines external interfaces provided by the System Resource Controller (SRC) subroutines.
srcobj.h File Defines object structures used by the System Resource Controller (SRC) subsystem.
stat.h File Defines the data structures returned by the stat family of subroutines.
statfs.h File Describes the structure of the statistics returned by the statfs, fstatfs, or ustat subroutine.
statvfs.h File Describes the structure of the statistics that are returned by the statvfs subroutines and fsatvfs subroutines.
systemcfg.h File Defines the _system_configuration structure.
tar.h Contains definitions for flags used in the tar archive header.
termios.h File Defines the structure of the termios file, which provides the terminal interface for POSIX compatibility.
termiox.h File Defines the structure of the termiox file, which provides the extended terminal interface.
types.h File Defines primitive system data types.
unistd.h File Defines implementation characteristics identified by POSIX standard.
utmp.h File Defines the structures of certain user and accounting information files.
values.h File Defines machine-dependent values.
vmount.h File Defines the structure of the data associated with a virtual file system.
wctype.h File Contains wide-character classification and mapping utilities.

Host Connection Program (HCON) Header Files

fxconst.inc File for HCON Provides fxfer function constants for a Pascal file-transfer program.
fxfer.h File for HCON Contains the fxc and fxs data structures for the C file-transfer functions.
fxfer.inc File for HCON Contains the fxc and fxs records for Pascal file-transfer functions.
fxhfile.inc File for HCON Contains external declarations for Pascal file transfer.
g32_api.h File for HCON Contains associated API symbol definitions and data structures.
g32const.inc File for HCON Defines Pascal HCON API constants.
g32hfile.inc File for HCON Contains HCON API external definitions for Pascal language.
g32_keys.h File for HCON Contains common API key value definitions.
g32keys.inc File for HCON Contains common API key-value definitions.
g32types.inc File for HCON Contains Pascal API data types.

Go back to Files Reference.

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456m k6? So&6I&6#X&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/ListOBooks.htm.ht List of Books
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List of Books

The following list of books is structured to enable you to read the library articles in the same order as if you were reading the hardcopy books. For a list of available hardcopy hardware and software documentation, consult the AIX and Related Products Documentation Overview.

For definitions of terms used in the documentation, consult the Glossary.

AIX Commands Reference

AIX Files Reference

AIX Installation Guides

AIX Problem Solving Guides

AIX Programming Guides

AIX Programming Reference

AIX System Management Guides

AIX User Guides

Common Desktop Environment 1.0 Documentation

graPHIGS Documentation

Motif Documentation

X11R6 Technical Reference Documentation

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 kjr@  So&6I&6$X&6 ./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/ManageTopics.htmht Managing Topics
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Managing Topics

Select a topic or go back to the Topic and Task Index.

Installation and Maintenance

Network Installation Management

Starting and Stopping the System

System Management Interface Tool (SMIT)

Web-based System Manager

Managing System Access:


Managing Users and Groups

Printers, Print Queues, and Print Jobs


Tape Drives

Managing Physical and Logical Storage:

Backup and Restore

File Systems

Logical Volumes

Managing the System Environment

National Language Support

Paging Space and Virtual Memory

Managing System Resources:

Controllers and Subsystems

Performance Tuning

Process Management

System Accounting

Managing Communications and Networks:

Communications and Networks

Distributed SMIT

Managing the AIX Common Desktop Environment

Problem Solving

Go back to the Topic and Task Index.

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 kA 9OSo&6I&6&X&69O./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/OpSysFiles.htmmht Files Reference: Operating System Files
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Files Reference: Operating System Files

Read about System Files, select from Alphabetical List, select from File Categories, or go back to Files Reference.

Alphabetical List

backup File Copies the file system onto temporary storage media.
bincmds File Contains the shell commands that process audit bin data.
config File Contains audit system configuration information.
consdef File Enables asynchronous tty devices to be console candidates at system boot when no console device is defined or available.
/dev/hty File Defines the Network Terminal Accelerator adapter tty interface.
/dev/rhp File Defines the Network Terminal Accelerator adapter raw interface.
dir File Describes the format of a directory.
distfile File Specifies the files to copy, destination hosts for distribution, and operations to perform when updating files to be distributed with the rdist command.
dsinfo File Contains the terminal descriptions for the Dynamic Screen utility.
dumpdates File Describes the format of the dumpdates file.
environ File Defines the environment attributes for users.
environment File Sets up the user environment.
/etc/group File Contains basic group attributes.
/etc/passwd File Contains basic user attributes.
/etc/security/group File Contains extended group attributes.
/etc/security/passwd File Contains password information.
events File Contains information about system audit events.
.fig File Contains a list of F file names.
filesystems File Centralizes file system characteristics.
.forward File Automatically forwards mail as it is received.
image.data File Contains information on the image installed during the Base Operating System installation process.
INed Files Contains programs and data used by the &Symbol.INed; program.
inittab File Controls the initialization process.
inode File Describes a file system file or directory entry as it is listed on a disk.
ispaths File Defines the location of all databases in a library.
isprime File Specifies the labels for links to primary navigation articles.
.kshrc File Contains a shell script that customizes the Korn-shell environment.
limits File Defines process resource limits for users.
login.cfg File Contains configuration information for login and user authentication.
mibII.my File Provides sample input to the mosy command.
mkuser.default File Contains the default attributes for new users.
NLSvec File Encodes PostScript fonts for the ISO8859-1 codeset characters that have code points of more than 127 decimal.
ntp.conf File Controls how the Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon xntpd operates and behaves.
ntp.keys File Contains key identifiers and keys controlling authentication of Network Time Protocol (NTP) transactions.
objects File Contains the audit events for audited objects (files).
pcnfsd.conf File Provides configuration options for the rpc.pcnfsd daemon.
portlog File Contains per-port unsuccessful login attempt information and port locks.
pwdhist File Contains password history information.
qconfig File Configures a printer queuing system.
rc.boot File Controls the machine boot process.
setup.csh File Sets the C-shell environment variables needed to build an &Symbol.InfoCrafter; database.
setup.sh File Defines the Bourne or Korn shell environment variables needed to build an &Symbol.InfoCrafter; database.
smi.my File Defines the Bourne or Korn shell environment variables needed to build an &Symbol.InfoCrafter; database.
snmpd.conf File Defines a sample configuration file for the snmpd agent.
.srf File Contains all the text components with hypertext information embedded.
streamcmds File Contains auditstream commands.
sysck.cfg File Contains file definitions for the trusted computing base.
user File Contains extended user attributes.
vfs File Describes the virtual file systems (VFS) installed on the system.

File Categories

3270 Host Connection Program (HCON) Files

e789_ctbl File for HCON Contains the default binary color definition table for HCON.
e789_ktbl File for HCON Contains the default binary keyboard definition table used by HCON.

Basic Networking Utilities (BNU) Files

audit File for BNU Contains debug messages from the uucico daemon.
Command (C.*) Files for BNU Contains file transfer directions for the uucico daemon.
Data (D.*) Files for BNU Contain data to be sent to remote systems.
errors File for BNU Contains a record of uucico daemon errors.
Execute (X.*) Files for BNU Contains instructions for running commands that require the resources of a remote system.
Foreign File for BNU Logs contact attempts from unknown systems.
remote.unknown File for BNU Logs access attempts by unknown remote systems.
Temporary (TM.*) Files for BNU Store data files during transfers to remote systems.
xferstats File for BNU Contains information about the status of file transfer requests.

Mail Files

aliases File for Mail Contains alias definitions for the sendmail command.
netsvc.conf File Specifies the ordering of certain name resolution services.
sendmail.cf File Contains the configuration information for the sendmail command.

Message Handler (MH) Files

.maildelivery File for MH Specifies actions to be taken when mail is received.
.mh_profile File Customizes the Message Handler (MH) package.
mhl.format File Controls the output format of the mhl command.
mtstailor File for MH Tailors the Message Handler (MH) environment to the local environment.

Network File System (NFS) Files

bootparams File for NFS Contains the list of client entries that diskless clients use for booting.
exports File for NFS Contains a list of directories that can be exported to Network File System (NFS) clients.
networks File for NFS Contains information about networks on the NFS Internet network.
rpc File for NFS Contains the database for Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) program numbers using NFS.
xtab File for NFS Contains entries for currently exported NFS directories.

Network Information Service (NIS) Files

ethers File for NIS Contains the Ethernet addresses of hosts on the Internet network.
netgroup File for NIS Lists the groups of users on the network.
netmasks File for NIS Contains network masks used to implement Internet Protocol (IP) standard subnetting.
publickey File for NIS Contains public or secret keys for maps.
updaters File for NIS Updates &Symbol.NIS; maps.

Network Install Management (NIM) File

ClientHostName.info File Created by the Network Installation Management (NIM) software to deliver information to the boot environment of NIM client machines.
.info File Stores configuration information used by the Network Install Manager (NIM).

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) File

BOOTP Relay Agent Configuration File Default configuration information for the BOOTP (boot protocol) relay agent program (dhcprd).
DHCP Client Configuration File Default configuration information for the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client program (dhcpcd).
DHCP Server Configuration File Defines default configuration information for the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server program (dhcpsd).
rc.tcpip File for TCP/IP Initializes daemons at each system restart.

Go back to Files Reference.

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>export kB So&6I&6(X&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/ProbSolvTops.htmht Problem Solving Topics
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Problem Solving Topics

Select a topic or go back to the Topic and Task Index.

AIX Version 4 Messages Guide and Reference

AIX Version 4 Problem Solving Guide and Reference

Go back to the Topic and Task Index.

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TOP>  k(C So&6I&6)X&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/ProgRefComm.htmht Programming Reference: Communications
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Programming Reference: Communications

Select the category you want to read about or go back to Programming Reference.

Data Link Control (DLC)

Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI)

eXternal Data Representation (XDR)

Network File System (NFS)

Network Information Service (NIS)

Network Manager (SNMP, Alerts)

New Database Manager (NDBM) and Database Manager (DBM)

Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)



Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Go back to Programming Reference.

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Programming Reference

Select the category you want to read about:

Base Operating System (BOS) and Extensions


User Interface and Graphics

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Programming Topics: Graphics

Select a category or go back to Programming Topics.

GL3.2 Version 4 for AIX


OpenGL 1.1 for AIX

Go back to Programming Topics.

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Programming Topics

Select a topic or go back to the Topic and Task Index.



Printer, Plotter, and Spooler Subsystem

Operating System (Writing and Debugging Programs)

User Interface

Go back to the Topic and Task Index.

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s) Programming Topics: Communications
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Programming Topics: Communications

Select the category you want to read about or go back to Programming Topics.

Data Link Control (DLC)

Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI)

eXternal Data Representation (XDR)

Network Computing System (NCS)

Network Information Service (NIS)

Network Management

New Database Manager (NDBM)

Remote Procedure Call (RPC)



Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Xerox Network Systems (XNS)

Go back to Programming Topics.

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ion u kꖭH To&6I&61X&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/ProgTopsUserInt.htm Programming Topics: User Interface
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Programming Topics: User Interface

Select a category or go back to Programming Topics.


AIX Common Desktop Environment

Go back to Programming Topics.

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Reader Comments Form

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 kzJ &To&6I&65X&6&./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/SpecialFiles.htmm Files Reference: Special Files
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Files Reference: Special Files

Read about Special Files, select from Special Files, or go back to Files Reference.

3270cn Special File Provides access to 3270 connection adapters by way of the 3270 connection adapter device handler.
bus Special File Provides access to each of the hardware buses by way of the machine I/O device driver.
cd Special File Provides access to the CD-ROM device driver.
console Special File Provides access to the system console.
dials Special File Provides access to the dials.
dump Special File Supports system dump.
entn Special File Provides access to Ethernet high-performance LAN adapters by way of the Ethernet device handler.
Error Logging Special Files Support error logging.
fd Special File Provides access to the diskette device driver.
fddin Special File Provides access to the FDDI device driver by way of the FDDI device handler.
GIO Special File Provides access to the graphics I/O (GIO) adapter.
ide Special File Provides access to the Integrated Device Electronics (IDE) adapter driver.
kbd Special File Provides access to the natively attached keyboard.
lft Special File Provides character-based terminal support for the local graphics display and keyboard.
lp Special File Provides access to the line printer device driver.
lpfk Special File Provides access to the lighted program function key (LPFK) array.
lvdd Special File Provides access to the logical volume device driver.
mem and kmem Special Files Provides privileged virtual memory read and write access.
mouse Special File Provides access to the natively attached mouse.
mpqi Special File Provides access to the Multiport Model 2 Adapter (MM2) device driver via SNA Services, GDLC, or user-written applications compatible with current MPQP Applications Programming Interface (API).
mpqn Special File Provides access to multiprotocol adapters by way of the Multiprotocol Quad Port (MPQP) device handler.
null Special File Provides access to the null device, typically for writing to the bit bucket.
nvram Special File Provides access to platform-specific nonvolatile RAM used for system boot, configuration, and fatal error information.
omd Special File Provides access to the read/write optical device driver.
opn Special File Provides a diagnostic interface to the serial optical ports by way of the Serial Optical Link device driver.
ops0 Special File Provides access to the serial optical link by way of the Serial Optical Link Device Handler Overview.
pty Special File Provides the pseudo-terminal (pty) device driver.
rcm Special File Provides the application interface to obtain and relinquish the status of a graphics process through the Rendering Context Manager (RCM) device driver.
rhdisk Special File Provides raw I/O access to the physical volumes (fixed-disk) device driver.
rmt Special File Provides access to the sequential-access bulk storage medium device driver.
scsi Special File Provides access to the SCSI adapter driver.
serdasda Special File Provides access to the serial DASD adapter.
serdasdc Special File Provides access to the serial DASD subsystem controllers.
tablet Special File Provides access to the tablet.
tmscsi Special File Provides access to the SCSI tmscsi device driver.
tokn Special File Provides access to the token-ring adapters by way of the token-ring device handler.
trace Special File Supports event tracing.
tty Special File Supports the controlling terminal interface.
x25sn Special File Provides access to the &Symbol.X25coproc; adapters by way of the &Symbol.X25coproc; device handler.

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/ k:K r To&6I&68X&6r ./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/TechRefBOS.htmmm Programming Reference: Base Operating System (BOS) and Extensions
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Programming Reference: Base Operating System (BOS) and Extensions

You can select a service from this alphabetical list, select a category below, or go back to Programming Reference.

Select a service:                                    
A - B C D - E F
G H - J K - L M
N - O P Q - R S
T - U V - Z    

Select a category:

Base Operating System Error Codes for Services That Require Path-Name Resolution

Functional Lists of Base Operating System Subroutines

List of FORTRAN BLAS Level 1: Vector-Vector Subroutines

List of FORTRAN BLAS Level 2: Matrix-Vector Subroutines

List of FORTRAN BLAS Level 3: Matrix-Matrix Subroutines

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~ k0L To&6I&6=X&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/TechRefGraph.htmm Programming Reference: User Interface and Graphics
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Programming Reference: User Interface and Graphics

Select the category you want to read about or go back to Programming Reference.

GL Examples

GL Subroutines

OpenGL Subroutines

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 kM GTo&6I&6>X&6G./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/TopicIndxTop.htmm Topic and Task Index
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Topic and Task Index

About the Topic and Task Index


Interpreting an Error Message

Managing Topics

Problem Solving Topics

Programming Topics

Using Topics

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Using Topics

Select a topic or go back to the Topic and Task Index.

Backing Up Files and Using Storage Media

Command Basics

Customizing the User Environment

Directory Basics

Displaying Environment and System Information

DOS File Basics

File Basics

File System Basics

Getting Started with Your System

Handling mail (mail program)

Identifying Users and Systems

INed Editor

Login Names, System IDs, and Passwords

Miscellaneous Tools and Utilities

Printing Files and Controlling Print Jobs

Process Basics

Redirecting Input and Output (Pipes and Filters)

Securing Files and the System

Shell Basics

System Startup, Logging In, Shutting Down, and Rebooting

Transferring Network Files (TCP/IP)

Graphical User Interface:

AIX Common Desktop Environment



Asynchronous Terminal Emulation (ATE)

Basic Networking Utilities (BNU)

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s k0O To&6I&6AX&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/aixcmdsrefbooks.htm AIX Commands Reference
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AIX Commands Reference

Select the book you want to read or go back to the List of Books:

AIX Version 4.3 Commands Reference, Volume 1: a through c

AIX Version 4.3 Commands Reference, Volume 2: d through h

AIX Version 4.3 Commands Reference, Volume 3: i through m

AIX Version 4.3 Commands Reference, Volume 4: n through r

AIX Version 4.3 Commands Reference, Volume 5: s through u

AIX Version 4.3 Commands Reference, Volume 6: v through z

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s< kzP To&6I&6CX&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/aixinstbooks.htmtm AIX Installation Guides
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AIX Installation Guides

Select the book you want to read or go back to the List of Books:

AIX Version 4.3 Installation Guide

AIX Version 4.3 Network Installation Management Guide and Reference

AIX Version 4.3 Packaging Guide for LPP Installation

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6: v  kfQ To&6I&6FX&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/aixmgrbooks.htmtm AIX System Management Guides
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AIX System Management Guides

Select the book you want to read or go back to the List of Books:

AIX Versions 3.2 and 4 Performance Tuning Guide

AIX Version 4.3 Guide to Printers and Printing

AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Communications and Networks

AIX Version 4.3 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices

Distributed SMIT 2.2 for AIX: Guide and Reference

Performance Toolbox Version 1.2 and 2 for AIX: Guide and Reference

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 kPR  Uo&6I&6GX&6 ./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/aixprggdsbooks.htm AIX Programming Guides
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AIX Programming Guides

Select the book you want to read or go back to the List of Books:

AIX Version 4.3 AIXwindows Programming Guide

AIX Version 4.3 Communications Programming Concepts

AIX Version 4.3 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs

GL3.2 Version 4 for AIX: Programming Concepts

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> AIX Problem Solving Guides
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AIX Problem Solving Guides

Select the book you want to read or go back to the List of Books:

AIX Version 4.3 Messages Guide and Reference

AIX Version 4.3 Problem Solving Guide and Reference

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istOB kT 'Uo&6I&6JX&6'./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/aixprogref.htmmm AIX Programming Reference
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AIX Programming Reference

Select the book you want to read or go back to the List of Books:

AIX Version 4.3 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 1

AIX Version 4.3 Technical Reference: Base Operating System and Extensions, Volume 2

AIX Version 4.3 Technical Reference: Communications, Volume 1

AIX Version 4.3 Technical Reference: Communications, Volume 2

GL3.2 Version 4 for AIX: Graphics Library (GL) Technical Reference

OpenGL Reference Manual

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n kXU \Uo&6I&6LX&6\./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/aixusrbooks.htmm AIX User Guides
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AIX User Guides

Select the book you want to read or go back to the List of Books:

AIX Version 4.3 INed Editor User's Guide

AIX Version 4.3 Quick Beginnings

AIX Version 4.3 System User's Guide: Communications and Networks

AIX Version 4.3 System User's Guide: Operating System and Devices

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st o k~V Uo&6I&6MX&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/motifprogref.htmm Motif Documentation
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Motif Documentation

Select the book you want to read or go back to the List of Books:

Motif 2.1 Addendum

Motif 2.1 Files Reference

Motif 2.1 Glossary

Motif 2.1 Programmer's Guide

Motif 2.1 Programmer's Reference

Motif 2.1 User's Guide

Motif 2.1 Widget Writer's Guide

Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide

Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide Certification Checklist

Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide Reference

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 k0W {Uo&6I&6OX&6{./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/phigsbooks.htmmm graPHIGS Documentation
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graPHIGS Documentation

Select the book you want to read or go back to the List of Books:

The graPHIGS API: ISO PHIGS Quick Reference

The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Customization and Problem Diagnosis

The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Getting Started

The graPHIGS Programming Interface: ISO PHIGS Subroutine Reference

The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Messages and Codes

The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Quick Reference

The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Subroutine Reference

The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Technical Reference

The graPHIGS Programming Interface: Understanding Concepts

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AME=" koX Uo&6I&6PX&6./usr/share/man/info/en_US/a_doc_lib/aixgen/wbinfnav/x11r6doc.htmmmm X11R6 Technical Reference Documentation
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X11R6 Technical Reference Documentation

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X11R6 Technical Reference (AIX Version 4.3 Specific)

X11R6 Technical Reference (X Consortium)

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