SOFTPAQ NUMBER: SP31640 PART NUMBER: N/A FILE NAME: N/A TITLE: HP Lights-Out Configuration Utility VERSION: 2.25 Rev A LANGUAGE: English CATEGORY: Software - Lights-Out Management DIVISIONS: Systems PRODUCTS AFFECTED: HP servers with the Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition II (RILOE II) adapter installed, Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition (RILOE I)adapter installed, Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) embedded, or Integrated Lights-Out 2 (iLO 2) embedded. OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows 95/98 (Client) Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (Client) Microsoft Windows 2000 (Client/Server) Microsoft Windows 2003 (Client/Server) Microsoft Windows 2003, 64 bit Edition (Server) Microsoft Windows XP (Client) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (x32) & (AMD64/EM64T) (Server) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (x32) & (AMD64/EM64T) (Server) SUSE LINUX Enteprise Server 9 (x32) & (AMD64/EM64T) (Server) SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: N/A PREREQUISITES: This utility requires the following minimum firmware revisions: Integrated Lights-Out 2 firmware version 1.00 or later Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition II firmware 1.01 or later Integrated Lights-Out firmware version 1.10 or later Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition (RILOE I) firmware 2.50 or later EFFECTIVE DATE: November 3, 2005 ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION ALLOWED: Yes SOFTPAQ UTILITY VERSION: 4.x SUPERSEDES: SP30743 DESCRIPTION: Contains the HP Lights-Out Configuration Utility. Enhancements/Fixes: 1) Adds support for firmware upgrade image sizes larger than 2MB. This version is required to upgrade iLO 2 version 1.00 and later. HOW TO USE: 1. Create a directory on your hard-drive. 2. Copy this SoftPaq to this directory. 3. From this new directory, run SoftPaq to extract the necessary files. 4. See the RIBCL scripting guidelines in the RILOE, RILOE II and iLO User Guides. 5. Sample scripts for cpqlocfg may be downloaded from Copyright 2005, Hewlett-Packard Corporation. All rights reserved. Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies