Reachout & Larry Jones & File 18 As readers of ORCRO will be aware we keep an eye on the American fundies and their links to the home grown variety. We have then great pleasure in presenting Maureen Davies of the Reachout Trust as she was featured in the File 18 Newsletter (ORCRO passim), a rabidly anti anything non-christian publication that pretends to present facts about "occult crime" to american police officers. Readers will doubtless judge for themselves how useful, and how accurate this publication is, from Maureens' contribution, which is reprinted in full below: From File 18 newsletter, October 1989. Copies available, full recent mailing list also available in certain circumstances. The quotation begins with File 18 Newsletter editor Larry Jones commenting: A Trans-Atlantic telephone call to Maureen Davies, Director of the North Wales Reachout group, was most enlightening. She spoke of their extensive work with ex-cultists who described human sacrifice rituals, of children sadistically abused at the hands of satanists, of drugs and pornography linked to entrenched satanic worship organisations, of "brood-mares" (a reference the Editor mistook for animal mutilation until Maureen explained these were women who conceived and gave up their infants for sacrifice, i.e.: our "breeders"), of satanic infiltrators in positions of authority, of sceptical police officials, of apathetic government systems which were slow to respond to gruesome reality...does this sound familiar? MAureen also reported that she had contacts with similar workers and groups in Europe and Africa who had documented the same types of reports. WHere do the contrived controversies of "...urban myth..." and statistical dinosaurs stand now in the light of international confirmation that the same satanic crime problems exist across the globe? Since 1986, File 18 has not been describing isolated incidents, urban myths, societal aberrations, or the products of a few mad-men's scrambled minds. The issues of satanic/cult/occult-motivated crimes and victimisations are internationally linked, global in scope. Let the detractors, the confusers, the compromisers, the rationalisers address the real issues in their world-wide context, instead of isolating, denying, singling-out, ridiculing. We can openly admit international drug, pornography, and terrorist cartels exist, yet we have problems considering the existence of satanic worldwide links, even though unlimited money, power, and influence are the rewards. File 18 Newsletter has received permission to reproduce portions of MAureen Davies article entitled "Satanic Ritual Abuse." You will recognise the writing style of Britain; the stark facts presented are identical to those we have encountered in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. [ORCRO has not received permission from either File 18 or Reachout, and suggests that they sue] Satanic Ritual Abuse By Maureen Davies. Reachout Trust is a Christian organisation. Part of the work of the Reachout Trust is to help those people who are trapped in the occult, and we co-operate with other agencies in this. At present I head up the occult side of the work on a national level...divided into three parts: a) To monitor the occult problem in this country [North Wales] by doing research into this field, where necessary taking action against some activities and teaching other[s] how to do this. b) To come alongside and give support to victims and their families. To encourage, counsel and share with them the different avenues they can pursue. c) To challenge and educate the church about the problem of the occult and ritual abuse. Three years ago I was asked to be involved with a teenager who had been arrested for desecrating a church. The story that was unfolded by the mother left me realising how easy it was to be involved in black magic and brainwashed without realising the dangers. The answer the court gave was to place the teenager in care for his own safety away from the recruiters, yet they ignored the root of his problem, his emotional need, coping without a father and his craving for supernatural power. Since then we have had many enquiries from parents and other relatives whose teenage sons or daughters have become involved in Witchcraft or Satanism asking what can they do. Some have attempted suicide, become psychologically disturbed or have just placed an increased strain on the family. There are no slick easy answers to this problem, only commitment, time and dedication. A year ago I was introduced to my first case of ritual child abuse. Since then I have been involved in or contributed to helping over 15 situations of satanic abuse. [I don't think she means exactly that, ORCRO Ed] Referrals have been through church leaders, social services, the medical profession and other voluntary organisations. We are now having inquiries from France, Germany, Norway, South Africa, and America. The details which I will share with you in this article may be difficult for you to believe. You may ask, "Do these problems in the occult really exist?" I would have to say yes, from my own personal experience and from the inquiries we receive. It is hard to realise that human beings can be so cruel to one another. But for the sake of the victims, whether they be children, or adults who have been recruited, I am asking you to listen sensitively to what they say. They will be putting out feelers, asking "Will you still love me and believe me if I tell you what I have been involved in?" For them, this could be the beginning of their sharing some of the horrific experiences they have been through. Millions of pounds are spent on the occult every year in this country and abroad. There are hundreds of occult products listed in their mail order catalogues -- tarot cards, Ouija boards, and satanic ritual regaila. Some are also involved in pornography and drug dealing. Most of the satanic groups, if not all, are networked with other groups in this country, Europe and the rest of the world, in particular, America. The subject of the occult is vast and varied. Occult shops are opening up everywhere and under many banners, for example, they are sometimes called "New Age Centre" or "Alternative Life-style" shops, or just plain Occult shops. These shops can be open recruiting grounds for satanic and witchcraft groups, preying on the minds of teenagers especially those craving for power and control on others, or those who are lacking in self-esteem and worth, thinking power will give them a boost. Who would want to have a girl-friend through manipulation that is not real love? The occult openly distorts the truth and undermines the security of family life. We have to act. We are not saying that everyone involved in witchcraft is molesting children, but unfortunately there are groups that do. HOW ARE CHILDREN INTRODUCED TO SATANISM? The social background of people involved can range from those in the highest places in this country to the poorest. The children are involved through three ways: a) generational Witchcraft and Satanism b) Recruitment programmes c) Involuntary processes Generational Witchcraft or Satanism. ...the children are involved through one or two of their parents, grandparents, aunt or uncle. They are initiated at a young age and told their soul now belongs to Satan. Recruitment Programmes. The recruitment programmes are far more subtle and well are some examples... 1. Through someone already in a coven or temple. Even 8 year old children have been given soft drinks laced with drugs, then introduced to pornographic literature. 2. Via occult magazines that are easily available in shops... 3. Organised parties where the Ouija board is introduced or the tarot cards...Gradually they are introduced to a third persons who will tell them that Satan has the power... 4. At parties where drink laced with drugs is available...perverted sex takes place...Photographs are taken...then they are blackmailed that their parents will be informed id they do not cooperate... 5. Children who have run away from home are recruited from railway stations, under embankments, enticed with food, money, attention, and anything else that will suck them up. 6. Psychic Fayres and New Age festivals. INVOLUNTARY MEANS. ...involved through involuntary means, especially if they have run away from home. They feel lonely, unwanted, unloved. The recruiters prey on this and realise on one will come looking if they are missing. A perfect individual for a human sacrifice. WHAT GOES ON IN THE RITUALS IN BRITAIN TODAY Whenever we come across ritual abuse, the same evil practices occur again and again. The following list contains activities reported to me by the children themselves and these reports are backed up by people I know personally, who have come out of Satanism. 1. Children are given drugs, by injection, medicine or in drinks...either to sedate them or to cause them to hallucinate. Muscle relaxants are also given, so that if they are young they can still be used in the sexual activities of participants without causing too much physical damage. 2. Candles are laced with drugs to give the effects mentioned above. Also, incense that excites the emotions is used to induce sexual arousal. 3. Some are taught self-hypnosis, and have a trigger word that starts an abnormal fear. 4. Chanting takes place during these rituals to call up the demons. 5. They are taught to hate God, Jesus, Church and everything that is good, applying the principle that good is evil and evil is good. 6. In some of the rituals the people dress up in robes and masks, e.g.: goats heads, etc., in order to frighten the children. 7. Nursery rhymes are recited with indecent overtones, e.g.: "Ring a Ring of Roses, a pocket full of posies, Atishoo, Atishoo! We drop our pants down." 8. The children are urinated upon frequently and excrement [sic] is wiped all aver their bodies including their defile innocent children and ruin their purity. Urine and excrement [are] mixed with blood and semen and the children are made to eat it the semen and blood [are] also wiped all over the dishes before they eat out of them. The blood can be human or from animals. 9. After the blood ritual the children have to drink the blood. Sometimes they have to drink from human skulls of children and adults. The blood is also smeared over their bodies. 10. These children are threatened with death if they tell what they are involved in. One way they are kept silent is by involving them in the rituals themselves. Fear is a tremendous tool... 11. Children are placed in coffins and buried alive...(perhaps hours later) the satanist leader comes, to show them that he is the only one who really cares. 12. Children are placed in cages. Some children state that they have had an electric shock when they touch the bars. 13. Children are made to eat insects...and told that whenever they see these insects there will be someone watching them. 14. Perverted sex takes place...[and the children]... have objects such as live snakes, crosses, pieces of wood and other instruments placed up their anus or vagina. 15. Sex with animals, humans, and dead bodies takes place...with some children actually abusing others...the victim becomes the victimiser in the rituals. 16. Snakes seem to play an important part in the torture. [The children] that when they are screaming the adults are laughing at them. 17. Upside down crosses are used to inflict pain or punishment. Children are left to hang on them for hours...satanists say the pain makes them purer. 18. Sacrifice. The children have to witness and take part in a variety of sacrifices. BROOD MARES. In the temples or covens they have young girls or older women that they call "Brood Mares"...[who]...are there to be made pregnant purely for sacrifices. When they are five and a half months pregnant, the birth is induced. At this stage the foetus is alive and can be sacrificed. The blood of the infant is then drunk, and the body eaten. What is not eaten is stored for the next ritual. Full term babies whose births have not been registered. Children who have been born into the temple or coven before the time of registering are also used as sacrifice. These leave no trace as they have not been registered. OLDER CHILDREN. The children have told me about older children being sacrificed. This can be either by placing on an upside down cross and slitting their throats, or by stabbing with a dagger through their heart, after which the bodies are set on fire. The children state that before a child is sacrificed, its mouth is taped so it cannot shout. Another disturbing factor that has been reported to us is the willingness of some of those who are going to be sacrificed. They are promised a better life after they have died because they believe in reincarnation. ADULT SACRIFICE. The children state how someone goes "shopping for a victim" and comes back with an individual who is then ritually murdered either by slitting the throat, stabbing through the heart, or by being burnt. In certain cases the children themselves take part in sacrifice. Teenage girls and adult women have to sacrifice their own children. This makes them guilty of murder which is then used to bring about another aspect of fear, showing them that they are in the system and can't get out. After the sacrifice they take out the heart, spleen and eyes and eat them. The children are also taught how to remove these parts of the body. The children state how bodies are chopped up. What is not eaten of the foetus is stored. Some of the bodies are melted down. The fat is used for candles and the bones are ground down and the powder used as an aphrodisiac. What I have reported so far is only a partial picture. I know that there are other types of rituals which I have not mentioned. From our information a lot of these rituals are videoed by the people involved. [Larry Jones then notes:] Mrs. Davies' article also deal s with symptoms shown by ritually abused children, significant satanic festival dates, and inter-agency networking ideas. She summarised her information by giving three case histories: Example 1. One 19 year old rang up after being involved in a satanic group which she had been introduced to by her mother and father. She had been made pregnant four times since the age of 14 purely for sacrifice. When she was five months pregnant the birth was induced. The live baby was placed on an altar and sacrificed by stabbing a dagger through its heart, drinking its blood then eating the body. The remains were left in the deep freeze until another ritual. After her last pregnancy, the birth was induced and she had to kill her own baby herself. She has now come out of the cult but her brothers and sisters are still involved. Example 2. Two children now six and four were introduced to the cult by their father. The little boy witnessed human sacrifice through stabbing a dagger through the heart and the subsequent burning of the victim's body on a cross. They were also subjected to sexual abuse, physical and emotional abuse. The child was sent to his mother's house by the father to set it on fire. Example 3. A 15 year old was recruited through the tarot cards, enticed back to a house and drugged. Perverted sex then took place. The subject was then blackmailed and then subjected to black magic rituals. Now she has horrific nightmares and a personality change. CONCLUSION. The part we have played is to help people have a better understanding of the occult and what it means. We are convinced that there is a supernatural realm, which is not imaginary and which is used for extremely evil and perverted ends. We are convinced that the statements the children made actually happen and we are beginning to have a picture of this scene on a national level. By doing research on the subject we are ready to inform the various agencies about occult activity in their area. We are also able to put people in touch with those who are prepared to help the victims. File 18 Quote Ends.