It was lovely to find your site! I got here through a link that redirects you to a 1.0 random site (, which is lovely.
Another Redditor who found this place through a Reddit thread. Very impressed and grateful for some of the files that you host. Thanks!
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Heya! Found this site after it showed up as fastest mirror in Linux Mint. You beat out other mirrors by a wide margin. And your site, being compatible w. stone tablet browsers from 865 AD, just adds to the speeding experience. Nice job.
Fun to see people finding their way over to this odd old outpost on the web. Thanks for all the comments!
Hello, Deadnet Internet Services!
Ended up here from Reddit. Glad to see some real Internet sites with worthy files.
this takes me back
Greetings from Mega-Corp HQ! Excellent work and an absolute inspiration.
This is a cool place! I had fun looking around <3