ygbbcnhd asdfghjkl i came here from occ 90s web design at its finest XD
Has anyone seen my dad Pete? He said he was going to walk to Guatemala, but we never heard from him again. He was active on this social network, he told us many times - "Guestbook is the best social network and I have many friends here." Please, if you have any info about my dad Pete Melvin, call me!
i also found this website on wiby , you should add more gifs to the guestbook haha, also cool website dude
Found this on wiby.me and i love the gifs
gothere from the random site tab in the oldnet webring, i suppose i was lucky
thanks for hosting the linux mint iso, appreciate it
Found on https://wiby.me/
On a little roadtrip through internet space. Keep on trucking, dudes
don't know what this is but sick ass music dude