
Write nospam
Sera    2024-07-20 (11:20:31)

HIIIII im here from windows 98 cause im browsing a bunch of supported websites :3

Nathan Campos    2024-07-14 (14:10:51)

It's great to see a proper website again.

Aynan Sanim    2024-07-13 (17:52:53)

loved to see the old internet

Tom Lyon    2024-07-13 (12:23:57)

Fuck damn man, that sounds like a blast! I always thought of you like a complete and total badass.

@Pete Melvin    2024-07-13 (12:20:03)

@tomlion42 man, it was a wild ride. I don't remember much of it, but I got soooo drunk and they took some native south american psychadelic drugs and underwent a spiritual journey through and through. Oh and a poisonous spider bit me and I had to be hospitalized for 3 weeks. When I got back home, I divorced my wife.

Tom Lyon    2024-07-13 (12:05:06)

Hi Pete! Welcome back. How was Guatemala?

uwna32    2024-07-12 (12:59:36)

i was here im that guy with too much free time and keeps breaking pcs hey did you know "%0|%0" is batch for ":(){:|:&};:"

@Pete Melvin    2024-07-12 (10:14:11)

Hi @56i, welcome to Guestbook. Please read the rules.

56i    2024-07-12 (01:47:05)

Hi!!! I'm that guy from around who does way too much and chatting here's my latest hobby!!!

56i    2024-07-12 (01:19:25)

Hi!!! I'm that guy from around who does way too much and chatting here's my latest hobby!!!

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