
Write nospam
Blind Luck    2024-02-06 (21:46:09)

It was lovely to find your site! I got here through a link that redirects you to a 1.0 random site (, which is lovely.

Another Redditor    2024-02-04 (08:06:32)

Another Redditor who found this place through a Reddit thread. Very impressed and grateful for some of the files that you host. Thanks!

DEADNET ORACLE    2024-02-01 (17:11:54)

Winning numbers for tomorrow's European lottery: 10 - 11 - 23 - 29 - 39 - 44 - 56 - 62 - 83 - 91

Snoogle    2024-01-31 (14:29:15)

Heya! Found this site after it showed up as fastest mirror in Linux Mint. You beat out other mirrors by a wide margin. And your site, being compatible w. stone tablet browsers from 865 AD, just adds to the speeding experience. Nice job.

Webmaster    2024-01-24 (20:18:20)

Fun to see people finding their way over to this odd old outpost on the web. Thanks for all the comments!

Mike Tyson    2024-01-23 (18:19:17)

Hello, Deadnet Internet Services!

Winston    2024-01-23 (16:27:27)

Ended up here from Reddit. Glad to see some real Internet sites with worthy files.

acewindu    2024-01-21 (03:08:21)

this takes me back

Phoetus    2024-01-20 (22:31:25)

Greetings from Mega-Corp HQ! Excellent work and an absolute inspiration.

Riceballer    2024-01-20 (20:42:41)

This is a cool place! I had fun looking around <3

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