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John from John's Pizza    2024-01-16 (03:06:19)

Hello my friends. Are you alright? Are you doing fine in life? What are you up to in 2024? Best Regards John from John's Pizza

WHAT UP!    2024-01-14 (22:20:33)

We're three cool guys looking for other cool guys who want to hang out in our party mansion. Nothing sexual. Dudes in good shape encouraged. If you are fat, you should be able to find humor in the little things. Again, nothing sexual

Calzone Man    2024-01-13 (02:49:43)

Came here from Wiby

ali-en    2024-01-12 (11:26:00)

Very nice seeing a part of the web like this. Sadly, the modern web is now swallowed by the modern Evil Corps. like Goole, M$, etc., and people do not know how beautiful and free and interesting and trashy it used to be. Preserve this at any cost! Happy surfing :)

Pizza lady    2024-01-12 (03:35:14)

Coming at ya fresh from 2024

The Tux up in the GNU/Linux button to the right    2024-01-08 (19:12:02)

This server, mostly! It's running inside of me. Wow, ok, that's a little gross, but you know! Penguin power!

em    2024-01-08 (18:03:16)

this is quite interesting.. what's up

Maley Sheepek    2024-01-08 (14:18:08)

Don't tell my mom I'm on this website.

Dwight K. Shrute    2024-01-07 (22:08:17)

Who is the tallest beet farmer in North Dakota, and why is his name Mose

Meed Swoker    2024-01-06 (14:42:25)

quick lasagna recipe without cheese easy lasagna without cheese cheesless lasagna recipe easy food delivery

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