So we meet again, mr Bond
As I thought, this guestbook had been a little more quiet than usual lately. As it turns out, the problem was me, again. It helps if the server has the permissions to run the scripts properly. But! Here we are! Would you just LOOK at it?!
Hi, it's me Mortimer. I left my wallet at the gas station, if you find it, call +483583503535. BTW, most computer issues can be solved by lighting three candles and leaving them by the window with a clove of garlic.
Thank you for supporting epilepsy research!
good website :)
i did not know you could even change the text color and background with pure HTML. Nice website, and fun that it is made and hosted almost exactly like a site back in the day would!
new one for my bookmarks :3
Hello from netscape on windows 2000!
hello there